
3 unusual facts about Andrei Voznesensky

American Poetry Center

APC sponsored dozens of poetry readings in Philadelphia featuring personal appearances by such notable figures as Russia's Andrei Voznesensky, Noble Laureates Czeslaw Milosz and Derek Walcott and Canada’s Gaston Miron.

Over 100 poets, editors, scholars, and students from Russia and the United States participated in this first-ever exchange, including poets Richard Wilbur, John Ashbery, Yevgeny Yevtushenko and Andrei Voznesensky.

Vladimir Kostrov

Vladimir Kostrov became one of the best known poets of the 1960s in the Soviet Union -- along with such writers as Andrei Voznesensky, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Yevgeny Yevtushenko -- but his poems did not have political motives.

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