Pauline Marois (PQ) is the premier and Jean-Marc Fournier (Liberal) is the leader of the opposition (the party's leader, Philippe Couillard, does not currently hold a seat).
Quebec | 40th United States Congress | Quebec City | Louisiana State Legislature | Quebec Liberal Party | Québec | New Jersey Legislature | Concordia University (Quebec) | National Assembly of Quebec | Quebec Nordiques | Quebec general election, 2007 | Hull, Quebec | Université du Québec à Montréal | Texas Legislature | Hydro-Québec | California State Legislature | Quebec French | New York State Legislature | Hemmingford, Quebec | Quebec general election, 2003 | 40th parallel south | Quebec general election, 2008 | Florida Legislature | 40th parallel north | Quebec Route 132 | Quebec Major Junior Hockey League | Westmount, Quebec | Quebec Route 138 | Battle of Quebec | Aylmer, Quebec |