
unusual facts about Archdiocese of Bremen


It belonged to the Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen.


The Land of Wursten, whatever a rather autonomous farmers' republic including Dorum, had long been claimed by the Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen, until in 1524 it could be definitely be subjected.


The Land of Wursten, a rather autonomous farmers' republic including Padingbüttel, had long been claimed by the Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen, until in 1524 it could be definitely be subjected.

St. Peter's Church, Hamburg

In the north portion of the cathedral, a Gothic mural from approximately 1460 shows the first bishop Ansgar of Bremen, with the words "Apostle of the North".


The Land of Wursten, a rather autonomous farmers' republic including Wremen, had long been claimed by the Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen, until in 1524 it could be definitely be subjected.

see also