
unusual facts about Aroused


1922 in Germany

The extension of the Russo-German Treaty of Rapallo to the Soviet republics federated with Russia took place as a matter of course, and aroused no attention.

Ahead of Their Time

Different edits of snatches from the second part of the performance ("The Orange County Lumber Truck" and "Prelude To The Afternoon of a Sexually Aroused Gas Mask") were originally released on "Weasels Ripped My Flesh".

Alexander Maximilian Seitz

The St. Anthony, and St. Benedict, as engraved by the Capuchin Bernardo da Monaco, and his Mater Amabilis aroused admiration; an enthroned Madonna went to England.

Allie Haze

Haze was one of the 16 pornographic actresses portrayed in Deborah Anderson's 2013 documentary film Aroused.

Angel of the North

The Angel aroused some controversy in British newspapers, at first, including a "Gateshead stop the statue" campaign, while local councillor Martin Callanan was especially strong in his opposition.

Arthur Robertson Cushny

Aroused by interests of physiological drug interaction, he traveled to the European continent and spent a year of associated study under Oswald Schmiedeberg at Strassburg, Austria and six months in Berne under Hugo Kronecker, from whom he learned elements of physiological technique.

Bergmann-Bayard pistol

It aroused the interest of a number of armies and was the subject of several trials in competition with the Mauser C96, Mannlicher, Browning and Luger pistols.

Compton Potters' Arts Guild

The resultant Romanesque/Gothic revival exterior of the Watts Mortuary Chapel aroused such interest, that before work on the polychrome interior had started, Watts had set-up permanent Arts and Crafts communities in both Compton and her home-town of Aldourie, Scotland.

Council of Pisa

John, Archbishop of Riga, brought several objections before the council, but in general the German delegates aroused hostility and were compelled to flee the city.

Don Chafin

Chafin's anti-union activities did successfully keep the United Mine Workers out of Logan County, but they also aroused the anger of UMW officials.


Engyon is a legendary ancient town of the interior of Sicily, a Cretan colony, according to legend, and famous for an ancient temple of the Magna Mater (or Cybele) which aroused the greed of Verres.

Henry D'Esterre Taylor

His address, "Three Great Federations: Australasian, National and Racial" (London, 1890), delivered to the A.N.A. at Ballarat, met with approval insofar as he urged Australian Federation; but his advocacy of Imperial Federation and, ultimately, a federation of the British races aroused heated opposition.

Hong Kong Drifts

However, it hadn’t aroused much attention from the society until the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology recruited 3 top scorers of the College Entrance Examination in 2005.

House Negro

In New Zealand in 2012, Hone Harawira, a Member of Parliament and leader of the socialist Mana Party, aroused controversy after referring to Maori MPs from the ruling New Zealand National Party as "little house niggers" during a heated debate on electricity privatisation, and its potential effect on Waitangi Tribunal claims.

John Meurig Thomas

His interest in science was aroused when as a teenager he heard his physics teacher at Gwendraeth Grammar School talk about the life and work of Michael Faraday.

Joseph François Michaud

He was born at Albens, Savoie, educated at Bourg-en-Bresse, and afterwards engaged in literary work at Lyon, where the French Revolution first aroused the strong dislike of revolutionary principles which manifested itself throughout the rest of his life.

Kurt Østervig

His distinctive designs aroused widespread international interest, resulting in his work being exhibited in New York's Museum of Modern Art.

Liesegang rings

The phenomenon was first noticed over one hundred years ago (in 1896) by the German chemist Raphael E. Liesegang, and has aroused the curiosity of chemists for many years.

LNWR Bloomer Class

The nickname was a topical one in the autumn of 1851 when the first engine arrived on the line, because of the current popular excitement aroused by the appearance of women wearing trousers, as advocated by Mrs Amelia Bloomer.

Margaret Douglas

In 1574 she again aroused Elizabeth's anger by marrying her younger son, Charles, to Elizabeth Cavendish, the stepdaughter of the Earl of Shrewsbury.

Maurice Rouvier

His policy had aroused German jealousy, which became evident in the asperity with which the question of Morocco was handled in Berlin.

McDonald's Israel

In 1994, the Golani Interchange branch aroused controversy when the restaurant installed a large 'golden arches' sign in front of the Golani Brigade museum and memorial.

My Little Princess

My Little Princess is a 2010 French-Romanian drama film directed by Eva Ionesco and inspired by her relationship with her mother, the well-known artistic photographer Irina Ionesco whose pictures of her young daughter aroused discussions when they were published back in the 1970s.

Neues vom Tage

The mischievous nudity particularly aroused the ire of Ernst "Putzi" Hanfstängel, Hitler’s musical advisor, and was later cited by the Nazis as evidence that the "degenerate art" of the "cultural bolshevist" Hindemith should be excluded from Germany.

Oliver Huntemann

Films like Beat Street and Wild Style aroused his curiosity with regard to breakdancing and DJing.


In the 1974 film Flesh Gordon, a ribald parody of the science fiction adventures of Flash Gordon, the villain "Emperor Wang" directs a "sex ray" at Earth which causes the planet's inhabitants to become uncontrollably sexually aroused.

Paul Guillaume

This aroused the attention of Guillaume Apollinaire, who in turn introduced him to many of the artists of the beginning of the century in France.

Pen and Sword Books

Dark Peak Aircraft Wrecks told the story of crash sites in the Dark Peak National Park and a further weekly feature on the history of two Kitchener battalions, known as the Barnsley Pals, aroused a public thirst for more.

Pontefract Priory

This attempt to regard the earl as a martyr aroused the anger of Edward II of England, who impounded the offerings (Rymer, Foedera, II, ii, 726).

Pope Paschal II

The Hildebrandine party was aroused to action, however; a Lateran council of March 1112 declared null and void the concessions extorted by violence; a council held at Vienne in October 1111 excommunicated the Emperor; and Paschal II sanctioned the proceeding.

Prithviraj Raso

His fast rise aroused the envy of the then powerful ruler of Kannauj, Jaichand Gahadvala, and caused ill-feeling between the two.

Sebastien Michaelis

The Gaufridy affair aroused great public interest, and an English translation of Michaelis's work, The Admirable History of Possession and Conversion of a Penitent Woman: Seduced by a Magician that Made Her to Become a Witch, was published in 1620 by William Aspley (the translation, by "W.B.", also includes Pneumology, or Discourse of Spirits).

Semantic satiation

The explanation for the phenomenon was that verbal repetition repeatedly aroused a specific neural pattern in the cortex which corresponds to the meaning of the word.

Sham Shui Po Park

The first wave of bird flu outbreak of type H5N1 at the time aroused much concern to the community.

Stories from the Kronen

When they go to see Roberto’s favorite film, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Roberto is aroused when he sees Carlos sexually playing in the dark with his girlfriend.

Tomas de Lemos

The controversy aroused in 1588 by the publication of Luis Molina's work Concordia liberi arbitrii cum gratiae donis, between the Dominicans and Jesuits, had reached a heated and turbulent stage not only at Valladolid but also at Salamanca, Cordoba, Zaragoza, and other cities of Spain.

United States v. Place

Raymond J. Place first aroused the suspicion of law enforcement officers as he was standing in line at the Miami airport waiting to buy a ticket to New York's LaGuardia Airport.

Wang Ching-feng

Her speech aroused public protests, led by relatives of murder victims, such the entertainer Pai Ping-ping (whose her daughter was kidnapped and murdered in 1997).

Zeugma, Commagene

A bronze statue of Mars, which aroused increased media interest in Zeugma, was found amongst storage jars in the larder of one of the villas.

see also