
3 unusual facts about Adelaide of Italy

Adelaide of Italy

Adelaide had long entertained close relations with Cluny, then the center of the movement for ecclesiastical reform, and in particular with its abbots Majolus and Odilo.

Adelaïde is the heroine of Gioacchino Rossini's 1817 opera, Adelaide di Borgogna and William Bernard McCabe's 1856 novel Adelaide, Queen of Italy, or The Iron Crown.

Queen Adelaide

Saint Adelaide of Italy, also called Adelaide of Burgundy, (931/932 – 999), Holy Roman Empress

Count of Canossa

The details of the relations between Sigifred's sons Sigifred II and Adalbert Atto are unknown and the latter appears in Canossa in time to give refuge to Queen Adelaide when she was fleeing Berengar II and Willa in 955.

see also