From Fort Hall, the route headed south following the Humboldt River before passing through the Black Rock Desert in present-day Nevada.
The group began the task on June 25, 1846, with Jesse Applegate, Lindsay Applegate, David Goff, John Owen, B. F. Burch, W. Sportsman, Robert Smith, a Mr. Goodhue, J. Jones, B. Ausbuan, and Levi Scott starting the survey.
At Lassen Meadows the Applegate-Lassen Cut-Off of the California Trail, which provided a quicker route to Goose Lake in northwest California and the California gold fields, left the main route of that trail and headed toward the Black Rock Desert.
Oregon Trail | Trail of Tears | rail trail | Santa Fe Trail | Portland Trail Blazers | Appalachian Trail | Christina Applegate | trail | The Big Trail | California Trail | Virginia Creeper Trail | Rail trail | Rubicon Trail | Rex Applegate | Ozark Trail | Overland Trail | Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race | Bozeman Trail | ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead | Trail | The Trail of the Lonesome Pine | The Trail Beyond | Rossland-Trail | Pacific Crest Trail | On the Trail of the Assassins | National Historic Trail | Mormon Trail | Lindsay Applegate | Katy Trail State Park | Jubilee Trail |