
96 unusual facts about white

Alex White

Alex Hyde-White (born 1959), English-born, US-raised film and television actor

All Saints' Church, Wigan

The stained glass includes fragments in the north window dating from the 15th century, that were reassembled in 1956–57 under the direction of Eric Milner-White.

Arnold, Nottinghamshire

Due to the local topography Arnold can never have been a haunt of eagles, because they inhabit areas of rocky outcrops, which have formed cliffs; the nearest such location being Creswell Crags, some 20 miles north-west as the eagle flies, although the fish-eating European White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) could have caught fish in the River Trent, which lies a mere 4 miles south-east of Arnold, on the other side of the Mapperley Plains ridge.

Bauhinia variegata

In the Neotropics, it can be used to attract hummingbirds – such as Sapphire-spangled Emerald (Amazilia lactea), Glittering-bellied Emerald (Chlorostilbon lucidus), or White-throated Hummingbird (Leucochloris albicollis) – into gardens and parks.

Black-headed Honeyeater

Molecular studies show the Black-headed Honeyeater is most closely related to the White-naped Honeyeater, and that their next closest relative is the Swan River Honeyeater.

Black-throated Magpie-Jay

This species interbreeds with the White-throated Magpie-Jay in Jalisco and Colima, where intermediate birds are common.

Claude Grahame-White

After this he lost his interest in aviation, eventually moving to Nice in his old age, where he died in 1959 having made a fortune in property development in the UK and US.

In the same year he won the Gordon Bennett Aviation Cup race in Belmont Park, Long Island, New York, for which he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Aero Club.

On 14 October 1910 while in Washington, D.C. Grahame-White flew his Farman biplane over the city and landed on Executive Avenue near the White House.

Covert Way

Part of the site is semi-deciduous woodland which has woodpeckers and muntjac deer, and butterflies including white-letter and purple hair-streaks.

Dalat Shrike-babbler

It was formerly considered a subspecies of the White-browed Shrike-babbler.

De Queen, Arkansas

The racial makeup of the city was 66.40% White, 6.07% Black or African American, 2.38% Native American, 0.21% Asian, 0.10% Pacific Islander, 23.07% from other races, and 1.77% from two or more races.

Fort Peck Dam

Fort Peck Dam is probably best known for being the subject of a photograph of the spillway taken by Margaret Bourke-White while still under construction that was the cover photo of the first issue of Life magazine on November 23, 1936.

Grahame-White Type XIII

The Grahame-White Type XIII was a racing seaplane built to compete in the Daily Mails 1914 Circuit of Britain air race, to be flown by company founder Claude Grahame-White.

Green–white–checker finish

On the final lap, some angry fans again threw debris (seat cushions, alcoholic beverage bottles) on the track at Gordon's car, which angered many observers, including Fox commentators Chris Myers and Jeff Hammond.

Hudson Middle School

The ethnic makeup of the school is 35.9% White, non-Hispanic, 38.1% Hispanic, 11.7% African American, 10.7% Asian/Pacific Islander, and 1% Native American.

Isabela Oriole

The Isabela Oriole is most closely related to the White-lored Oriole, Oriolus albiloris.


The arms show the head of a White-tailed Eagle on a blue background, since one of Europe's largest colonies of these birds is found on the island of Nord-Fugløya in the municipality.

Kitti Thonglongya

In the field of ornithology Kitti Thonglongya's best known discovery was of the White-eyed River Martin, Pseudochelidon sirintarae, in 1969.

Kokusai Ku-7

The Kokusai Ku-7 Manazuru (真鶴 "White-naped Crane"; Allied code-name Buzzard) was a large experimental twin boom Japanese military glider.

La Guardia and Wagner Archives

The collection also contains nearly 4,000 photographs, including several signed prints by the famed photographer Margaret Bourke-White, and more than 50 hours of audio and videotapes.

Lake Manpo and Lake Bonpo Important Bird Area

It has been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because it supports populations of various water- and wetland birds including Swan Geese, Greater White-fronted Geese, Whooper Swans, Oriental Storks, White-naped Cranes and Red-crowned Cranes.


White-tailed eagle, Greylag goose, barnacle goose, black-throated diver, red-breasted merganser and gadwall are less common, and some of these latter are endangered in the Mälaren area.


A breeding pair of White-tailed Eagles nested on a nearby island in Lough Derg in 2012.

Nathan Harger

His exhibition debut in New York City was the critically acclaimed exhibition, “Contradictions in Black and White”, an exhibition that placed his work alongside Irving Penn, Margaret Bourke-White, Walker Evans and Ray K. Metzker in 2009.

Nieuport IV

Additional IV.G monoplanes were purchased from private individuals including one from Claude Grahame-White and another from Charles Rumney Samson, plus three others though little of note was accomplished with them.

Rufous-crowned Laughingthrush

It was previously considered conspecific with the White-throated Laughingthrush, G.

Simon Mackay, Baron Tanlaw

Tanlaw has served as both president and treasurer of the Sarawak Association and is a member of the Oriental Club, London and White's, London.

Sleightholme Beck Gorge – The Troughs

Dipper and common sandpiper have been recorded from the site and probably breed in the area.

Sony Ericsson W910i

The W910i is available in six different colors which have been advertised as "Hearty Red", "Noble Black", "Havana Bronze", "Prime Silver", "Lipstick Pink" and "Silky White".

Spectacled Petrel

In 2004, BirdLife International split the Spectacled Petrel, Procellaria conspicillata, from the White-chinned Petrel, Procellaria aequinoctialis, which had been considered conspecific or even a color morph.

Swan River Honeyeater

Treated as a subspecies of the White-naped Honeyeater for many years, it was found in a 2010 study to have diverged early on from the lunatus complex.

Tasek Merimbun

A survey on Tasek Merimbun's bio-diversity and socio-economic activities, conducted in 1983-84, led to the discovery of a rare White-collared Fruit Bat.

Teeing ground

White tee markers usually denote the teeing ground used most often by men, typically those who have a middle or high handicaps.

The Moss

The 85 species of moths and butterflies includes the White-letter Hairstreak.

Thick-billed Vireo

The Thick-billed Vireos song is a variable and rapid six to seven note phrase, starting and ending with a sharp chick, very similar to the White-eyed Vireo, but slightly harsher in sound.

Ultra Q: Dark Fantasy

It retains the same swirling effect for the titlecard, but with the words "Dark Fantasy" added underneath, the title also remains black and white.

White collar

White-collar crime, a non-violent crime, generally for personal gain and often involving money

White-backed Mousebird

It also will feed on the buds of some plants, sometimes to the extent of stripping the branches of ornamentals such as fiddlewoods.

White-backed Woodpecker

D. l. leucotos (Bechstein, 1802), the nominate subspecies, widespread across Eurasia from north, central and eastern Europe to northeast Asia, Korea and Sakhalin.

White-bellied Parrot

It is generally fairly common throughout its range and is easily seen in a wide range of protected areas, such as the Manú National Park and Tambopata-Candamo in Peru, Cristalino State Park (near Alta Floresta), Xingu National Park and Amazônia National Park in Brazil, and Madidi National Park in Bolivia.

White-browed Bush Chat

The alternative name is after the discoverer, geologist and explorer Ferdinand Stoliczka.

White-browed Fulvetta

The White-browed Fulvetta (Fulvetta vinipectus) is a bird species in the family Sylviidae.

White-browed Hawk

In Bolivia, on the Brazil-Bolivia border river the Guapore, the range bifurcates and is found only at the headwaters of the Guapore, and in the northern Bolivia-Peru region where the Guapore joins the headwater rivers of Brazil's Amazonas state's Madeira River.

White-browed Tit

It breeds in alpine shrub forests of Berberis, Rhamnus, Rhododendron, and Salix at 3,200–4,235 m altitude, descending in winter to slightly lower levels where it occurs in coniferous forests, primarily Picea.

White-browed Woodswallow

They are uncommon in Western Australia but small numbers regularly associate with flocks of the Masked Woodswallows.

White-cheeked Honeyeater

Other black and white honeyeaters are much smaller, including the Crescent (P. pyrrhoptera), Tawny-crowned (Gliciphila melanops) and White-fronted Honeyeaters (P. albifrons).

White-cheeked Starling

This is supported by recent studies, but together with the Red-billed Starling (Sturnus sericeus) which seems to be its closest living relative it represents an old lineage among the typical mynahs.

There is a record from Homer, Alaska in 1998 which probably arrived with a ship (West 2002).

White-chested White-eye

The decline of the White-chested White-eye began as the introduced Silvereye (Zosterops lateralis) became naturalized on Norfolk Island.

White-collared Manakin

It hybridizes extensively with the Golden-collared Manakin in a limited area in Bocas del Toro Province, Panama.

White-crowned Shama

stricklandii Motley & Dillwyn, 1855 – north and north-eastern Borneo, including Banggi Island

White-eared titi

The species has a range that extends east from the Manique River in Beni Department, Bolivia to southern Rondônia in Brazil.

White-footed rabbit-rat

The white-footed rabbit-rat (Conilurus albipes) is an extinct species of rodent, which was originally found in woodlands from Adelaide to Sydney, but became restricted to south-eastern Australia.

White-fronted Amazon

Together with the Red-spectacled Amazon and the Yellow-lored Amazon, it is the only Amazon species in which adult males and females easily can be distinguished by external appearance (sexual dimorphism): Males have bright red feathers on their "shoulders" (alula), while females have green "shoulders".

White-fronted Chat

It is endemic to Australia, being found across southern Australia (including Tasmania) from Shark Bay in Western Australia around to the Queensland/New South Wales border.

White-fronted surili

Meanwhile P. f. nudifrons was recorded from central Sarawak between the upper Rajang River and upper Batang Lupar, including Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary.

White-headed Buffalo Weaver

boehmi (A. Reichenow, 1885), southern part of its range: Kenya and Tanzania.

White-headed Woodpecker

mtDNA cytochrome b and ATP synthase subunit 6 sequence data confirms this arrangement and also suggests that the Mount Pinos birds are closer to P. a. gravirostris (Alexander & Burns, 2006).


White-Jacket; or, The World in a Man-of-War (1850) is the fifth novel by American writer Herman Melville first published in England on January 23 by Richard Bentley and in the U.S. on March 21 by Harper & Brothers.

White-lipped python

Liasis mackloti, a.k.a. Macklot's python, a non-venomous species found in Indonesia.

Leiopython albertisii, a.k.a. D'Albert's water python, a non-venomous species found in New Guinea.

White-lipped snake

They belong to the genus Drysdalia, and are often referred to as whip snakes in Tasmania (true whip snakes from Australia are in the genus Demansia and are only found on the mainland).

White-naped Crane

Different groups of the birds migrate to winter near the Yangtze River, the DMZ in Korea and on Kyūshū in Japan.

White-naped Honeyeater

Birds from southwestern Australia have been shown to be a distinct species, the Swan River Honeyeater, and the eastern birds more closely related to the Black-headed Honeyeater of Tasmania.

The next closest relative outside the genus is the much larger but similarly marked Blue-faced Honeyeater.

It is a member of the genus Melithreptus with several species, of similar size and (apart from the Brown-headed Honeyeater) black-headed appearance, in the honeyeater family Meliphagidae.

White-naped Tit

This species was discovered in the Eastern Ghats near Nellore by T C Jerdon who received a specimen from a local hunter.

White-Pool House

Lucy had a perceived health need to live in a dry climate like that of West Texas, and Charles’ grain business in Indiana had failed in the economic stress of the decades following the American Civil War.

White-rumped Shama

This recording was made in 1889 from a captive individual using an Edison wax cylinder by Ludwig Koch in Germany.

White-rumped Swallow

In the episode of Family Guy "Brian Wallows and Peter's Swallows", the swallow is depicted as being a rare species, which is why Peter is forced to keep a nested swallow in his beard, which eventually lays eggs and leaves baby birds.

White-rumped Vulture

At one time it was believed to be closer to the White-backed Vulture of Africa and was known as the Oriental White-backed Vulture.

The White-rumped Vulture (Gyps bengalensis) is an Old World vulture closely related to the European Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus).

White-shouldered Fairywren

It is most closely related to a pair of Australian species, the Red-backed and White-winged Fairywrens, with which it makes up a phylogenetic clade.

White-shouldered House Moth

In addition to this case of mistaken identity, the White-shouldered House Moth as discussed by Hübner had actually been named Tinea lactella by J. N. C. M. Denis and Ignaz Schiffermüller in 1775.

White-shouldered Triller

The White-winged Triller (L. tricolor) of Australia and New Guinea was formerly included in this species but is now treated as a separate species.

White-spotted Izak

The white-spotted Izak or African spotted catshark, Holohalaelurus punctatus, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae, found in the western Indian Ocean off Natal, South Africa, southern Mozambique, Madagascar, Kenya and Tanzania between latitudes 4° S and 37° S, at depths of between 220 and 440 m.

White-tailed Cotinga

The White-tailed Cotinga's southeast Amazon Basin range encompasses the lower drainage, (about one third), of the Tocantins-Araguaia River system, and ends in the east at the Atlantic Ocean in the state of Maranhão.

White-tailed Kite

Their distribution is patchy, however – they can be seen in the Central Valley and southern coastal areas, open land around Goleta including the Ellwood Mesa Open Space, marshes in Humboldt County, and also around the San Francisco Bay, but elsewhere they are still rare or absent.

White-tailed Ptarmigan

Alternatively, it may have been unable to colonize the Sierra Nevada because of the barriers provided by the Columbia River and the Great Basin, and the low altitudes of the intervening South Cascades.

White-tailed Shrike

This curious bird, which some consider to have close affinities with the batises and others the bushshrikes, was discovered in 1837 by James Edward Alexander in the Naukluft Mountains of Namibia.

White-tailed spider

The misassociation stems from a paper presented at the International Society on Toxinology World Congress held in Brisbane in 1982.

White-throated Ground Dove

It has become extirpated from Guam (to USA) by predation from the introduced brown tree snake Boiga irregularis.

White-throated Mountaingem

The food of this species is nectar, taken from a variety of small flowers, including epiphytic Ericaceae.

White-throated Rail

A flightless subspecies, Dryolimnas cuvieri aldabranus (Aldabra Rail), inhabits Aldabra, while another, D. c. abbotti (Assumption Rail), from Assumption went extinct in the early 20th century due to introduced predators.

White-throated Toucan

It was formerly considered to be two species, with the southern and western nominate subspecies, R. t. tucanus, named the Red-billed Toucan, and the northern and eastern subspecies, R. t. cuvieri, Cuvier's Toucan (when considered a species; R. cuvieri, Wagler, 1827).


White-tufted Grebe, a South American bird in the Podicipedidae family

White-winged Duck

However, in 2002 it had a population of only 800, with about 200 in Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia, 150 on Sumatra, notably in Way Kambas National Park and 450 in India, Bangladesh and Burma.

White-winged Flufftail

The three Ethiopian sites are the Suluta Valley wetlands, the Berga wetlands and the Wersebi wetlands near Addis Ababa.

In flight both sexes also show distinctive white secondary feathers, a feature shared only with the related genus Coturnicops.

White-winged Potoo

The main range of the White-winged Potoo is the central Amazon Basin at the confluence of four rivers, from the Rio Negro on the north, to the Madeira River on the south, in eastern regions of Brazil's Amazonas state.

White-winged Sandpiper

The White-winged Sandpiper (Prosobonia ellisi) is an extinct member of the large wader family Scolopacidae that was endemic to the Moorea in French Polynesia, where the locals called it te-te in the Tahitian language.

White-winged Triller

The White-winged Triller (Lalage tricolor) is one of the smaller members of the Cuckooshrike family, Campephagidae.

William Burke-White

He was a Visiting Professor at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law.

Working Classics

This companion volume features poems about the nature and culture of nonindustrial work in the current Information Age or service economy, i.e. work that may be categorized as white collar, pink collar, clerical, or professional.

Zapata, Texas

The library is known as a site for viewing white-collared seedeaters.

Aldyr Garcia Schlee

He is most famous for creating the Brazilian national football team's kit of a yellow shirt with a green trim, blue shorts with a white trim.

Androgenic hair

C.H. Danforth and Mildred Trotter of the Department of Anatomy at Washington University did a study using army soldiers of European origin where they concluded that dark-haired white men are generally more hairy than fair-haired white men.

Ann Robinson

Her career as a leading woman was effectively ended in 1957, when she eloped to Mexico to marry a matador, Jaime Bravo, with whom she had two sons; Jaime Bravo, Jr., who is a director for ABC Sports, and Estefan A. Bravo, who played the Axl Rose-like character in White Trash Wins Lotto, a musical by Andy Prieboy.

Ascensión Nicol y Goñi

After a journey of 24 days crossing the Andes to a region where white women had never before traveled, they arrived in Puerto Maldonado, a small village in the Amazon basin, situated between two large rivers, the Madre de Dios and the Tambopata, along which all communication took place.

Baldwin–Kennedy meeting

June Shagaloff, a White NAACP official (attending in an "unofficial capacity")

Bay View Historical Society

They have restored the area surrounding the Pryor Avenue Iron Well and designated historical landmarks at the following locations: Beulah Brinton House, Bay View United Methodist Church, Bay View Rolling Mill, Puddler's Hall, St. Augustine School, St. Lucas Lutheran Church, Estes Home, Kneisler's White House Tavern, Club Garibaldi, Trowbridge Street School, Dover Street School, European Copper Beech Tree, Immaculate Conception Church, and the Keller Winery.

Black brute

In 1980, American Gigolo was released that had the character of a sadistic and violent black pimp who used violence against white people.

Burma Chronicles

Edith Mirante of The Irrawaddy was more critical of the book, calling Delisle's grasp on Burmese politics "literally sketchy" and saying that Delisle lacked "the black and white bravura of other graphic storytellers such as Marjane Satrapi... or Alison Bechdel...".

Cadillac V8 engine

White was appointed to a committee of three to supervise the development of the V12 Liberty Aircraft Motor.

Casa Blanca, Arizona

Led by Captain Sherod Hunter, the raid destroyed the mill machinery, captured Ammi White and returned the flour and other food to the Pima.

Choc ice

On 14 July 2012 the term 'choc ice' became the focus of a racism row when footballer Rio Ferdinand seemingly endorsed a tweet by a Twitter user who had used the term pejoratively in criticising fellow footballer Ashley Cole, suggesting Cole was figuratively "black on the outside, white on the inside".

Elder Zhang Guo

Zhang Guo Lao was known for wandering between the Fen River & Chin territories during his lifetime and was known to travel at least a thousand li per day upon a white donkey or mule.

Elliot Mazer

From 1989 to 2005 Mazer served as Senior Vice President of New Business Development for Radio Computing Services, Inc (RCS) in White Plains, New York.

Fight the Big Bull

White and Fight the Big Bull also provided the music for Duke University's 2011 tribute to Alan Lomax's "Sound of the South" field recordings in a concert featuring the band backing Bon Iver's Justin Vernon, Sharon Van Etten and members of Megafaun.

Flag of Lancashire

The Red Rose of Lancaster is a symbol for the House of Lancaster, immortalised in the verse "In the battle for England's head/York was white, Lancaster red" (referring to the 15th century War of the Roses).

Greg Mullavey

His father, Gregory Thomas "Greg" Mulleavy, played Major League Baseball for the White Sox, Red Sox, third base coach for Brooklyn Dodgers and LA Dodgers, and won four World Series with the Dodgers.

Henry Baigent

The principal timber milled was white, red, and black pine, totara, rimu, and birch.

International Grape Genome Program

In the course of their research, the Cooperative Research Centre for Viticulture (CRCV), based at the CSIRO Plant Industry Horticulture Unit in Adelaide, Australia (one of the IGGP collaborating centres) discovered that white grapes only exist today as a result of a rare genetic mutation which took place thousands of years ago.

Jason and Iyare

Ollie Twist is currently organizing and running Fibre with Kiss FM's Manny Norte, Steve Feelgood and Hasangi at the White House in Clapham Common on the first Wednesday of the month.

Kerosene Hat

Contributing to the song's success was a noir-ish, black-and-white video shot by director Carlos Grasso, which was added to MTV's Buzz Bin.

La mala ordina

The concept of two hitmen teamed up, one black and one white, appears to have been a likely inspiration for the characters played by John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction.

Live a Borrowed Life

The series drew some controversy when George Rolland, who promoted white racial supremacist views, was brought on the show to represent Abraham Lincoln.

Low Memorial Library

The foyer contains a white marble bust of Pallas Athena, modeled after the Minerve du Collier at the Louvre and donated by Jonathan Ackerman Coles of the Columbia College Class of 1864, an alumnus of Columbia's Philolexian Society.

Mar Elias Educational Institutions

It started in priest Elias Chacour's humble office and bedroom, while he slept in his white Volkswagen.

Miniature Lop

Agouti, Black, Blue, Brown, Butterfly, Chinchilla, Fawn, Fox, Opal, Orange, Sable Marten, Sealpoint, Siamese Sable, Siamese Smoke, Sooty Fawn, Steel, White


On June 29, 2002, Romulo Antonio Braschi, the founder of a schismatic community, attempted to confer priestly ordination on the following Catholic women : Christine Mayr-Lumetzberger, Adelinde Theresia Roitinger, Gisela Forster, Iris Müller, Ida Raming, Pia Brunner and Angela White.

Nelson Memorial, Swarland

The Nelson Memorial, Swarland is a white freestone obelisk erected in 1807, two years after Nelson's death, by his friend and sometime agent, Alexander Davison, who owned an estate centred around the now demolished Swarland Hall.

Northern State Correctional Facility

In 2013, the superintendent named four gangs prevalent among the prisoners: the Crips, the Bloods, the Aryan Nation, and, a local gang, the Chittenden County White Boys.

Northern Wheatear

Its English name has nothing to do with wheat or ears, but is an altered (perhaps bowdlerised) form of white-arse, which refers to its prominent white rump.

Norwich Company of Comedians

The White Swann Inn, near St Peter Mancroft Church, was the company's permanent home from 1731–1757 and soon became known as the White Swan Playhouse.


Opostegidae or "white eyecap moths" is a family of insects in the Lepidoptera order that is characterised by particularly large eyecaps over the compound eyes (see also Nepticulidae, Bucculatricidae, Lyonetiidae).

Passiflora capsularis

Passiflora capsularis (red grandilla) is a member of the Passifloraceae family with vanilla scented, delicate white flowers around 5cm in diameter.

Passive voice

Many commentators, notably George Orwell in his essay "Politics and the English Language" and Strunk & White in The Elements of Style, have urged minimizing use of the passive voice.

Petition of Free Negroes

Because the grants were spread around the province, isolating the freed men among the otherwise-white settlers, on June 29, 1794, nineteen men from the Niagara region submitted a petition to Lieutenant Governor John Graves Simcoe hoping to address this.

Ragga Twins

The following year a remix was created and a few white labels distributed but the single was never released due to Aquasky leaving their distribution deal with ST Holdings and moving to SRD.

Rebel Love

Knox, who first gained fame as the villainous Dr. Peter White on the series St. Elsewhere, later starred for three years as the lead character on the popular series Tour of Duty, a Vietnam War drama.

Rhenish Hesse

The best-known white wine area is the Rhine Terrace near Oppenheim and Nierstein.

Ronald White

White helped Robinson compose several hit singles including The Miracles' "My Girl Has Gone" and "A Fork in the Road" and is known as the co-writer and co-producer of The Temptations' signature song, "My Girl" and also co-wrote the same group's "Don't Look Back".

Sir William Elford, 1st Baronet

His most important picture was 'The White Lady of Avenel,' exhibited in 1822, and now in the possession of his grandson, Colonel Henry Cranstoun Adams of Lion House, Exmouth, and Crapstone, Buckland Monachorum.

Slowly, Slowly

"Slowly, Slowly" is a 1994 single by Magnapop from the album Hot Boxing, released by Play It Again Sam Records on Compact Disc (catalogue number 450.0257.22 - BIAS 257 CD) and 12" gramophone record (450.0257.30 - BIAS 257), as well as a limited-edition white vinyl version (450.0257.38 - BIAS 257 X.) A promo Compact Disc edition was released by Priority Records as DPRO 50804.

SS Gallic

She was acquired by White Star Line in 1919 and was sold to the Clan Line in 1933 and renamed Clan Colquhoun.

That's So Raven Too!

# "Let's Groove" - B5 (Maurice White, Wayne Vaughn) – 3:35

The Kagestar

Kagestar was assisted his similarly empowered white-skirted partner Bellestar (Emi Hayakawa) who rode a motorcycle of her own called the BelleCar and had a small bell on her bracelet that rang to warn her of danger.

The KLF films

Some footage from The White Room was used in the 1989 music video for Kylie Said To Jason and the 1991 music videos for 3 a.m. Eternal and Justified & Ancient.

Timeline of women's suffrage in the United States

1913: Kate Gordon organizes the Southern States Woman Suffrage Conference, where suffragists plan to lobby state legislatures for laws that will enfranchise white women only.

White Rock Beverages

Potawatomi Indians and settlers believed that the nearby White Rock natural spring had special medicinal powers, so White Rock Beverages started out as destination for vacationers and health seekers.

Yves de Creil

While the French writers, including Prentout, accepted that Yves de Criel was the father of Yves de Bellême, Geoffrey H. White was of the opinion that, while probable, it should not be stated as fact.

Zorro's Fighting Legion

The story takes a few liberties with Zorro's official timeline: it takes place in Mexico instead of Alta California; Zorro wears a masquerade mask, rather than the traditional bandana; the characters Don Alejandro Vega (Don Diego's father) and Bernardo are absent; and Zorro's horse, Tornado, was changed to white (much like Kaiketsu Zorro).