
unusual facts about Arch of Titus

Arch of Titus

The opposite side of the Arch of Titus received new inscriptions after it was restored during the pontificate of Pope Pius VII by Giuseppe Valadier in 1821.

Scroll of Fire

In the scroll describing independence, threre are sculptured symbols of Israel, such as: Olive trees, a child holding a cluster of grapes, a man blowing a shofar near the Western Wall, the menorah as described in the Arch of Titus, an old character representing Elijah, people dancing Hora and flags flying near an angel blowing a trumpet.

see also

Gustave Schlumberger

He was a friend of Edith Wharton, who described him as looking like 'a descendent of one of the Gauls on the arch of Titus'.

Knesset Menorah

The Arch of Titus bears a relief depicting captives from the Kingdom of Judea en route to Rome bearing the treasures of the Second Temple after its destruction in 70 CE, including the Temple Menorah.