He was a child prodigy who obtained the patronage of the duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen, who sent him to study with Jakob Friedrich Kleinknecht at the court of Bayreuth in 1758, and then sent him to Italy (1764-66), and made him Kapellmeister.
Anton Chekhov | Albert Schweitzer | Anton Corbijn | Anton Bruckner | Anton Webern | Anton Reichenow | Robert Anton Wilson | Anton LaVey | Anton Yelchin | Anton Geesink | Anton Armstrong | Case Anton | Anton Zeilinger | Anton Walbrook | Anton Emdin | Anton du Beke | Anton Denikin | Anton Cermak | Anton | Theodor Anton Ippen | Suzanne Anton | Karl Theodor Anton Maria von Dalberg | Anton van Wilderode | Anton Shkaplerov | Anton R. Valukas | Anton Raphael Mengs | Anton Karas | Anton Günther II | Antón García Abril | Anton Diabelli |