
unusual facts about A-Lex


The regular expression is generated in the notation used by awk, ed, egrep, Emacs, expect, find, grep, lex, Lisp, MySQL, OpenOffice.org, Perl, PHP, PostgreSQL, Procmail, Python, Sed, Tcl, VBscript, Vi, and Vim.

Alfred Aho

Steve Johnson used the bottom-up LALR parsing algorithms to create the syntax-analyzer generator yacc, and Michael E. Lesk and Eric Schmidt used Aho's regular-expression pattern-matching algorithms to create the lexical-analyzer generator lex.


Cearadactylus was featured in the Jurassic Park novel by Michael Crichton, in which they attack Alan Grant, Tim Murphy and Lex Murphy when they wander into the aviary.

Fex urbis lex orbis

Fex urbis lex orbis is a Latin saying, meaning "Dregs classical Latin faex of the city, law of the world", that is, the lowest class of citizens determines how the world works.

Gaius Servilius Glaucia

While attempting to stand for consul for 99 BC, he was engaged in an exchange between himself and another candidate Gaius Memmius who attempted to prevent his candidature on the grounds that he had not waited the mandatory two years between election as praetor and election to the consulship, as stipulated by the "Lex Villia Annalis".

Herman of Carinthia

Despite being an imperfect translation, Lex Mahumet pseudoprophete remained the standard one for centuries, circulating in manuscript before being printed in the 1543 edition published in Basel by Theodor Bibliander.


This term was coined by Gyles Brandreth and first published in his book The Joy of Lex (1980), and it was used in the BBC programme Never Mind the Full Stops, which also featured Brandreth as a guest.

Janusz Kochanowski

Kochanowski was the editor-in-chief of the "Ius et Lex" magazine and the instigator and editor of a series of classics on the philosophy of law, which includes such books as: Etyka i Rządy Prawa "Ethics and the Rule of Law" by David Lyons; Autorytet prawa "The Authority of Law" by Joseph Raz; Prawo naturalne i uprawnienia naturalne "Natural Law and Natural Rights" by John Finnis and Moralność prawa "The Morality of Law" by Lon L. Fuller.

Lena Luthor

After Lena's birth, Lex takes advantage of Contessa Erica's wish to be unconscious at child birth by keeping her permanently drugged and unconscious at his corporate headquarters, not wishing to share his daughter's love with anyone else (Although he himself avoids attending the birth to provide himself with a clear alibi for an assassination attempt he arranged at the time).

Lex Cornelia

Lex Cornelia refers to any ancient Roman law (lex) sponsored by an official whose gens name was Cornelius, particularly Sulla.

Lex Green

Robert A. Green (1892–1973) — "Lex" Green, Florida Democratic U.S. Congressman and judge

Lex Julia de maiestate

The Lex Julia de maiestate, the Roman legislation on treason attributed to Julius Caesar, has not survived, but can be reconstructed in part from the commentaries on it in Part 48 of the Digesta.

Lex Luthor: Man of Steel

Lex Luthor: Man of Steel (later collected as simply Luthor) is a five-issue monthly American comic book limited series written by Brian Azzarello and illustrated by Lee Bermejo, which features Superman's nemesis Lex Luthor as the main protagonist.

Lex Poetelia Papiria

The Lex Poetelia Papiria was a law passed in Ancient Rome that abolished the contractual form of Nexum, or debt bondage.

Lexington Steele

In 2000, Steele was awarded the AVN Award for Best Anal Scene with Anastasia Blue and In 2005 he won the X-Rated Critics Organization (XRCO) Award for Best Couple Sex Scene for a scene he did together with his co-star Katsuni in "Lex Steele XXX 3".

Mercat Cross, Edinburgh

After the Restoration Samuel Rutherford's Lex, Rex, regarded by the Monarchy as a dangerously seditious tract, was burned at the Cross by the common hangman in 1661.

Prince Paul of Württemberg

Joseph Edmund "Jo" Johnson (born 1971), Conservative MP for Orpington and Head of Lex at the Financial Times, married to Amelia Gentleman, a journalist for The Guardian and the daughter of artist and designer David Gentleman, and has two children, Rose and William;

Samuel Rutherford

Rutherford's political book Lex, Rex was written in response to John Maxwell's "Sacro-Sanctum Regus Majestas" and presented a theory of limited government and constitutionalism raised Rutherford to merited eminence as a philosophical thinker.

Sjoerd Koppert

After a period with Texas Instruments, where his marketing strategy and lobbying led to the acceptance of hand-held programmable calculators throughout the EEC’s education system and a 78% market share for T.I., he accepted an offer from UK based Lex Service PLC.

Sten Lex

During that early period in Rome, and Italy in general, there didn’t exist a strong stencil culture such as there was in France and Sten & Lex may be considered as the pioneers of "Stencil Graffiti" in Italy and were the first to be considered "stencil artists".

The Mediator Between Head and Hands Must Be the Heart

Although the album was inspired by the 1927 film Metropolis, it is not intended to be a concept album, unlike two of the band's previous studio albums, Dante XXI (based on Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy) and A-Lex (based on the 1962 book A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess).

Vlad In Tears

Vlad In Tears were formed in 2005 by the brothers Kris, Dario, Lex and their good friend Alex in Cassino (Italy) .


The morning drive was most recently held down by the duo of Lex and Terry, who were let go in December 2009 in a move announced on the station's Facebook page.

see also