The process requires the taking of multiple exposures of a scene in a manner that allows for later image stitching using a fast lens, generally of a focal length of 50mm or above.
It was Nokia's first camera phone to have an 8 megapixel sensor, and features both multiple aperture settings and a mechanical shutter (uncommon features by the standards of camera phones), and a Carl Zeiss lens with a wide angle of view (28 mm equivalent).
TNT equivalent | Run-length encoding | Wired Equivalent Privacy | Planck length | Length overall | Twenty-foot equivalent unit | Focal length | Amplified fragment length polymorphism | foot (length) | Focal plane array | Focal infection theory | 35 mm equivalent focal length | Variable-length code | Unequal leg length | Stadion (unit of length) | Powder chamber of a ''Veuglaire'', caliber 130 mm, length 1.07 m, wrought iron, early 15th century, La Fère | ''Notes'' was the only full-length book published by Thomas Jefferson | Normal curve equivalent | Length scale | length | Foot (length) | Focal Press | focal plane array (FPA) | focal length | Focal adhesion | focal adhesion | Debye length | Cut-to-length logging | Barrel of oil equivalent | Arm's length principle |