The satirical Bald Archy art competition (named from the more prestigious Archibald Prize) began in Coolac at the Coolac Festival of Fun, launched by Peter Batey.
Nobel Prize | Pulitzer Prize | Nobel Peace Prize | Nobel Prize in Literature | Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine | Nobel Prize in Chemistry | Nobel prize | Archibald Prize | Turner Prize | Bald Eagle | Nobel Prize in Physics | Man Booker Prize | Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences | USSR State Prize | Mercury Prize | Israel Prize | Humanitas Prize | Goldman Environmental Prize | Rome Prize | Pushcart Prize | Pulitzer Prize for Fiction | Lenin Prize | List of winners and shortlisted authors of the Booker Prize for Fiction | Finlandia Prize | The Bald Soprano | Georg Büchner Prize | Brage Prize | bald eagle | Ansari X Prize | World Food Prize |