The air stone is most often an oblong, partially hollowed block of wood, most often of the genus Tilia.
An airstone, also called an aquarium bubbler, is a piece of aquarium furniture, traditionally a piece of limewood or porous stone, whose purpose is to gradually diffuse air into the tank, eliminating the noise and large bubbles of conventional air filtration systems, and providing other benefits to the health of the fish.
Under one of the lindens in the castle grounds is a memorial plaque to the poet Andersen, who is said to have worked there for many of his stories.
The central axis starts in the south with a straight linden tree avenue, up to a semi-circular square before the central part of the hospital.
The park is a beautiful series of terraces lined with ancient lime trees that were nursed back to health after having been shattered by shellfire during the battle for Bourlon Wood.
A grand axis between the village and woods was laid out, an alley linden trees was planted, along with yew trees strimmed into topiary forms.
There is also a flower garden of medieval inspiration, and an English-style park, with cedar, oak, linden, hornbeam and copper beech trees.
It also has a small enclosed garden, called the jardin de la comtesse; a kitchen garden, and an alley of linden trees.
An avenue of lime trees linked the lodge and the palace, formerly located in Hamilton.
Its reconstruction would also require the destruction of the city's oldest tree, a 370-year old linden.
Czernica has several trees classed as natural monuments: a number of linden trees with circumferences up to 467 cm, and an oak tree with a circumference of 336 cm.
Using basic tools, the sculptures were carved out of linden wood, or occasionally oak, and sometimes painted.
Together with its two churches, small square, and linden tree, this preserved clustered village core contains houses from the second half of the 19th century.
The garden contains an avenue of lime trees and other mature tress, herbaceous borders, terraces and a spiral mound.
Scandinavian species of Tilia, Picea, Fagus, and Quercus have moved in their distributions in the past 8,000 years.
The avenue is lined with a double row of linden trees and bisects Sankt Thomas Plads, a small round plaza, shortly after its departure from Vesterbrogade.
In 1726, the Herrenhäuser Allee (Herrenhausen alley) was planted just through the gardens, connecting Hanover with the royal palace and gardens of Herrenhausen in the boroughs of the city; it is almost exactly one geographical mile (1.85 km) long, and consists of four rows of lime trees.
In just three years the project was completed: high living standard houses for 600 families were built, with four main streets leading to the central marketplace (today called Plac pod Lipami - Square under the Linden Trees).
Priorei is best known for an ancient tree, believed to be over 1000 years old, the Priorlinde (the prior's lime).
The rest of the park is mainly informal parkland, with mown grass and mature trees, especially London plane and lime.
A beautiful Linden wood covered the surrounding hills forming a picturesque view from the city walls.
Around 1900 an avenue of lime trees was planted in the middle of the unused cemetery.
In the church yard, there's an old lime tree, which was supposedly planted there by king Charles XII of Sweden during his visit in 1701.
An double avenue of lime trees, planted in 1850, over a mile (2 km) long, from the chateau to that of Givenchy-le-Noble.
Lindenbaum is a surname, meaning Tilia in German; the nearest British tree name is Lime tree.
An old linden tree (Tilia) growing in town in 1901 inspired the present (misspelled) name.
Linnaeus' family name in turn is derived from the Swedish word "Lind", the linden (lime tree).
The name "Lipniki" most likely comes from the Polish "lipa," or linden tree, which grow in abundance in the village and environs.
The name has been suggested to be related to Slavic Липа (lipa), linden tree or to Filippovka, a holiday name dedicated to Saint Philip, however, the accepted etymology says it's derived from name of Filipp Pustosviat (1672–1742), the adepts of whom being named filippovcy or (fi)lippovane.
In 1838 53 linden trees were planted there; locals called it the Lindenmarkt (linden market).
The village of Long Sutton has a village green with a lime tree at each corner and a chestnut tree in the centre.
This chapel sits on the site of the first "cell" and holds a Late Romanesque miraculous image of the Virgin Mary - the "Magna Mater Austria" - a 48 cm tall statuette made of linden.
Van Buren named the estate Lindenwald, which is German for "linden wood", after the American Linden (American Basswood or Tilia americana) trees lining the Albany-to-New York Post Road, which is still located in front of the home.
He specializes in carving multi-figure scenes from a single block of basswood.
It includes a number of "exotic champions" including a Cedrus atlantica, Cryptomeria japonica, Parrotia persica, and Tilia europea.
In the highlands of the central Sahara beyond the Libyan desert,... in the great massifs of the Tibesti and the Hoggar, the mountaintops, today bare rock, were covered at this period with forests of oak and walnut, lime, alder and elm.
It contains one of the oldest Ginkgo biloba trees in Europe, as well as mature specimens of Firmiana platanifolia, Juglans nigra, Pterocarya fraxinifolia, and Tilia.
Perryville is home to the largest linwood tree in Maryland, located at 50 Millcreek Road on an estate known formerly as the Anchorage.
Today the square is planted with a bosquet of mature lindens set in grass and gravel, surrounded by clipped lindens.
Its location under two large lime trees makes it a dominant feature in the village landscape.
The statue itself is made from five kinds of wood, including pine, cypress, elm, fir, and linden.
It is one of the city's trendiest streets, with many international fashion shops, and is lined with lime trees.
The pit was then stacked with carefully arranged layers of birch bark, above an insulating and filtering layer of linden husks.
Both gardens were converted to fashionable English parks in the early 19th century, but one landscape feature, namely the parallel rows of lindens lining the drive to the house, has remained essentially unchanged to the present day.
The girl and the uncle are constructed from poplar wood, lime wood and steel, and have eyes made from street lights and hair made from horse hair.
Seated Bishop is a lindenwood statue carved by Tilman Riemenschneider.
Particularly problematic local trees include the sycamore, lime, sweet and horse chestnut, ash, and poplar, which regrow or coppice after cutting back, and have large, flat leaves, which stick to the line and cause severe slippery rail.
The castle was heavily remodeled in the second half of the 19th century; the majority of the interior furnishings date from this period, as do the castle parkgrounds, which are characterized by numerous meadows connected by riding and walking paths, bordered with numerous chestnut and linden tree rows, and which contain two small artificial lakes filled by Obrh and Brezno creeks.
A fine stand of linden trees, planted by Bishop James Rogers, stands to the east of the basilica, in front of the palace.
According to legend, the name Heiligelinde (Holy Linden tree) Święta Lipka - Holy Tilia (lime tree) - referred to a tree with a wooden statue of Mary under which miracles took place, though it may stem from a sacred grove of the Old Prussians.
The name comes from the name of the lake in this area: Lacul Tei (Linden Tree Lake).
Still today, in the neighbourhoods there are a lot of linden trees, and when they are in bloom, they spread a strong scent.
The park surrounding the palace is filled with interesting old trees, including white oak, ash, and linden.
In Turkey, tisanes ("herbal teas") are not considered true teas, but are used as herbal medication, they are mostly popular with tourists, apple (elma çayı), rose hip (kuşburnu çayı), and linden flower (ıhlamur çayı) being the most popular flavors.
Rector's Sceptre (designed by MgA. Jan Hásek) is shaped as a linden leaf, in the centre of which a shiny golden ball is situated.
The sagas specifically mention linden wood for shield construction, although finds from graves shows mostly other timbers, such as fir, alder and poplar.
The collection of specimen trees and shrubs include towering American White and English Oaks, lindens, tulip trees, bald cypress, and Chinese Golden Larch, as well as different species and cultivars of azaleas, lilacs, viburnums, hollies, weeping cherries and rhododendrons.
The village green is covered with linden trees and is surrounded by six farms with long fronts, an architectural style which is typical for the province of North Brabant.
Tilia | Tilia cordata | Tilia americana | Tilia platyphyllos | tilia | "''An oak there stands in the court of Turjak...''" Tilia |
Tree species best represented in the arboretum are Chamaecyparis (120 taxa), Prunus (115 taxa), Picea (100 taxa), Quercus (85 taxa), Abies (60 taxa), Sorbus (55 taxa), Crataegus (50 taxa), Fraxinus (45 taxa), Tilia (45 taxa), Viburnum (40 taxa), Cedrus (20 taxa), and Cupressocyparis (20 taxa).
In addition to these, you will find good collections of other genera such as: Betula, Carpinus, Euonymus, Ilex, Tilia, Viburnum, Quercus, Styrax etc.
These larvae are polyphagous, feeding on various shrubs and deciduous trees, mainly oak (Quercus), elm (Ulmus), Linden (Tilia), hazel (Corylus), maples (Acer) and ash (Fraxinus).
Oak, birch, linden, and aspen forests occupy about 18% of the area and a total of 27.3% is wooded.
The park is home to more than 500 species of plants, including lindens, oaks, and fine firs, planted by Mikhail Katkov's son at his family manor in the 19th century.
The larvae feed on the leaves of a wide range of deciduous trees and shrubs, including Amelanchier, Rosa, Prunus, Salix, Populus, Alnus, Betula, Corylus, Fraxinus, Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus and Acer.
The larvae feed on the leaves of various broadleaved trees and shrubs, including Alnus, Malus, Fraxinus, Tilia, Betula, Vaccinium, Cornus, Ulmus, Crataegus, Populus and Salix.
Besides several softwood species (such as fir, spruce, pine, cedar and hemlock), other hardwood species present include: red oak, beech, linden, elm, and ash.