
2 unusual facts about Afterlife

Benjamin Nahawandi

The Biblical references to reward and punishment can be applied only to the body (Saadia, "Emunot we ha-De'ot," vi. 4).

Portals in fiction

Places that a portal will link to include a different spot in the same universe (in which case it might be an alternative for teleportation); a parallel world (inter-dimensional portal); the past or the future (time portal); and other planes of existence, such as heaven, hell or other afterworlds.

15 equal temperament

The American musician Wendy Carlos used 15-ET as one of two scales in the track Afterlife from the album Tales of Heaven and Hell.


This is the last surah in the Quran which discusses the Akhirah after life, and the surahs after this do not discuss the Akhirah afterlife again.

Anna Wilson-Jones

Wilson-Jones has also featured in Midsomer Murders, the ITV parapsychology drama afterlife in which she plays Jude Bridge, the ex-wife of Robert Bridge (played by Andrew Lincoln) and from June 2007 she appeared as Sally in an ITV drama serial The Time of Your Life.


Because of the often shady places where the plants grow, the genus was named after the Egyptian god Anubis, the god of the afterlife.


The asphodel is mentioned by several poets in connection with the mythology of death, and by association, the afterlife - specifically the Isles of the Blessed and Elysium - part of the ancient Greek concept of the afterlife.


Osiris, an Egyptian god, usually identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead.

Biblical cosmology

BCE) did Jews begin to adopt the Greek idea that it would be a place of punishment for misdeeds, and that the righteous would enjoy an afterlife in heaven.

Canopic chest

The falcon on top represents Sokar, a funerary god and picture on the sides show the chest’s owner worshiping Osiris, god of the afterlife; Ra-Horakhty, a combination of the gods Horus and Ra; four sons of Horus, each of whom guards one of the viscera traditional removed during mummification; the dyed pillar, which represents Osiris, and the tyet, which represents Isis.

Carlos Castaneda bibliography

Martin J. Goodman: I was Carlos Castañeda: The Afterlife Dialogues (2001 New York) Three Rivers Press.

Chaim Rapoport

In another attempt to defend the modern-day Chabad movement and its late leader Menachem Mendel Schneerson Rapoport wrote an extensive and very critical review of Menachem Friedman's and Samuel Heilman's "The Rebbe: The Life and Afterlife of Menachem Mendel Schneerson," (Princeton University Press, 2010).

Damon Packard

His early Super 8 efforts included The Afterlife and Amazing Stories (1982–84), starring his friend/collaborator Paul Trainor, son of producer/casting director Chris Trainor, who was partners with Miles O'Keeffe known for films such as Ator, The Blade Master, and Lone Runner.


Julius Caesar leaned considerably toward Epicureanism and rejected the idea of an afterlife, which e.g. led to his plea against the death sentence during the trial against Catiline, where he spoke out against the Stoic Cato.

Gayle Moran

She also had a part in the making of a song titled "Afterlife" in the 2007 film War starring Jet Li and Jason Statham.

Gods of Riverworld

This book concludes the chronicles of the adventures of such diverse characters as Sir Richard Burton, Alice Pleasance Liddell, Aphra Behn and Tom Turpin through a bizarre afterlife in which every human ever to have lived is simultaneously resurrected along a single river valley that stretches over an entire planet.


The spring is mentioned a third time in Gylfaginning where High recounts its source: the stag Eikþyrnir stands on top of the afterlife hall Valhalla feeding branches of Yggdrasil, and from the stag's antlers drips great amounts of liquid down into Hvergelmir.

Isabella Russell-Ides

In 2013 WingSpan Theatre produced her newest work Lydie Marland in the Afterlife to critical applause.


However, Miike's portrayal of the character (or rather his spirit) transcends reality (and time and space) and is more of a surrealist exposé of Izo's exceedingly bloody yet philosophical encounters in an afterlife heavy on symbolism, occasionally interrupted by stock footage of World War II accompanied by acid-folk singer Kazuki Tomokawa on guitar.

Jade Record

The Qing emperors tried to suppress the tracts, as the state religion Confucianism discouraged any speculation about the afterlife.

Kennelly–Heaviside layer

Eliot also refers to the "Heaviside Layer" in his play The Family Reunion which explores issues around the afterlife, heaven and hell.

Menachem Friedman

Together with Samuel Heilman, Friedman authored "The Rebbe: The Life and Afterlife of Menachem Mendel Schneerson".

Many of the authors' conclusions, as well as their methodology and research were later criticized by some scholars including Chaim Rapoport in a book titled " "The Afterlife of Scholarship - A Critical Review of 'The Rebbe' by Samuel Heilman and Menachem Friedman".

Middle Paleolithic

Middle Paleolithic burials at sites such as Krapina, Croatia (c. 130,000 BP) and Qafzeh, Israel (c. 100,000 BP) have led some anthropologists and archeologists, such as Philip Lieberman, to believe that Middle Paleolithic cultures may have possessed a developing religious ideology which included belief in concepts such as an afterlife; other scholars suggest the bodies were buried for secular reasons.


In ancient Greece, mint was used in funerary rites, together with rosemary and myrtle, and not simply to offset the smell of decay; mint was an element in the fermented barley drink called the kykeon that was an essential preparatory entheogen for participants in the Eleusinian mysteries, which offered hope in the afterlife for initiates.

Nicholas Shaw

He played guest roles in other TV series, Dalziel & Pascoe, Heartbeat and Afterlife, and appeared as the poet, John Keats, in The Romantics.

Paul Monette

Monette also wrote the novelizations of the films Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979), Scarface (1983), Predator (1987) and Midnight Run (1988), as well as the novels "Taking Care of Mrs. Carroll" (1978), "Afterlife" (1990), and "Halfway Home" (1991).

Philip José Farmer

The Riverworld series follows the adventures of such diverse characters as Richard Francis Burton, Hermann Göring, and Samuel Clemens through a bizarre afterlife in which every human ever to have lived is simultaneously resurrected along a single river valley that stretches over an entire planet.

Samuel Heilman

Together with Menachem Friedman, Heilman authored "The Rebbe: The Life and Afterlife of Menachem Mendel Schneerson".

Spirit prison

Spirits in prison, one of several Christian concepts about the afterlife

The Divine Legation of Moses

As its full title makes clear, it is a conservative defence of orthodox Christian belief against deism, by means of an apparent paradox: the afterlife is not mentioned in terms in the Pentateuch (i.e. Torah – see Jewish eschatology#"The world to come"), making Mosaic Judaism distinctive among ancient religions; from which, Warburton argues, it is seen that Moses received a divine revelation.

The Ghosts of Berkeley Square

Their time in purgatory eventually comes to an end when Berkeley Square is bombed during an air raid and Queen Mary comes to visit the damaged properties, allowing the pair finally to take their place in the afterlife.

The Horn Blows at Midnight

This may have contributed to its poor reception, although the classic Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Carousel, also dealing with the afterlife, opened on Broadway at roughly the same time and became a hit.

The Order of the Stick

The Lawful Good afterlife plane has been portrayed in the comic as a mountain with seven plateaus loosely based on Mount Celestia, and the side of the mountain the deceased enter from in depends on their nationality.

The Trucks

The song Zombie is featured in an advertisement for A&E's The Beast starring Patrick Swayze, and is also heard in the last trailer for Resident Evil: Afterlife.

Thomas Youngblood

Together they have a daughter named Annelise, whose voice appears on the tracks "Soul Society" from The Black Halo, "Silverthorn" and on the nursery rhymes of "Sacrimony (Angel of Afterlife)", both from Silverthorn.


Valhall is an anglicized form of Old Norse Valhöll, an afterlife "hall of the slain" in Norse mythology, which is more commonly anglicized as Valhalla.


He is also recorded by Charles Mountford and Ainslie Roberts as a boatman who ferries the souls of the dead to Purelko, the aboriginal afterlife.

see also