
unusual facts about Abu Omar al-Baghdadi

Abu Abdullah al-Rashid al-Baghdadi

He was killed in a safe house six miles (10 kilometers) southwest of Tikrit and was found dead in a hole in the ground inside a house.

On 18 April 2010, al-Baghdadi was reported killed over the weekend when a joint operation of American and Iraqi forces rocketed a home where he was hiding near Tikrit, Iraq.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

On 26 October 2005, a US warplane struck a suspected insurgent safehouse near the Syrian border in an attempt to kill al-Baghdadi.

Abu Omar

Abu Omar al-Kurdi, real name Sami Muhammad Ali Said al-Jaaf, bomb maker who worked in Iraq

Abu Omar al-Kurdi

Officials said that al-Kurdi was planning attacks against polling centers during the January 30, 2005 elections.

Abu Omar al-Kuwaiti

In 1998 he first went to Afghanistan where he was reportedly trained at the al-Qaeda Al Farouq training camp, and then in October 1999 on to Chechnya.

Abu Suleiman al-Naser

He succeeded Abu Ayyub al-Masri, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq who was killed along with ISI leader Abu Omar al-Baghdadi in a joint operation by US and Iraqi forces in Tikrit in April 2010, as the Minister of War for the Islamic State of Iraq.

Bengal Engineer Group

World War I: La Bassée 1914, Festubert 1914 '15, Givenchy 1914, Neuve Chapelle, Aubers, Loos, France and Flanders 1914–15, Megiddo, Sharon, Damascus, Palestine 1918, Aden, Kut al Amara 1915 '17, Ctesiphon, Defence of Kut al Amara, Tigris 1916, Baghdad, Khan Baghdadi, Sharqat, Mesopotamia 1915–18, Persia 1918, North West Frontier India 1915 '16–17, Baluchistan 1918;

Canal Hotel bombing

In January 2005, a top bombmaker for Zarqawi's group, Abu Omar al-Kurdi, was captured by the coalition and claimed his associates made the bomb used in this attack.

Hamza Abu Faris

In 2000 Hamza Abu Faris received his Ph.D in Islamic Sciences, with an emphasis in comparative Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) from the University of Zaytuna in Tunisia; his doctoral thesis was entitled “Judge Abdul Wahab al-Baghdadi and his approach to Exegesis of the Prophetic Message.”

History of the Jews in Malaysia

The arrival of Baghdadi Jews in Penang probably occurred at the turn of the 19th century as the fledgling British-ruled entrepot grew and attracted Jewish trading families such as the Sassoons and Meyers from India.

Imam Ali Mosque bombing

They claim that Abu Omar al-Kurdi, a top Zarqawi bombmaker who was captured in January 2005, confessed to carrying out this bombing.

Lullabies from the Axis of Evil

# "Luna, Luna (Luna, Luna Little Doll)" (Syria) - Mayada Killsly Baghdadi, Mimi

Operation Augurs of Prosperity

On 31 July, Iraqi forces captured Abu Anas al-Baghdadi, Al-Qaeda in Iraq's media expert in the country, as well as four members of the Mujahideen Shura Council during a raid in western Diyala.

see also