On the other hand, some retort that Rabbinic Judaism is the heir of the Pharisees and that the verse should still be considered an attack on Judaism as a whole.
The Christian Anti-Judaism begins with the New Testament (see Antisemitism and the New Testament) and continues with the Church being interpreted as new Israel.
New Testament | Old Testament | Antisemitism | antisemitism | Testament of Orpheus | Testament | Testament (band) | Le testament d'Orphée, ou ne me demandez pas pourquoi! | Summer's Last Will and Testament | The Testament of Mary | The Clockwork Testament, or Enderby's End | Testament (Matt Fishel song) | New Testament apocrypha | Le Testament d'Orphée | fresco '' Stories of the New Testament | Aramaic New Testament | Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament | Weymouth New Testament | Tyndale's New Testament | The Testament of Mary (play) | The Testament of Dr. Mabuse | The Testament of Arkadia | The Suffering of God: An Old Testament Perspective | Testament of Youth | Summer's Last Will and Testament (Lambert) | Spanish Testament | New Testament Apocrypha | New testament | Lenin's Testament | Last will and testament of Adolf Hitler |