
8 unusual facts about İznik


In order to understand the theological significance of Acacianism as a critical episode in both the logical and historical progress of Arianism, it is needful to recall that the great definition of the Homoousion, promulgated at Nicaea in 325, rather than putting an end to further discussion, became the occasion for keener debate and for still more confusion of statement in the formulation of theories on the relationship of Our Lord to His Father.

Byzantine university

The Crusaders's capture of Constantinople in 1204 during the Fourth Crusade ended all support for higher education, although the government in exile in Nicaea gave some support to individual private teachers.

Council of Chalcedon

Leo had pressed for it to take place in Italy, but Emperor Marcian instead called for it to convene at Nicaea.


The issue of how to reconcile the claims of monotheism with the assertion of the divinity of Jesus of Nazareth was largely settled at the First Ecumenical Council held at Nicaea (325).

Küçük Mustafa

Although unsuccessful in the siege of Bursa, the co-capital of the empire, Küçük Mustafa captured İznik (Nicaea of antiquity), another important city in the Anatolia.

Marcus Plancius Varus

During his time in Nicaea, the capital of the Roman province of Bithynia, Varus had struck coinage honoring the Roman State and of himself.

Metropolitanate of Gothia

Theophilus, the first known bishop of the Goths, defended the Trinitarian and Orthodox Christological position against the Arians at the First Ecumenical Council in Nicea 325, and signed the Nicean Confession of Faith.

The Last English King

The story of his journey from Constantinople via Nicomedia and Nicaea to Side is then recounted in parallel with his recollections of the time before the battle, such as his accompanying Harold to William of Normandy's attack on Dinan.


İznik | Iznik |

İskender Pasha Mosque

The main plan of the mosque resembles that of the Green Mosque at Iznik.

Silahdar Damat Ali Pasha

Silahdar Damat Ali Pasha, also called Silahdar Ali Pasha, (1667, Iznik – August 5, 1716, Belgrade) was an Ottoman Turkish general and Grand Vizier.

Suleiman ibn Qutulmish

Suleyman intercepted Botaneiates' small force between Cotyaeum and Nicaea, whereupon the usurper persuaded Suleyman to join his rebellion by offering him incentives superior to those of the emperor.

see also