
unusual facts about ''dependent'' or ''response'' variable

Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation

In response to this threat AIM was founded in 1998 by former adult entertainer Dr. Sharon Mitchell, who had left the industry in 1996 to qualify in public health counseling and sexology.

Alexei Rykov

In response Rykov, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Vladimir Milyutin, and Victor Nogin resigned from the Central Committee and from the government on November 4, 1917 (Old Style).

Big Two-Hearted River

In January 1925, while wintering in Schruns, Austria, waiting for a response from query letters written to friends and publishers in America, Hemingway submitted the story to be published in his friend Ernest Walsh's newly established literary magazine This Quarter.

Black softshell turtle

Originally native to the lower Brahmaputra River, the only population ever reliably known consists of 150-300 turtles in a manmade pond which is part of the Hazrat Sultan Bayazid Bastami (also transliterated "Bostami" or "Bustami") shrine at Chittagong, where they are dependent on humans for survival.

Bob Klapisch

In response to his book on the 1992 Mets, The Worst Team Money Could Buy: The Collapse of the New York Mets (ISBN 0-8032-7822-5), New York Mets outfielder Bobby Bonilla confronted Klapisch in the team's clubhouse, threatening him, and having to be restrained.

Bullfrog County, Nevada

The county's establishment was a response to plans by the United States federal government to create a disposal site for radioactive waste in Yucca Mountain.

Committee of Sixty

The Committee of Fifty was formed May 16, 1774 in response to the news that the port of Boston would be closed under the Boston Port Act.

Connecticut for Lieberman

In March, Korchin changed the Wikipedia article about the party to reflect his role and in response to Orman's claims.

Dennis Ferguson

In September 2009, in response to public anger at Ferguson living in the Ryde area in the Northern Suburbs region of Sydney, the Government of New South Wales under Premier Nathan Rees and the Housing Minister David Borger moved to introduce legislation to allow the government to evict child sex offenders from public housing.

Fikret Alić

In the summer of 1992, in response to media interest roused by rumours about atrocities being committed by Bosnian Serb forces in ad hoc prison camps, the Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadžić invited journalists including Roy Gutman, a British film crew from ITN, and the Guardian’s Ed Vulliamy to visit the camps.

First Battle of Passchendaele

An anticipated French attack on the Chemin des Dames meant that fewer reinforcements could be expected by the German Fourth Army, making a fighting withdrawal the only possible response to the British attacks.

Fort Lawrence

Fort Edward, Fort Lawrence and Fort Anne were all supplied by and dependent on the arrival of Captains Cobb, Rogers or Taggart, in one of the government sloops.

Fritz von Frantzius

Von Frantzius published a book in 1914, in response to an article written by Brander Matthews.

Gizmo key

The gizmo key was introduced by Verne Q. Powell (Powell Flutes), in response to criticisms of the B foot joint by performers such as Jean-Pierre Rampal, who believed that the lengthened tube made it harder for them to produce the highest notes.

Governance Initiative for Rights and Accountability in Forest Management

The Governance Initiative for Rights & Accountability in Forest Management (GIRAF) is a project executed in Ghana with funds from the European Union (EU) and its partners CARE Denmark, CIVIC Response, Friends of the Earth-Ghana and Centre for Indigenous Knowledge.

Gray Panthers

The Gray Panthers is an organization in the United States, which was founded in 1970 by Maggie Kuhn in response to her forced retirement at age 65.

Harrow and Wealdstone rail crash

The first emergency response arrived at 8:22 am with the fire brigade, ambulance and police services being assisted by doctors and a medical unit of the United States Air Force.

Henry Masauko Blasius Chipembere

Later that year, partly in response to further moves by Sir Roy Welensky, the prime minister of the Federation, towards attaining dominion status for the Federation (which would make secession very much harder to achieve), Banda finally agreed to return, on various conditions which essentially gave him autocratic powers in Congress.

History of New Zealand

In February 2011, a major earthquake in Christchurch, the nation's second largest city, significantly impacted the national economy and the government formed the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority in response.

History of Qatar

These groups formed the National Unity Front in response to a fatal shooting on April 19, 1963, by one of Shaykh Ahmad ibn Ali's nephews.

Hula massacre

An article (no title given) by R. Barkan from the Mapam newspaper Al Hamishmar, quoting a letter from eyewitness Dov Yermiya and the Jewish Agency's response, translated in the Journal of Palestine Studies, vol.

Human–computer information retrieval

Early work on interactive information retrieval, such as Juergen Koenemann and Nicholas J. Belkin’s 1996 study of different levels of interaction for automatic query reformulation, leverage the standard IR measures of precision and recall but apply them to the results of multiple iterations of user interaction, rather than to a single query response.

Jesse Colombo

In October 2013, Jesse issued a warning about Malaysia's economic bubble on his Forbes column, which made news headlines and prompted a response from the country's leaders, including Zeti Akhtar Aziz (the governor of Malaysia’s central bank), Mustapa Mohamed (International Trade and Industry Minister), and Lim Guan Eng (Chief Minister of the State of Penang).

Kant, Kyrgyzstan

The Kant Air Base near the city is now host to the Russian Air Force's 5th Air Army's 999th Air Base positioned in Kyrgyzstan in response to the United States presence at Manas Air Base.

Konrad Mägi

From 1918, the influence of Expressionism is manifest, fostered by Mägi's extreme sensitivity and emotional response to the anxious times: Pühajärv (Lake Püha); 1918–1920), Otepää maastik (Landscape of Otepää; 1918–1920).

Luminous Orange

Although they couldn't meet the request to play at Collette Millennium Party in Paris 2001 and CMJ Music Marathon 2001 (due to 9/11), they played at CMJ 2004 and SXSW 2006 & 2007 with good response.

Mark Talbott

In response to the challenge from Jahangir, Talbott acquired a personal coach, Ken Binns, who helped him develop a much sharper array of shots.

Mayweather vs. Pacquiao

In response, Arum revealed that HBO Sports president Ross Greenburg acted as mediator between Mayweather’s handlers and those of Pacquiao’s from Top Rank Promotions.

Na Gathan

The story was in turn a response to the work of art by Damien Hirst, For the Love of God.

National Democracy

The association was established on March 28, 2003, as a response of the National Party (Stronnictwo Narodowe; SN) Youth Section to the deletion of the party from the national registry.

National Voter Registration Act of 1993

This voter registration movement was spearheaded by the husband and wife team of Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward in the early 1980s in response to the Reagan administration.

Oh Baby Don't You Weep

In response, Brown formed a production company, Fair Deal Record Corporation, and accepted an offer from Mercury Records to release new recordings on their Smash subsidiary.

Pandemic Preparedness and Response Act

The Pandemic Preparedness and Response Act is a bill introduced on October 5, 2005 by U.S. Senators Harry Reid, Evan Bayh, Dick Durbin, Ted Kennedy, Barack Obama, and Tom Harkin in response to the growing threat of an outbreak of avian influenza.

Pierson Parker

After the revealing of the Secret Mark of Morton Smith, Pierson published a critical response in The New York Times calling the document "an early Christian hoax".

Pledge drive

Although the federal government of the United States, primarily through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), and corporate underwriting provide some money for public broadcasting organizations like National Public Radio (NPR) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), they are largely dependent on program fees paid by their member stations.

Postage stamps and postal history of the Confederate States

In response to the blockade various specially-built steamers were built and put to use by British investors who were heavily invested in the cotton and tobacco trade.

Punjab Rights Forum

Another cause for the formation of the Punjab Rights Forum was in response to the crackdown on members of the Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar), including the party's president, Simranjit Singh Mann and activists of the Dal Khalsa following a "Genocide Remembrance Parade" that had been carried out through the streets of Amritsar on June 5 in remembrance of those Sikh civilians and terrorists that had been slain by the Indian army during Operation Blue Star.

Robert Menli Lyon

In June 1833, a meeting was called at Guildford in response to continued calls for punitive action against the Aborigines.

St. Jude Medical Center

The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet began operating their first hospital in Eureka, California in 1919 as a response to the Spanish Flu epidemic.

Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia

In response, four of the six political parties in the Catalan parliament—Convergence and Union, the Catalan Socialists, Republican Left of Catalonia, and Catalan green party—and that represented 88% of the popular vote reached an agreement to fight together at the Spanish Senate to reform the Constitutional Court of Spain, and hopefully nullify the possibility of an overturn of the Catalan Statute of Autonomy.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Hawaii

In response Ezra T. Benson and Lorenzo Snow of the quorum of the 12 were sent to take over the leadership of the mission with the assistance of Joseph F. Smith who had been a missionary in Hawaii fro much of the 1850s.

The Devil's Backbone

The response was overwhelmingly positive, though it did not receive the critical success that Pan's Labyrinth would in 2006.


These open reading frames (ORFs) code for a capsid protein (CP) and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP).

Tux Games

It was originally created in response to Simms being unable to order a version of Loki Software's port of Civilization: Call to Power from any British reseller.

Tynemouth Volunteer Artillery

The meeting was held in response to statements by Commander Bedford Pim, Royal Navy, that a modern ironclad warship could do untold damage to the towns of Tyneside due to the poor state of their defences.


It is thought that the reduction in size of the village was in response to the success of the cloth industry, which encouraged change from labour-intensive arable land to pasture.

Walter Wallmann

The ministry was established by chancellor Helmut Kohl on June 6, 1986 in response to the Chernobyl disaster and formed from departments of the Ministries of the Interior, of Agriculture and of Health.

Wardner, Idaho

Hostilities erupted once again in 1899 when, in response to the company firing seventeen men for joining the union, the miners dynamited the Bunker Hill & Sullivan mill.

Westchester Interfaith/Interagency Network for Disaster and Emergency Recovery

Westchester Interfaith/Interagency Network for Disaster and Emergency Recovery (WINDER) was founded in June 2007 in response to local flooding in Mamaroneck, NY from the April 2007 nor'easter in order to coordinate long-term community and faith-based organizational assistance in response to local disasters as well as better prepare the community for future disasters.


Amidst the "worst crimes committed in Europe this century" the first major experiment in email was launched in June 1992 in Zagreb and Belgrade, almost exactly a year after Croatia seceded from Yugoslavia, triggering a brutal response from Serbia.

see also