
6 unusual facts about Bahr el Ghazal

Abyei status referendum

The Abyei status referendum is a delayed referendum that was originally due to be held in 2011 in which the residents of Abyei can decide either to remain part of the Sudanese South Kordofan region or to become part of the Bahr el Ghazal region of South Sudan.

Al-Zubayr Rahma Mansur

Two years later, he was granted the title of Governor over Bahr el Ghazal in return for an annual tribute of ivory.


Its southern border is unknown, but Alodia might have had some authority deep into the Bahr el Ghazal.

Daniel Awet Akot

Akot also became governor of Bahr el Ghazal and the overall commander of SPLA forces in that region.

Dinka people

The Dinka people are an ethnic group inhabiting the Bahr el Ghazal region of the Nile basin, Jonglei and parts of southern Kordufan and Upper Nile regions.

History of Darfur

This area known as the Bahr el Ghazal had long been the source of the goods that Darfur would trade to Egypt and North Africa, especially slaves and ivory.

Apostolic Vicariate of Sudan

In the early 20th century it included: — stations at Assuan (now in Egypt), Omdurman, Khartoum (central station); Lul and Atigo (White Nile); Wau, Kayango and 'Cleveland' (Bahrel-Ghazal); Omach and Gulu (Uganda); besides twenty-five localities provided excurrendo.

see also

Elijah Malok Aleng

The Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) forces of Eagle Battalion, whom they were commanding, were largely made up of Dinka elements from Northern Bahr el Ghazal specifically from Abiei, Gogrial and Aweil Counties.

Georg August Schweinfurth

Starting from Khartoum in January 1869, he went up the White Nile to Bahr-el-Ghazal, and then, with a party of ivory dealers, through the regions inhabited by the Diur (Dyoor), Dinka, Bongo and Niam-Niam; crossing the Congo-Nile watershed he entered the country of the Mangbetu (Monbuttu) and discovered the river Uele (March 19, 1870), which by its westward flow he knew was independent of the Nile.

Twic East County

They Dinka people are an ethnic group inhabiting the Bahr el Ghazal region of the Nile basin, Jonglei and parts of southern Kordufan and Upper Nile regions.