
unusual facts about wolf spider

Episyron gallicum

It hunts terrestrial spiders which hunt their prey such as Wolf spiders as opposed to web weaving spiders.

Lake Placid funnel wolf spider

The Lake Placid Funnel wolf spider (Sosippus placidus) is a species of spider in the Lycosidae family.

Mongolicosa mongolensis

Mongolicosa mongolensis is a species of wolf spider only known from Gurvanbulag district, Bayankhongor Province, Mongolia.

see also

A. ovalis

Alopecosa ovalis, a wolf spider species found in Inner Mongolia in the People's Republic of China

H. aspersa

Hogna aspersa, a large wolf spider species found in the United States

Johanna Mappes

Her other study species include the wood tiger moth (Parasemia plantaginis), vipers (Viperidae), the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) and the drumming wolf-spider (Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata).