Abu Omar al-Kurdi, real name Sami Muhammad Ali Said al-Jaaf, bomb maker who worked in Iraq
Officials said that al-Kurdi was planning attacks against polling centers during the January 30, 2005 elections.
In January 2005, a top bombmaker for Zarqawi's group, Abu Omar al-Kurdi, was captured by the coalition and claimed his associates made the bomb used in this attack.
They claim that Abu Omar al-Kurdi, a top Zarqawi bombmaker who was captured in January 2005, confessed to carrying out this bombing.
Abu Dhabi | Omar Sharif | Abu Ghraib | Omar Khadr | Don Omar | Omar Bradley | Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam | Omar Khayyám | Omar Karami | Mount Abu | Abu Bakr | Omar Rodríguez-López | Mumia Abu-Jamal | Abu Zubaydah | Omar | Battle of Abu Klea | Abu Sayyaf | Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse | Omar al-Bashir | Omar Abdel-Rahman | Ahmed Omar Abu Ali | Abu Qubays | Abu Musab al-Zarqawi | Abu Mu'az al-Jeddawi | Abu Hamad | Omar Suleiman | Omar Epps | Omar Barghouti | Omar Ayub Khan | Omar Ahmad Omar al-Hubishi |
In 1998 he first went to Afghanistan where he was reportedly trained at the al-Qaeda Al Farouq training camp, and then in October 1999 on to Chechnya.
He succeeded Abu Ayyub al-Masri, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq who was killed along with ISI leader Abu Omar al-Baghdadi in a joint operation by US and Iraqi forces in Tikrit in April 2010, as the Minister of War for the Islamic State of Iraq.