
2 unusual facts about Antiquity


The classicism of the Carolingian renaissance was in part inspired by appreciation of Late Antique manuscripts: the Utrecht Psalter attempts to recreate such a Late Antique original, both in its handwriting and its illustrations.

Antiquities, nearly always used in the plural in this sense, is a term for objects from Antiquity

Ad Turres

Turres, the name in antiquity of Pirot, Serbia, a town between Naissus and Serdica

Adam Müller

It treats in six books of the state, of right, of the spirit of legislation in antiquity and in the Middle Ages, of money and national wealth, of the economical factors of the state and trade, of the relation between the state and religion.

Ancient Greek novel

Five ancient Greek novels survive complete from antiquity: Chariton's Callirhoe (mid-1st century), Achilles Tatius' Leucippe and Clitophon (early-2nd century), Longus' Daphnis and Chloe (2nd century), Xenophon of Ephesus' Ephesian Tale (late-2nd century), and Heliodorus of Emesa's Aethiopica (third century).

Arthur Francis Leach

Leach's main theses were that English schools had much greater antiquity than had been thought, and that the Tudors had not been the great patrons of English education.


Asexual Colony, first novel in the "Everlasting Antiquity" series


The river was known as the Assinaros in antiquity; in 413 BC it was the site of the final crushing defeat of the retreating Athenian expeditionary force which had been besieging Syracuse.


Serchio, the third longest river in the Italian region of Tuscany, known in antiquity as Auser.

Berber mythology

Many of Berber ancient beliefs were developed locally while some other ones were imported or influenced over time by contact from other African mythology such as the Egyptian religion along with external forces from Phoenician mythology, Judaism, Iberian mythology, and the Hellenistic religion during antiquity.

Convex geometry

Although the first known contributions to convex geometry date back to antiquity and can be traced in the works of Euclid and Archimedes, it became an independent branch of mathematics at the turn of the 19th century, mainly due to the works of Hermann Brunn and Hermann Minkowski in dimensions two and three.


Corrector, a political/administrative office in classical Antiquity and some religions

Edip Cansever

Born in Istanbul, Turkey, Cansever attended Trade Academy for some time, and worked as an antiquity salesman in Grand Bazaar, Istanbul.


As far back as Christian antiquity the Manichaean attacks on the sacredness of marriage as those of Jovinian and Vigilantius, which sought to undermine the reverence for virginity, were refuted by the Church Fathers St. Augustine and St. Jerome.

Frederick A. de Armas

This study focuses on Cervantes’ most famous tragedy, La Numancia, showing how it is engaged in a conversation with classical authors of Greece and Rome, especially through the interpretations of antiquity presented by the artist Raphael.

Georgian monarchs family tree of Iberia

Marie-Félicité Brosset, History of Georgia from Antiquity to the XIX century, Volume 1-7, Saint-Petersburg, 1848–58

Giulio Carlo Argan

In the 1930 he worked for the National Antiquity and Arts Directorate, first in Turin and then in Modena and Rome, where he collaborated to the creation of the Istituto Centrale di Restauro and directed the magazine Le Arti.


Since Plato's Timaeus dwelt upon the great antiquity of the Egyptian teachings upon which the philosopher purported to draw, scholars were willing to accept that these texts were the sources of Greek ideas.

Holy Saviour's monastery of Yerazgavors

The St. Amenap'rkitch was commissioned by the Bagratid King Smbat I in Yerazgavors (Shirakashat) town in Shirak district of Historical Armenia's Ayrarat region.


During antiquity, it ran outside the defensive walls of Athens: Plato wrote in Critias that the river was one of the borders of the ancient walls.

Italian Neoclassical and 19th-century art

It places emphasis on symmetry, proportion, geometry and the regularity of parts as they are demonstrated in the architecture of Classical antiquity and in particular, the architecture of Ancient Rome, of which many examples remained.

Jonathan M. Hall

He is the author of many books, including Ethnic Identity in Greek Antiquity, Hellenicity: Between Ethnicity and Culture, and A History of the Archaic Greek World, ca. 1200-479 BCE, and of various articles and reviews on Archaic and Classical Greece.

Komnenian restoration

With this victory the Kingdom of Hungary was made a vassal of the Empire and, according to noted Byzantine historian Paul Magdalino, Byzantine control over the Balkans was at its most effective point since Late Antiquity.

Küçük Mustafa

Although unsuccessful in the siege of Bursa, the co-capital of the empire, Küçük Mustafa captured İznik (Nicaea of antiquity), another important city in the Anatolia.

Ludovico Trevisan

An account of his victory is also available in an important contemporary war poem, Trophaeum Anglaricum by Florentine humanist Leonardo Dati, which praises Trevisan's caution as much as his impetuosity, comparing him to captains of antiquity such as Alexander the Great and Hannibal.


Maponos (“Great Son”) is mentioned in Gaul at Bourbonne-les-Bains (CIL 13, 05924) and at Chamalières (RIG L-100) but is attested chiefly in the north of Britain at Brampton, Corbridge (ancient Coria), Ribchester (In antiquity, Bremetenacum Veteranorum) and Chesterholm (in antiquity, Vindolanda).

Marcel Simon

Marcel Simon (1907 in Strasbourg – 1986) was a French specialist in the history of religions, particularly relations between Christianity and Judaism in antiquity.

Mesudiye, Ordu

Mesudiye has been inhabited since the Iron Age era and has numerous remains from the time of the Hittites and there are a number of rock tombs from early antiquity in the area.

Mind over matter

The exact phrase "mind over matter" first appeared in 1863 in The Geological Evidence of the Antiquity of Man by Sir Charles Lyell (1797–1875) and refers to the increasing status and evolutionary growth of the minds of animals and man throughout Earth history.

Neural pathway

Note that the "old" name was primarily descriptive, evoking the pyramids of antiquity, from the appearance of this neural pathway in the medulla oblongata.

Old Earth creationism

These views are based on the Vedas, which depict an extreme antiquity of the universe and history of the Earth.

Pandora's Daughters

The Role and Status of Women in Greek and Roman Antiquity, 1987 book by Eva Cantarella

Parthian art

John Boardman: The Diffusion of Classical Art in Antiquity. Thames and Hudson, London 1994.


The first known debate about human antiquity took place in 170 AD between Theophilus of Antioch and an Egyptian pagan "Apollonius the Egyptian" (probably Apollonius Dyscolus), who argued that the world was 153,075 years old.

Pride of Carthage

Delbrück, Hans, Warfare in Antiquity, 1920, ISBN 0-8032-9199-X


Querolus (‘The Complainer’) or Aulularia (‘The Pot’) is an anonymous Latin comedy from late antiquity, the only Latin drama to survive from this period and the only ancient Latin comedy outside the works of Plautus and Terence.

Robert A. Kraft

Kraft has also produced significant work in manuscript studies (including Coptic texts), on so-called "Jewish Christianity" in antiquity, on the pseudepigrapha and on the Christian transmission of ancient Jewish writings.


The Salii are also given an origin in connection with Dardanus and the Samothracian Penates, or the Salius who came to Italy with Evander and in the Aeneid competed in the funeral games of Anchises.


In a mid-January 2007 issue of the Egyptian weekly Al-Ahram, however, Egyptian antiquity officials announced that a recently discovered and well preserved quartz stela belonging to the High Priest of Amun Bakenkhunsu was explicitly dated to Year 4 of Setnakhte's reign.

Social contract

Although the antecedents of social contract theory are found in antiquity, in Greek and Stoic philosophy and Roman and Canon Law, as well as in the Biblical idea of the covenant, the heyday of the social contract was the mid-17th to early 19th centuries, when it emerged as the leading doctrine of political legitimacy.

Sofia Metro

Evidence of antiquity can be clearly seen at the Serdika Station which exhibits a wealth of unearthed Thracian and Roman ruins and modern architecture.

Tirana historical places

Modern Tirana was founded as an Ottoman town in 1614 by Sulejman Bargjini, a local ruler from Mullet, although the area has been continuously inhabited since antiquity.

Tommaso Diplovataccio

In 1511 he finished the Tractatus de praestantia doctorum, a biographical treatise on the most influential jurists of Antiquity and the Middle Ages.


There are delicate, artistic examples made of silver in antiquity, as well as from mastic wood with the Romans.


They pride themselves that their caste is one of remote antiquity, and claim that ancient members included Vyasa, author of the Vishnu Purana, and Guhan, the legendary boatman who assisted Rama.

Venezuela Heroica

As regards the development of time, the events are often magnified through comparison with specific facts from the past, from antiquity or the Middle Ages, and this contributes to give a greater dimension.

Veratrum album

In antiquity, an effective emetic based on white hellebore and a bitter oval seed (which Hahneman believed was the seed of Erigeron or Senecio) was mixed by the physicians of Antikyra, a city of Phokis in Greece.

War of Vesosis and Tanausis

The War of Vesosis and Tanausis is described in Jordanes' semi-historical account of the Goths as happening in remote antiquity when Vesosis, king of the Egyptians, made war against them.


Washim is a place with antiquity and according to some scholars, it is the place where Vatsa rishi performed penance and where many Gods came to bless him as a result of which it came to be known as Vatsagulma.

see also