Following the arrival of an unpleasant and dull new astronomer neighbour Dennis Sidebottom, a supposed lottery winner, the gang plot their biggest ever practical joke: an elaborate conspiracy involving a penguin stolen from a supermarket Christmas display, an alien from Mars, a spaceship and a "message for mankind" carved on a meteorite.
The series also included a number of subplots, such as Ben's infatuation with Sidebottom's pianist daughter, Samantha, and the thieving activities of the Sidebottom's disturbing son, Tod - on one occasion he is caught shoplifting a large quantity of Dolly Parton albums.
Mars | Penguin Books | Penguin | Veronica Mars | free agent | The Mars Volta | Bruno Mars | Agent Orange | Penguin Group | agent | Thirty Seconds to Mars | Penguin Classics | Mars, Incorporated | Mars (mythology) | Talent agent | Mars Science Laboratory | Mars Exploration Rover | double agent | literary agent | Club Penguin | Political Agent | penguin | Mars trilogy | Mars Pathfinder | Champ de Mars | An Anthropologist on Mars | Pyramids of Mars | Penguin (comics) | Mars Global Surveyor | Mars and Beyond |