
unusual facts about Arabian Golden-winged Grosbeak

Arabian Golden-winged Grosbeak

In Yemen it has been recorded in spurge (Euphorbia) scrub and woodland of acacias (Acacia) and junipers (Juniperus), while in the wooded Mahrah it is primarily found in Anogeissus/Commiphora woodland.

Golden-winged grosbeak

Altogether, Rhynchostruthus seems to belong to a group of Carduelinae which includes such birds as Carduelis, the Oriole Finch (Linurgus olivaceus), and the canaries, many of which have large amounts of brilliant yellow plumage.

The large bill suggests a relationship with the Asian grosbeaks - e.g. Mycerobas - but its song and calls are reminiscent of European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis, European Greenfinch C. chloris, and Yemen Linnet C. yemenensis.

Kulikalon Lakes

These include Himalayan Snowcocks, Saker Falcons, Himalayan Vultures, Solitary Snipe, Yellow-billed Choughs, Hume's Larks, Sulphur-bellied Warblers, Wallcreepers, White-winged Redstarts, Brown Accentors, Water Pipits, Crimson-winged Finches and White-winged Grosbeaks.

see also