
5 unusual facts about RNA-dependent RNA polymerase

Avian encephalitis virus cis-acting replication element

In molecular biology, the Avian encephalitis virus cis-acting replication element (CRE) is an s an RNA element which is found in the coding region of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in Avian encephalitis virus (AEV).

Hepatitis C virus cis-acting replication element

The Hepatitis C virus (HCV) cis-acting replication element (CRE) is an RNA element which is found in the coding region of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase NS5B.

Norovirus cis-acting replication element

In molecular biology, the Norovirus cis-acting replication element (CRE) is an RNA element which is found in the coding region of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in Norovirus.

RNA virus

One of these includes RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RNA replicase), which copies the viral RNA to form a double-stranded replicative form.


It contains 2 overlapping open reading frames (ORF)—gag and pol—which respectively encode the capsid protein and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.

Abelson murine leukemia virus

As a retrovirus, it has a single-stranded, positive sense RNA genome which replicates via a DNA intermediate mediated by a reverse transcriptase.

AfaR small RNA

It is an Hfq-dependent RNA which downregulates AfaD-VIII invasin translation by binding to and initiating cleavage of its mRNA.

Alkyl phosphate

For example, high energy metabolites such as ATP and PEP are alkyl phosphates, as are nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA.

Antizyme RNA frameshifting stimulation element

Antizyme RNA frameshifting stimulation element is a structural element which is found in antizyme mRNA and is known to promote frameshifting.


Archaea were first classified as a separate group of prokaryotes in 1977 by Carl Woese and George E. Fox based on the differences in the sequence of ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) genes.

Benoit Coulombe

Benoit Coulombe is a Canadian scientist whose research focuses on the mechanisms by which regulated protein–protein, protein–DNA and protein–RNA interactions control the activity of RNA polymerase II, the molecular machine that synthesizes all messenger RNA (mRNA) and some small-nuclear RNA (snRNA) in eukaryotes.

Brevig Mission, Alaska

In the late 1990s, a team of scientists led by Johan Hultin exhumed the body of an Inuit woman who had been buried in the permafrost in a gravesite near Brevig Mission in an attempt to recover RNA of the 1918 influenza virus (Spanish flu) that killed her.

Bulbul coronavirus HKU11

Bulbul coronavirus HKU11 is a single-stranded, positive-sense RNA deltacoronavirus of avian origin found in Chinese Bulbuls.


As replication requires the use of RNA intermediate, viruses from the Caulimoviridae family are not true dsDNA viruses - instead they are termed DNA reverse-transcribing viruses.

Compounds of oxygen

Oxygen also occurs in phosphate (PO43−) groups in the biologically important energy-carrying molecules ATP and ADP, in the backbone and the purines (except adenine) and pyrimidines of RNA and DNA, and in bones as calcium phosphate and hydroxylapatite.

David Baulcombe

In 1998 Craig Mello and Andrew Fire reported a potent gene silencing effect after injecting double stranded RNA into C. elegans.


The Ekka is organised by the Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (RNA), and is held at the RNA Showgrounds in the inner-city suburb of Bowen Hills approximately two kilometres north-east of Brisbane's city centre.

Evolution in Variable Environment

EVE operates under the “central dogma,” the assumption that all biochemical pathways proceed through the following steps: DNA => RNA => protein.


FnrS RNA, fumurate and nitrate reductase regulator small RNA

Food irradiation

When collisions damage DNA or RNA effective reproduction becomes unlikely, also when collisions occur in cells, cell division is often suppressed.

Gene silencing

Sidney Altman and Thomas Cech first discovered catalytic RNA molecules, RNase P and group II intron ribozymes, in 1989 and won the Nobel Prize for their discovery.

General feature format

The general feature format (gene-finding format, generic feature format, GFF) is a file format used for describing genes and other features of DNA, RNA and protein sequences.

Human Microbiome Project

The microbial genome data were extracted by identifying the bacterial specific ribosomal RNA, 16S rRNA.

J. Heinrich Matthaei

Whilst a post-doctoral visitor in the laboratory of Marshall Warren Nirenberg at the NIH in Bethesda, Maryland, he discovered that a synthetic RNA polynucleotide, composed of a repeating uridylic acid residue, coded for a polypeptide chain encoding just one kind of amino acid, phenylalanine.

John Abelson

His work has made possible an understanding of how genomic DNA can be converted to both messenger RNA and transfer RNA, particularly when there are introns present in the genome.

Lacto-rpoB RNA motif

These genes encode a subunit of RNA polymerase, and it is hypothesized that Lacto-rpoB RNA participate in the regulation of these genes.

Listeria Hfq binding LhrA

Listeria Hfq binding LhrA is a ncRNA that was identified by screening for RNA molecules which co-immunoprecipitated with the RNA chaperone Hfq.

Listeria Hfq binding LhrC

Listeria Hfq binding LhrC this ncRNA was identified by screening for RNA molecules which co-immunoprecipitated with the RNA chaperone Hfq.

Memory RNA

Memory RNA is a now-discredited hypothetical form of RNA that was proposed by James V. McConnell and others as a means of explaining how long-term memories were stored in the brain.

The basic principle or the memory RNA was also used by comic book writer Alan Moore to explain the origin of DC Comics' character the Swamp Thing in Saga of the Swamp Thing #21.


The software uses a generalized data format that serves other purposes as well, such as the visualization and analysis of RNA-Seq data or the import, maintenance, exploration, and analysis of Sequence motif libraries.

Nelson Bay virus

Nelson Bay virus (NBV)is a novel double-stranded RNA orthoreovirus species first isolated from a flying fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) near Nelson Bay in New South Wales, Australia.

Nothing to Hide

She tells her friend to leave, scaring Tina who believes that Niki has turned into a completely different person, an assumption which is confirmed by the appearance of the RNA symbol tattoo on Niki's shoulder, showing that Jessica is in control.


The genome segments are packaged in the same virus particle, the larger segment codes for the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and the smaller codes for the coat protein.

Post-transcriptional regulation

After being produced, the stability and distribution of the different transcripts is regulated (post-transcriptional regulation) by means of RNA binding protein (RBP) that control the various steps and rates of the transcripts: events such as alternative splicing, nuclear degradation (exosome), processing, nuclear export (three alternative pathways), sequestration in DCP2-bodies for storage or degradation, and ultimately translation.

R1 plasmid

CopA-like RNA, an antisense RNA involved in replication control of the plasmid.


Small nucleolar RNA R43, a plant non-coding RNA molecule which functions in the modification of other small nuclear RNAs

Renato Dulbecco

As demonstrated by Temin and Baltimore, who shared the Nobel Prize with Dulbecco, the transfer of viral genes to the cell is mediated by an enzyme called reverse transcriptase (or, more precisely, RNA-dependent DNA polymerase), which replicates the viral genome (in this case made of RNA) into DNA, which is later incorporated in the host genome.

Richard A. Jorgensen

His and Carolyn Napoli's observations of pigment gene 'cosuppression' in Petunia flowers are examples of post transcriptional gene silencing that predated the discovery of RNA interference (RNAi) and contributed to the current understanding of the commonality of RNA-mediated gene silencing in eukaryotes.


RNA, 5S cluster 1, also known as RN5S1@, is a human gene encoding the 5S subunit of ribosomal RNA.


Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 RNA-binding protein (serbp1, not to be confused with srebp1) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SERBP1 gene.

Small Cajal body specific RNA 17

Small Cajal body-specific RNA 17 (also known as U12-22 scaRNA) is a type of small nuclear RNA which localises to the cajal bodies and proposed to guide the modification of RNA polymerase II transcribed spliceosomal RNAs U1, U2, U4, U5 and U12.

Small Cajal body specific RNA 18

small Cajal body-specific RNA 18 (also known as U91 or U4-8) is a type of small nuclear RNA which localises to the cajal bodies and proposed to guide the modification of RNA polymerase II transcribed spliceosomal RNAs U1, U2, U4, U5 and U12.

Spectrophotometer for Nucleic Acid Measurements

Analysis of nucleic acids is commonly performed to determine the average concentrations of DNA or RNA present in a mixture, as well as their purity.

Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

SERS can be used to target specific DNA and RNA sequences using a combination of gold and silver nanoparticles and Raman-active dyes, such as Cy3.


These open reading frames (ORFs) code for a capsid protein (CP) and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP).

Transcriptional regulation

General transcription factors These transcription factors position RNA polymerase at the start of a protein-coding sequence and then release the polymerase to transcribe the mRNA.

Trichloroacetic acid

It is widely used in biochemistry for the precipitation of macromolecules, such as proteins, DNA, and RNA.

Vibrio cholerae ToxT activated RNAs

Regulation of PtsG by TarA may be dependent upon the Hfq protein, an RNA chaperone.

Vibrio regulatory RNA of OmpA

VrrA (Vibrio regulatory RNA of OmpA) is a non-coding RNA that is conserved across all Vibrio species of bacteria and acts as a repressor for the synthesis of the outer membrane protein OmpA.


Z12 small nucleolar RNA, a non-coding RNA molecule which functions in the modification of other small nuclear RNAs

see also