
3 unusual facts about Andrew II of Hungary

Andrew II of Hungary

In December 1197, Andrew's troops defeated King Emeric's armies in a battle near Macsek in December 1197.

Andrew appointed Pontius de Cruce, Master of the Order in the Hungarian Kingdom, as a regent in Croatia and Dalmatia.

Balog nad Ipľom

In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1232 when the King of Hungary, Andrew II gave the village to Zvolen (Zólyom) town.

Christian of Oliva

Meanwhile von Salza had to abandon his hope to establish an Order's State in the Burzenland region of Transylvania, which had led to an éclat with King Andrew II of Hungary.

Master of the treasury

When the royal properties were considerably reduced under King Andrew II of Hungary (1205-1235; see Comitatus (Kingdom of Hungary) for details), the treasurer also became responsible for all royal income from royal régales (coinage, exchange of coins, precious metals management, mining monopoly, salt monopoly, customs duty), from the taxes of royal towns etc.

see also

Beatrice of Hungary

Beatrice d'Este, Queen of Hungary, the queen consort of Andrew II of Hungary from 1234-1235