
unusual facts about Anarchist

Chaz Bufe

Bufe primarily writes on the problems faced by the modern anarchist movement (as in his pamphlet "Listen, Anarchist!"), and also on atheism, music theory and intentional community.


Acratas, influenced by new protest movement amongst students abroad, was anarchist rather than Marxist in character, against all authority, & protested by asserting their right to have fun by ridiculing the ideas, individuals and groups they despised.

Albert Libertad

In 1905, Libertad founded what was probably the most important individualist anarchist journal, L’Anarchie, which included among its collaborators André Lorulot, Emile Armand, and Victor Serge and his companion Rirette Maitrejean.

Anarchism in Brazil

Most anarchist newspaper issues can be found in the Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth in Campinas, but there are also examplars in other Brazilian archives, in Milan and in the IISH in Amsterdam.

Anarchism in Cuba

The FAIT was convinced, and published condemnations in Italian anarchist periodicals such as Umanità Nova, and collected signatures to the condemnation from the Federación Libertaria Argentina, the Federación Libertaria Mexicana, the Anarchist Federation of London, the Sveriges Arbetares Central-Organisation, the French Anarchist Federation, and the Movimiento Libertario Español.

Anarchism in Egypt

Many leading figures of the global anarchist movement, including Errico Malatesta, Amilcare Cipriani, Élisée Reclus, Luigi Galleani and Pietro Gori passed through Egypt at various points and for various reasons, owing to its position as a relative safe haven for political dissidents and close proximity to Europe.

Anarchist Black Cross Network

Anarchist Black Cross Network differs significantly with Anarchist Black Cross Federation, since it has no official joining procedure or strict requirements.


While anarcho-pacifism is most commonly associated with religious anarchism such as Tolstoyan Christian anarchism and Buddhist anarchism, irreligious or even anti-religious tendencies have emerged such as the French individualist anarchist anarcho-pacifist tendency exemplified by authors and activists such as Charles-Auguste Bontemps, André Arru and Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers which aligned itself with atheism and freethought.

Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed

It was founded by members of the Columbia Anarchist League of Columbia, Missouri, and continued to be published there for nearly fifteen years, eventually under the sole editorial control of Jason McQuinn (who initially used the pseudonym "Lev Chernyi"), before briefly moving to New York City in 1995 to be published by members of the Autonomedia collective.

Andrea Salsedo

Andrea Salsedo (September 21, 1881 – May 3, 1920) was an Italian anarchist whose death caused controversy as it was caused by a fall from the Justice Department's Bureau of Investigation (BOI) offices on 15 Park Row in New York City.

Andrés Nin

Born in El Vendrell, Tarragona, to a poor family (his father was a shoemaker and his mother was a peasant), Nin moved to Barcelona shortly before World War I; he taught briefly in a secular anarchist school, but soon became a journalist and activist.

Antonio García Barón

He moved to the village of San Buenaventura on the Quiquibey River, then later moved 60 km further into the jungle to set up an anarchist community.

Arthur Lehning

Paul Arthur Müller-Lehning (23 October 1899 in Utrecht – 1 January 2000, Lys-Saint-Georges) was a Dutch author, historian and anarchist.

Becky Edelsohn

Rebecca Edelsohn, in contemporary sources often given as Becky Edelson, (1892–1973) was an anarchist and hunger striker who was jailed in 1914 for disorderly conduct during an Industrial Workers of the World speech.

Bernard Lecache

In May 1926, in the heart of Paris, the Jewish anarchist Sholom Schwartzbard killed Symon Petliura, a nationalist Ukrainian he accused of starting pogroms that devastated his family.


Sante Geronimo Caserio (1873–1894), Italian anarchist and assassin of Marie François Sadi Carnot

Cinderella stamp

Illustrator and anarchist Clifford Harper, whose family had an occupational history in the postal service, designed stamps "for post-revolutionary post" bearing the image of anarchist figures such as Pierre-Joseph Proudhon ("property is theft"), Oscar Wilde, Emma Goldman and Emiliano Zapata.

Donald Rooum

He was a founding member of the Malatesta Club, an anarchist social club and venue that opened in London on May Day 1954.

Dynam-Victor Fumet

father's stifling education, he soon began to frequent anarchist groups (Louise Michel, Prince Kropotkine, Jean Grave, Charles Malato).

Francisco Ascaso

He took part in anarchist insurrections that marked the first years of the Republic, and in 1932 was detained and deported in Bata, on the coast of Río Muni, and then to the Canary Islands.

Fritz Kater

After the expiration of the Anti-Socialist Laws in 1890, Kater had close contacts with the opposition political movement Die Jungen, which was influenced by anarchist ideas.

Future Primitive

Future Primitive and Other Essays, a 1994 collection of essays by anarchist John Zerzan

Homem Primata

Then, in now colorful shots, the band starts tagging a 1950s truck with graffiti (illustrations include the anarchist symbol) before they start performing the song on board of it while someone drives it through the center of São Paulo.

Ian Ballantine

Born in New York City, the son of Stella Commins Ballantine (niece of anarchist Emma Goldman), Ian Ballantine received his undergraduate degree from Columbia College and his graduate degree from the London School of Economics.

Juan Negrín

Negrín relied on the Communists to curtail the Anarchist wing of the Spanish Left, and was forced to rely on the Soviet Union, then led by Joseph Stalin, for weapons and armament, because of the arms embargo imposed by the Non-Intervention Committee.

Kill Your Pet Puppy

The Puppy Collective were also variously active participants in events and situations of the period - including a Sid Vicious Memorial March in 1979, the Wapping Autonomy Centre in 1981/2, Centro Iberico Anarchist Centre 1982, the 1982 Stonehenge to Greenham Peace Convoy and the 1983 Stop the City protest and the 1982/3/4 Stonehenge Free festivals.

Leeds Arts Club

The Leeds Arts Club, founded by Leeds school teacher Alfred Orage and Yorkshire textile manufacture Holbrook Jackson, was an iconoclastic organisation that mixed radical socialist and anarchist politics with the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, Suffragette Feminism, the spiritualism of the Theosophical Society and modernist art and poetry into a heady mixture.

Les Brigades du Tigre

Gathering a talented pan-European cast, the film is set in a very rich and interesting Belle Époque, it deals with a lot of real historical plots and characters like the scandal of the Russian Loan, the Triple Entente, the birth of modern profiling and crime-fighting police techniques, the rivalry between the PP (Parisian Prefecture Police Units) and the Brigades of Clemenceau, the birth of Socialism and famous Anarchist Movements.

Letters of Insurgents

Letters of Insurgents is a 1976 novel by Fredy Perlman (under the character aliases Yarostan Vochek and Sophie Nachalo) dealing with anarchist themes and relationships.

Luigi Bertoni

Bertoni fought on the Huesca front with Italian comrades during the Spanish Revolution and was, with Emma Goldman, one of the outspoken critics of anarchist participation in the Republican government after the Spanish Civil War.

Macedonian Secret Revolutionary Committee

The Bulgarian anarchist movement grew in the 1890s, and the territory of Principality of Bulgaria became a staging-point for anarchist activities against the Ottomans.

Marie Ganz

The judge is very lenient, but she signs an autobiography in which she renounces anarchism and writes: "During all this time, Emma Goldman, the anarchist leader, was away on a lecture tour and out of harm's way. She paid no attention to appeals to come back and to take part in the meetings. She was making money and she was living comfortably at first-class hotels, and I became convinced that she had always been actuated by sordid motives."

Marius Jacob

After the international support effort for anarchist prisoners Sacco and Vanzetti, they gave their support to prevent the extradition of Durruti, who had been promised the death penalty in Spain.

Michael Paraskos

As this suggests, Paraskos's route into anarchism might have its origins in his earlier academic studies into Herbert Read, but in Paraskos's own work this interest has evolved into a theory of art in which a direct parallel is made between the anarchist desire to free the individual from society and what Paraskos claims is the artists' desire to be free from existing culture.

Miguel García Vivancos

Resenting the violence with which trade unions were met by employers, he formed the anarchist group Los Solidarios, together with Buenaventura Durruti, Francisco Ascaso, Juan García Oliver, Gregorio Jover, Ramona Berri, Eusebio Brau, Manuel Campos, and Aurelio Fernández.

Now and After

Anarchist Stuart Christie wrote that Now and After is "among the best introductions to the ideas of anarchism in the English language".


Josef Peukert (1855, Albrechtsdorf an der Adler – 1910, Chicago), a Bohemian-Austrian anarchist

Philip Josephs

Josephs also acted as the main distributor of radical and anarchist literature, such as Mother Earth and Freedom, and was in regular contact with anarchist Emma Goldman.

Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist

The book begins with the details of how Berkman came to be imprisoned: as an anarchist activist, he had attempted to assassinate wealthy industrialist Henry Clay Frick, manager of the Carnegie steel works in Pennsylvania.

Ross Winn

Winn also wrote articles for The Firebrand, a short-lived, but renowned weekly out of Portland, Oregon; The Rebel, an anarchist journal published in Boston; and Emma Goldman's Mother Earth.

Ruin Academy

The Ruin Academy is publishing its own independent free newspaper the Anarchist Gardener edited by Nikita Wu.

Sherman Austin

Sherman Martin Austin (born April 10, 1983) is an American anarchist and musician who was arrested for inflammatory content on his website and subsequently convicted.

Stuart Christie

Christie was born in the Partick area of Glasgow and was raised in Blantyre, by his mother and grandparents, becoming an anarchist at a young age.

Tarnac Nine

The Tarnac Nine are nine alleged anarchist saboteurs arrested in the village of Tarnac, France in November 2008 in relation to a series of instances of direct action.

Theodor Plievier

Through his travels he was exposed to anarchist-syndicalist philosophies that would influence his later work.

Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes

Propagandhi continued this motif of using established artists to provide their cover artwork on their next two albums, Potemkin City Limits, using a piece by anarchist artist Eric Drooker, and Supporting Caste, which featured a painting entitled "The Triumph of Mischief" by Kent Monkman.

University of Oregon media

It has also rallied for the release of Mumia Abu-Jamal and Jeff Luers, a local eco-anarchist whose 22-year arson sentence was later overturned on the grounds that it was excessive, as well as other imprisoned radical-left voices, often claiming that they are wrongly held political prisoners.


Luigi Veronelli (1926–2004), Italian wine and food writer, anarchist

Viva Maria!

Maria II (Brigitte Bardot), the daughter of an Irish Republican anarchist, meets Maria I (Jeanne Moreau), the singer of a circus.

Żabno, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship

On December 25, 1991, following the fall of the Soviet Union, Makhnovist soldiers entered the region with the intention of overthrowing the government, and establishing an anarchist rule.

see also