In 1978, in Tamaulipas, Mexico, researchers counted 22 breeding colonies of White-winged Doves with a collective population size of more than eight million birds.
For example, there was once a large seabird known as the Great Auk, which nested in colonies in the North Atlantic.
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Baily Head, a prominent headland forming the easternmost extremity of the island, has been identified as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by BirdLife International because it supports a very large breeding colony of Chinstrap Penguins (100,000 pairs).
The kapok tree is about 25 m high and was identified as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by BirdLife International because it supported a colony of Bourne's Herons.
It is geologically complex and rich in flora and fauna, with an extensive cover of mosses and lichens There are large colonies of Chinstrap and Gentoo Penguins.
Orioles are monogamous, breeding in territorial pairs (although the Australasian Figbird, and possibly also the other figbirds, breed in loose colonies).