
4 unusual facts about .lat


Recently NIC México (Manager of the .mx ccTLD) along with eCOM-LAC (Federation of Latin-America and the Caribbean for the Internet and Electronic Commerce) were appointed official sponsors for this campaign.

Similar proposals have already been approved like the Asian gTLD (.asia) and the European Union's ccTLD (.eu).

Abū Lahab

Through a deep sense of animosity, Abu Lahab violated this ‘Arab tradition and took the side of non-Muslim Quraysh clans. Abu Lahab renounced his affiliation with the Hashim clan and remained in Mecca. Soon afterwards, he met his sister-in-law, Hind bint Utbah, and said to her, "Haven’t I helped Al-Lat and Al-Uzza, and haven’t I abandoned those who have abandoned them and assisted their opponents?

Criticism of the Quran

Some early Islamic histories recount that as Muhammad was reciting Sūra Al-Najm (Q.53), as revealed to him by the angel Gabriel, Satan tempted him to utter the following lines after verses 19 and 20: "Have you thought of Al-lāt and al-'Uzzā and Manāt the third, the other; These are the exalted Gharaniq, whose intercession is hoped for."


Da Lat | Al-lāt | Al-Lat | Lat | lat. |


Antemnae (Latin ante amnem, sc. Anienem; Varro, Ling. Lat. v. 28), an ancient village of Latium, situated on the west of the Via Salaria, two miles north of Rome, where the Anio falls into the Tiber.

Arnott, Wisconsin

Arnott is located in central Wisconsin approximately four miles east of Plover, four miles south-south west of Custer, and seven miles west of Amherst (Lat: 44° 27' 26.0", Lon: -89° 26' 48.5").

Bartolomé Ferrelo

Cabrillo died on January 3, 1543, on the Island of San Bernardo, near the channel of Santa Barbara; but Ferrelo, who succeeded him in command, continued his discoveries northward up to lat.

Camissonia benitensis

The southern limit is California State Route 198 (Lat. 36.201109, Lon. -120.734844) between Mustang Ridge and Priest Valley with an estimated actual (true) range being approximately 2.6 miles further southeast (Lat. 36.169849, Lon. -120.710444).

Claude Dupuy

Among his most celebrated manuscripts are the St. Paul's Epistles in Greek and Latin (BN grec 107 & A); a collection of Tironian notes (BN lat 8777).

Claudius Clavus

It is believed he travelled as far north as the 70°10' N. lat. In Rome he became friends with the cardinal Giordano Orsini and the pope's secretary Gian Francesco Poggio Bracciolini, who were among those working to update the old Roman cartography.

Codex Washingtonianus

This omission is supported by the manuscripts Papyrus 75, B, D*, Θ, 0124, 1241, a, Codex Bezaelat, bocopbo.


Although there is a claim about Darzamat being a name of a Slavonic forest god, it comes from Latvian mythology denoting garden goddess (Lat. dārzs - garden, māte - mother).

David Lat

In June 2004, Lat anonymously started the website Underneath Their Robes (UTR), a gossip blog about the federal judiciary, under the pseudonym Article III Groupie (also known as A3G).

Gennessee Lewis

In 2008, he produced "Choc-O-Lat" for One Block Radius and spent one week on the Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart, at number 86.1After the completion of “If You Were My Girlfriend”, a record Lewis wrote for Frankie J in 2009, he partnered with Baby Bash to do numerous co-writes.


Identifying geotagged information resources on sites like Flickr and del.icio.us is done by searching for the 'geotagged' tag, since the tags beginning 'geo:lat=' and 'geo:lon=' are necessarily very variable.

Great Baikal Trail

In the summer of 2003, the first six teams of volunteers began work on trail construction with the support of the Baikal Nature Reserve, Zabaikalsky National Park, the community organization "Ust’e" from the village Bolshoe Goloustnoe, the club “LAT” from the city of Ulan-Ude, and the NGO "GRIN" School of Tourist-Environmental Education of Severobaikalsk.

Jack Atley

In 2004, he returned to Australia, after working on the Formula One circuit as a photographer for English based photo agency, LAT Photo.

Jakub Skrobanek

Spyra Janusz, Honorowi obywatele miasta Cieszyna 1849-1938, (w:) 500 lat ratusza i rynku w Cieszynie, Cieszyn 1996, s.

John Ajvide Lindqvist

2011 – Låt de gamla drömmarna dö (Let the Old Dreams Die, the English translation of the author's 2006 short-story collection "Pappersväggar")

Kanaung Mintha

In 1978 Ne Win, ruler of Burma since leading a military coup in 1964, married June Rose Bellamy, aka Yadana Nat-Me (Precious Angel), a great granddaughter of Ka Naung, daughter of Princess Hteiktin Ma Lat and Herbert Bellamy, an Australian orchid collector long settled in Burma.


In August 2012 villagers at Lat Bua Khao, Sikhio District, in the western part of Nakhon Ratchasima Province, blamed Krahang for some nightly attacks on local women.


On August 18, 2008, the former owners of LAT TV announced that KVPA-LP would be sold to Liberman Broadcasting, a company that specializes in Spanish-language television and radio, for $1.25 million.

Landolfus Sagax

The manuscript from the Palatine Library at Heidelberg (Pal. lat. 909) preserved in the Vatican Library is written in Beneventan script and shows evidence of having been committed to parchment under the supervision of Landulf himself.

Lerici-class minehunter

The class design has also been used as the basis for ships of the Royal Malaysian Navy (as the Mahamiru class), the Nigerian Navy, the United States Navy (as the Osprey class), the Royal Australian Navy (as the Huon class), and the Royal Thai Navy (as the Lat Ya class).


Lugduname (from lat. Lugdunum for Lyons) is one of the most potent sweetening agents known.

Marine Raider Museum

The Marine Raider Museum is located at Raider Hall, 24191 Gilbert Road, Camp Barrett, Marine Corps Base Quantico, Quantico, Virginia (lat 38.497713, lon -77.437157).

Myat Paya Lat

Born at the Royal Palace to Thibaw and Supayalat, Mandalay, the princess married at the Collector’s Bungalow, Ratnagiri, Bombay, India, 20 February 1917, Khin Maung Lat Burma Raja Sahib, Private Secretary to Ex-King Thibaw, sometime Officer in the Indian Police, a nephew of King Thibaw and son of the "Duke and Duchess" of Ngape and Mindat.


LanMan normally ran across Microsoft's basic, non-routable NetBIOS/NetBEUI NBF protocol, but Pathworks included a DECnet stack, including layers like the LAT transport used for terminal sessions.


Pauperism (Lat. pauper, poor) is a term meaning poverty or generally the state of being poor, but in English usage particularly the condition of being a "pauper", i.e. in receipt of relief administered under the English Poor Laws.

Stefania Zahorska

Zahorska was an author of works Matejko (1925), Eugeniusz Żak (1927), Szczęśliwe oczy. Wybór studiów i esejów z dziedziny filozofii, historii i krytyki sztuk plastycznych z lat 1921-1960 (published posthumously in London, 1970), novels Stacja Abbesses (Tonbridge, 1952), Ziemia pojona gniewem (London, 1961), Ofiara, memoirs Warszawa - Lwów 1939 (London, 1964).

Western non-interpolations

1 Cor. 15:3 – ο και παρελαβον (I received), omitted by b, Ambrosiaster, Irenaeuslat, Tertullian?


The Bijayagadh Stone Pillar Inscription of Vishnuvardhana, locally known as Bhīm kī Lāţ, was erected at Bayana in Bharatpur district for having perfection been attained in samvat 428 on the fifteenth lunar day of the dark fortnight of (the month) Phâlguna.

see also