
unusual facts about Beak

Eleazar ha-Kappar

An important Archaeology finding that was discovered at a Mosque in "Kfar Devora" was a frame-head decorated with two Birds of prey, holding Nosegay in their Beaks.


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Apt Pupil

In Roadwork, Barton George Dawes tells a similar story about owning a rifle to a story told by Audrey Wyler in Desperation, In Desperation, Audrey says "The year I was twelve, my old man gave me a .22. The first thing I did was to go outside our house in Sedilia and shoot a jay. When I went over to it, it was still alive, too. It was trembling all over, staring straight ahead, and its beak was opening and closing, very slowly."

Araguaia guerrilla

The movement's name came from the fact that its fighters were established on the banks of the Araguaia river, near the towns of São Geraldo, Pará and Xambioá, in northern Goiás (currently located in northern Tocantins, at a region popularly known as Bico do Papagaio (Parrot's Beak).

D. americana

Diarrhena americana, the American beak grass or American beakgrain, a native, perennial grass species of North America

Daly's Club

This was once "Daly's Club-house," where all the noblemen and gentlemen of both Houses would adjourn to dine and drink; where were seen Mr. Grattan, and Mr. Flood with "his broken beak," and Mr. Curran, and those brilliant but guerilla debaters, whose encounters both of wit and logic make our modern parliamentary contests sound tame and languid.

Dixie Cornell Gebhardt

In the center a soaring Eagle carries blue streamers in his beak which read "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain." Dixie Gebhardt cleverly signifies here that we are a part of this nation by combining our national bird with Iowa's state motto.

Egg tooth

Kiwis lack an egg tooth, instead using their legs and beak to break through a relatively thin eggshell.


The skull and lower jaws held 76 long, curved needle-like teeth, eighteen in the upper, nineteen in the lower jaw, confined to the beak ends, the anterior third, of the jaws.

Haroun and the Sea of Stories

Butt the Hoopoe: A mechanical Hoopoe who becomes Haroun's steed in Kahani, capable of almost all known mental feats, including telepathy (the latter producing a recurrent joke that he "spoke without moving his beak").

Kona Grosbeak

Its food consists of the seeds of the fruit of the aaka (Myoporum sandwicense) (bastard sandal-tree, and probably in other seasons of those of the sandalwood tree), and as these are very minute, its whole time seems to be taken up in cracking the extremely hard shells of this fruit, for which its extraordinarily powerful beak and heavy head have been developed.

Libythea lepita

Differs from the European beak Libythea celtis as follows : Upperside ground-colour a slightly darker brown.

Pay 'n Save

Yard Birds stores had a logo that featured a black bird with a yellow beak, reminiscent of the cartoon characters Heckle and Jeckle.

Petaluma River

Endangered flora include Soft Bird’s-Beak (Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis), Baker’s Stickyseed (Blennosperma bakeri), Burke’s Goldfields (Lasthenia burkei), Showy Indian clover (Trifolium amoenum), Sebastopol meadowfoam (Limnanthes vinculans).


This is also similar to an event in Apt Pupil where antagonist Todd Bowden sees an injured blue jay on the ground whilst cycling, and again there is a reference the beak "opening and closing" slowly.

Robinson Crusoe Island

The Juan Fernández Firecrown is an endemic and critically endangered red hummingbird, which is best known for its needle-fine black beak and silken feather coverage.

The Beak of the Finch

The Beak of the Finch: A Story of Evolution in Our Time (ISBN 0-679-40003-6) is a 1994 nonfiction book about evolutionary biology, written by Jonathan Weiner.

The Cock and the Jewel

In Le coq et la perle, now in the Musée Denon, Chalon-sur-Saône, the bird struts by with a pearl pendant hanging from its beak, the image of self-regard.

The Ocean and the Sun

The title of the seventh track, The Heraldic Beak of the Manufacturer's Medallion, is taken from J. G. Ballard's Crash.

The Tribal Eye

In "Crooked Beak of Heaven", Attenborough discusses the art and cultures of the First Nations peoples of the Pacific Northwest of North America: The Haida of present-day British Columbia and Alaska; the Gitxsan of Skeena Country; and the Kwakwaka'wakw ("Kwakiutl") of present-day British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon.

Tomb of Orcus

"These" (Theseus) and the Etruscan equivalent of Pirithous are seated at a table on the right wall, playing a board game, where they are threatened by the Etruscan demon "Tuchulcha", who is pictured with pointed ears, a hairy face, and a hooked beak, wielding snakes in his hands.

Yellow-billed Blue Magpie

From Simla eastwards, the closely allied Red-billed Blue-Magpie (Urocissa melanocephala) is often found in the same areas as the yellow-billed species; it is particularly common about Mussoorie, Tehri-Garhwal, -Kumaon, and in Nepal, and may be easily distinguished by its red beak and the greater extent of the white nape-patch.

see also