The 350-mile Ozark Trail system winds through much of the National Forest.
The main street of Newcastle historically was called the Ozark Trail, running from Rogers, Arkansas to Roswell, New Mexico.
Hiking and backpacking opportunities abound on the Ozark Trail and the White's Creek Trail.
These parks and the adjacent Bell Mountain Wilderness Area are part of a large wilderness area that is very popular with hikers and backpackers and includes the Taum Sauk section of the Ozark Trail.
Oregon Trail | Trail of Tears | rail trail | Santa Fe Trail | Portland Trail Blazers | Appalachian Trail | trail | The Big Trail | California Trail | Ozark Jubilee | Virginia Creeper Trail | Rail trail | Rubicon Trail | Ozark Trail | Overland Trail | Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race | Bozeman Trail | ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead | Trail | The Trail of the Lonesome Pine | The Trail Beyond | Rossland-Trail | Pacific Crest Trail | Ozark Henry | Ozark | On the Trail of the Assassins | National Historic Trail | Mormon Trail | Katy Trail State Park | Jubilee Trail |
There is also a winery east of Pine Ridge on the Ozark Trail (Woods and Waters Winery and Vineyard).