
unusual facts about Ancient Roman

Anti-Scottish sentiment

Much of the negative literature of the Middle Ages drew heavily on the writings from Greek and Roman antiquity.

Aspendos International Opera and Ballet Festival

The festival is held annually each June and July in the two thousand year old ancient Roman Aspendos Theatre of Aspendos, near Antalya, Turkey.

Bluestone Heath Road

The Ancient Roman people also used the road, sometimes closely following the original Celtic route, sometimes deviating from it (for example, near Tetford where the Roman route cuts into the valley and away from the ridge line).

Chapel of Notre Dame des Anges

The site, between Apt and Sisteron on the Roman road Via Domitia, was once that of the Roman settlement of Alaunium, named after the local god Alaunius, which later became Aulun, and gave its name to the chapel that was built there, Sainte-Marie d'Aulun.


Epidius (1st century BC) was an Ancient Roman rhetorician who taught the art of oratory towards the close of the republic, numbering Marcus Antonius and Octavianus among his scholars.


A horreum (plural: horrea) was a type of public warehouse used during the ancient Roman period.

Italian Neoclassical and 19th-century art

Just like in other parts of Europe, Italian Neoclassical art was mainly based on the principles of Ancient Roman and Ancient Greek art and architecture, but also by the Italian Renaissance architecture and its basics, such as in the Villa Capra "La Rotonda".

Land Beneath the Ground!

Whichever group causes the biggest earthquake wins the contest and gets the prize, a piece of Ancient Greek pottery that fell down a crevice in Ancient Roman times in the year zero (i.e., the year 1 BCE translated into astronomical year numbering, which includes a year zero).


The remnants of burned Ancient Roman military posts were discovered by the French army in 1836, when they entered the area; these posts were occupied, according to the inscriptions, by a numerus Syrorum: a unit of Syrian archers.

Temmink: The Ultimate Fight

Sometime in the near future the main character, the sociopathic Temmink, beats a passerby to death and ends up in the so-called "Arena" - a modern version of the ancient roman Colosseum.

Wadsworth Atheneum

The museum is home to approximately 50,000 objects, including ancient Roman, Greek, and Egyptian bronzes; paintings from the Renaissance, Baroque, and French and American Impressionist eras, among others; 18th-century French porcelains (including Meissen and Sèvres); Hudson River School landscapes; early American clothing and decorations; early African-American art and historical artifacts; and more.

Župeča Vas

Ancient Roman artefacts, mostly masonry, have been found in the area, mostly in the location of a destroyed medieval church dedicated Saint Alexander, mentioned in written documents dating to 1274, but already destroyed by the 17th century.

see also

Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus

The Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus is an ancient Roman monument once thought to be an altar, discovered in the Campus Martius.


Being perhaps a station, it includes the ancient Roman road connecting Drobeta with Pelendava, situated near the modern road coming from Botosesti Paia in the north.

Arnolfo di Cambio

Around 1282 he finished the monument to Cardinal Guillaume de Braye in the church of San Domenico in Orvieto, including an enthroned Madonna (a Maestà) for which he took as a model an ancient Roman statue of the goddess Abundantia; the Madonna's tiara and jewels reproduce antique models.

Ars Magica

Standard player-character Magi belong the Order of Hermes, a society of magically "Gifted" humans founded in 767 A.D. by the witch Trianoma and magus Bonisagus after the latter developed a breakthrough in communicating and manipulating magic (termed 'Hermetic Magic' for its roots in both the Greek deity Hermes, upon which the ancient Roman Cult of Mercury was based, and the works of the legendary figure Hermes Trismegistus).

Art repatriation

The scale of plundering that took place under Napoleon's French Empire was unprecedented in modern history with the only comparable looting expeditions taking place in ancient Roman history.


The hamlet was formerly called Bedesham and lies on the road that leads from Green Street Green (formerly Greensted-green) in the parish of Darenth to Southfleet railway station and thence to Wingfield-bank,Northfleet where it meets the ancient Roman highway Watling Street (A2 motorway), which runs along the northern side of this parish.


Many of the ancient Roman amphitheatres had characteristics that can be seen in the bullrings of today (in fact the ring in Nîmes, France, is a Roman artifact, though it is more elliptical than the usual plaza), and the origin of bullfighting is very closely related to certain Roman traditions.


Guelma, an Algerian city once named Calama by ancient Roman settlers

Catania Cathedral

It was originally constructed in 1078-1093, on the ruins of the ancient Roman Achillean Baths, by order of Roger I of Sicily, who had conquered the city from the Islamic emirate of Sicily.

Cautes and Cautopates

Cautes and Cautopates are torch-bearers depicted attending the god Mithras in the icons of ancient Roman cult of Mithraism, known as Tauroctony.

Church of San Juan Bautista, Baños de Cerrato

It and several other Visigothic churches built in Spain about the same time represent the last ashlar construction in western Europe until Charlemagne, and can be seen as the end of that ancient Roman building tradition in the west.


Lucius Tillius Cimber (fl. 44 BC), ancient Roman governor, one of the assassins of Julius Caesar

Clunia, Austria

Clunia is the name of an ancient Roman city that is situated in Feldkirch (Vorarlberg, Austria) and indicated on the Tabula Peutingeriana.

Decumanus Maximus

In the ancient Roman city of Barcino (present day Barcelona, Spain), the Decumanus Maximus started at the Roman gate in front of the current Plaça Nova square, which is the only Roman gate extant.


The town's name probably came from the ancient Roman city Hadrianopolis, which was located near present day Deriana.


Via Egnatia, an ancient Roman road in Illyria, Macedonia and Thrace

Fascist symbolism

Other symbols used by the Italian Fascists included the aquila, the Capitoline Wolf, and the SPQR motto, each related to Italy's ancient Roman cultural history, which the Fascists attempted to resurrect.

Francesco Piranesi

Piranesi accompanied his father on two trips to the ancient Roman ruins in Pompei, Paestum and Ercolano, first in 1770, and again in 1778.

Gamma Virginis

This star system has the traditional name Porrima, the alternative name of Antevorta, one of the Camenae or ancient Roman goddesses of prophecy.

Georg Ludwig Kriegk

Kriegk was an avid archaeologist, conducting excavations of the ancient Roman settlement of Nida, located in the present-day district of Heddernheim.


In 1919 archaeologists from the Art History Archive in Belgrade discovered remains of an ancient Roman town on the site of the current village.In a field near the hamlet of Bubanj 375 were found coins dating from the reigns of Septimius Severus (193-211AD) and Volusianus (251-253AD).


The name Janolus is derived from the two-headed god Janus, in ancient Roman mythology.

Khirbet al-Mukhayyat

Many ancient Roman churches were found in the village, the main of which is the Church of Saint Lot and Saint Procopius, located on top of a hill in the village, and the Church of Preacher John located in a valley below the hill.


An alternate spelling of Larunda (also known as Larunde or Lara), a nymph in Ancient Roman myth

Laudatio Iuliae amitae

But he clearly refers to Ancus Marcius, an ancient Roman king, who was said to have revived and completed the religious institutions of Numa after succeeding Tullus Hostilius.


Between Lopenhead and Lopen the road crosses the ancient Roman Fosse Way, which at this point is just a minor country lane.

Lucius Cincinnatus

Cincinnatus, ancient Roman politician of the 5th and 6th centuries BC


Near Canosa di Puglia there is an ancient Roman bridge known all over the south of Italy.


:He continues by discussing his own preoccupation with Emperor Nero and his love for the period of Ancient Roman history as works on his own opera, Nerone

Parc des Buttes Chaumont

The most famous feature of the park is the Temple de la Sibylle, a miniature version of the famous ancient Roman Temple of Vesta in Tivoli, Italy.

Pierre Gros

Pierre Gros (born May 7, 1939, Incheville, France) is a contemporary scholar of ancient Roman architecture and the Latin language, particularly the texts of the writer Vitruvius.

Portico Dii Consentes

The Portico Dii Consentes ("Portico of the Harmonious Gods"), sometimes known as the Area of the Dii Consentes, is located at the bottom of the ancient Roman road that leads up to the Capitol in Rome and to the Temple of Jupiter at its summit.


Fontus (Fons) — the ancient Roman god of fountains and wellheads


Located near the ancient Roman city of Clunia, was possession of several monasteries, such as Santo Domingo de Silos, until he escaped with Philip IV of its jurisdiction.

Saint Florian

Florian was born about 250 AD in the ancient Roman city of Aelium Cetiumin in present-day Sankt Pölten, Austria.

Santa Maria in Traspontina

Pope Alexander VI demolished an ancient Roman pyramid on the same site (the Meta Romuli, believed in the Middle Ages to be Romulus's tomb, and portrayed on the bronze doors to St Peter's Basilica and in a Giotto di Bondone triptych in the Vatican Museums) for the construction of the first church.

Solhi al-Wadi

In 1995 Solhi al-Wadi conducted the first-ever performance of an opera in Syria, Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, which was performed at the ancient Roman amphitheaters of Bosra and Palmyra for huge crowds of enthusiastic listeners.

Solveig Nordström

Her bravery was reported worldwide and this site is now confirmed to be the ancient Roman city of Lucentum.


Tavolero, (also referred to as Tavolier, Tivolieri, or in ancient Roman times as Tebularium) is a "frazione" (i.e., suburb) of the Communal town of Rocca Santa Maria in the Province of Teramo.


In ancient Roman times it was called Viminatium (not to be confused with the Serbian province of Viminacium).

Theatre of Balbus

Theatre of Balbus was an ancient Roman structure in the Campus Martius of Rome.


Plovdiv, Bulgaria, the capital of the ancient Roman province of Thrace

União das Freguesias da Póvoa de Varzim, Beiriz e Argivai

It includes areas such as fishermen's Bairro Sul, Bairro Norte's beachfront highrises, Póvoa de Varzim's Ancient Roman and Medieval quarters around Bairro da Matriz, Largo das Dores, and Rua da Junqueira, the ancient parish of Argivai and Suburban Beiriz, with countryside estates and newer middle and upper-class residential areas.


Vomitorium, an architectural feature in Ancient Roman amphitheatres.


Bernard Cornwell has the main character of the Saxon stories visit Wroxeter in Death of Kings, referring to it as an ancient Roman city that was "as big as London" and using it as an illustration of his pagan beliefs that the World will end in chaos.