
unusual facts about Alfredo Jaar

Alfredo Jaar

His work has been shown extensively around the world, notably in the Biennales of Venice (1986, 2007), São Paulo (1987, 1989, 2010), Istanbul (1995), Kwangju (1995, 2000), Johannesburg (1997), and Seville (2006).

Klat Magazine

Between 2009 and 2011 five issues came out, containing a total of forty interviews with leading exponents of contemporary design and creativity, including Stefano Boeri, Andrea Branzi, Alfredo Jaar, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Francesco Vezzoli, Rosa Barba, Maurizio Cattelan, Martino Gamper, Maarten Baas, John Maeda, Oliviero Toscani, Nigel Coates, Peter Eisenman, Martí Guixé, Toyo Ito, Jasper Morrison, Peter Zumthor.

Mary Jane Jacob

Jacob has mounted exhibitions, and created public art opportunities that have featured the work of some of the most influential artists in contemporary art including Mark Dion, Suzanne Lacy, Ernesto Pujol, J. Morgan Puett, Pablo Helguera, Marina Abramovic, Rick Lowe, and Alfredo Jaar.

SCAD Museum of Art

Upon its re-opening on Oct. 29, 2011, the museum will kick off exhibitions by renowned contemporary artists Alfredo Jaar, Stephen Antonakos, Liza Lou, Bill Viola, Kendall Buster and Kehinde Wiley.

see also