
5 unusual facts about Bodhisattva

Hidaka, Kōchi

Omura Shrine in Hidaka holds a late Kofun period sword designated as a National Treasure and two Heian period wooden masks of Bodhisattva which are Important Cultural Properties.

Nan Tien Temple

In addition to various meeting rooms, a museum, cultural, conference and accommodation facilities and a restaurant, the Nan Tien temple complex includes two massive prayer halls (known as the Great Mercy Shrine and the Great Hero Hall) within which are located multiple monumental Buddha and Bodhisattva statues, as well as an 8 level pagoda, serving as a columbarium intended to house the cremated remains of 7000 people.

Natha Devale, Kandy

The Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, being worshiped as a curer of diseases, the tradition of distributing herbal preparations on New Year day was conducted here until recent times.


The peaks are seen as emanations of the three boddhisatvas Chenrezig, Jampayang and Chenadorje, with Chenrezig being the highest peak at 6032 meters above sea level.

Zhaxi Island

There are many large stones on Zhaxi Island and each big stone is a symbol of a different Bodhisattva.


The Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, who, according to the Avatamsaka Sutra made ten great vows, is revered as Adi-Buddha in the Nyingma school of Vajrayana, along with his consort Samantabhadri.

Bogd Khan

His wife Tsendiin Dondogdulam, the Ekh Dagina ("Dakini mother"), was believed to be a manifestation of the bodhisattva White Tara.


The Dasabodhisattuppattikathā ("Ten Bodhisattva Birth Stories" or "Lives of the Ten Bodhisattvas") is a Pali Buddhist text that deals with the Avatars of ten future Buddhas.

Eleven-Faced Avalokitesvara Heart Dharani Sutra

Some people believe that this dhāraṇī is told by the Eleven-Faced Avalokitesvara, an esoteric bodhisattva in Tibetan Buddhism, and that it is the equivalent Tibetan version of The Great Compassion Mantra in Mahayana Buddhism.


Some of the looks and clothing drawn carries certain similarities with murals found in Ajanta Caves (India) or Dunhuang (China.) Also observed are Tang and Inidian flavors of the Bosatsu and Kannon drawn on the sides of the Amida.


At the pre-Tang Dynasty grottos in Dunhuang and Longmen, he is depicted in a classical bodhisattva form.

Longhua Temple

Artworks in the temple include statues of the Maitreya Buddha in his Bodhisattva form and in his Cloth Bag Monk incarnation, statues of the 18 arhats and 20 Guardians of Buddhist Law, as well as statues of the 500 Luohans.

Lords of Kobol

The series characters explicitly mention "God" in tandem with the Lords of Kobol, particularly during the wedding between Apollo and Serina (Lost Planet of the Gods), suggesting that the Lords of Kobol may be more akin to Bodhisattvas or angels.

Petsheling Monastery

Like the great Bodhisattva Manjushri and Vairocana who lived for the welfare of all sentient beings, the highly accomplished master Namgyal Lhundup went to Lhasa and to vow before Jowo statue and started one billion recitations of Phagpa Zangpo Chodpai Monlam for the welfare of all sentient beings.


The Tōdai-ji Shuni-e ceremony was originally started by Jitchū, a monk of the Kegon school, as a devotion and confession to the Bodhisattva KannonSkt: Avalokiteśvara).

Tibetan art

As Mahayana Buddhism emerged as a separate school in the 4th century BC it emphasized the role of bodhisattvas, compassionate beings who forego their personal escape to Nirvana in order to assist others.

Trisha Ray

Many years later, while at a film festival with their thriller Bodhisattva, San and Trisha met Robert Loggia and spent a good deal of time learning from him, his experience acting in the film.

Zhu Bajie

His Buddhist name "Zhu Wuneng", given by Bodhisattva Guanyin, means "pig (reincarnated) who is aware of ability," or "pig who rises to power", a reference to the fact that he values himself so much as to forget his own grisly appearance.

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