
unusual facts about Biblical Hebrew

Biblical Hebrew

Paleo-Hebrew text reads שמעון ("Simeon") on front and לחרות ירושלם ("for the freedom of Jerusalem") on back.

see also

Gates of Prayer

Israeli poet T. Carmi was brought in to provide guidance on post-biblical Hebrew texts that could be incorporated into the Reform liturgy.

Julien Klener

His main teachings concerned: Judaism as a cultural system, Biblical Hebrew (undergraduate and graduate students) Comparative linguistics of the Afro-Asiatic languages(graduate students), Semitic Epigraphy(graduate students) and General Introduction to Semitic Studies(graduate students).

Religious education

In Israel, children receiving a traditional Jewish education are taught Biblical Hebrew, and learn excerpts of the Torah (first five books of the Bible) and the Talmud (commentary on the scriptures).

Roy Kinneer Patteson, Jr.

is an American scholar whose knowledge of Biblical Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac and Hellenistic Greek enabled him to undertake an analysis of the text of the Ben Sira Scroll discovered at Masada in Palestine in 1964.