
unusual facts about Botanical identity of soma–haoma

Botanical identity of soma–haoma

Peganum Harmala contains Harmaline, which is a strong MAO-inhibitor, and it is therefore often used as a 1st component in Ayahuasca ceremonies in order to inhibit the metabolisation of an orally-administered DMT molecule (2nd component).


According to Avestan sources, Afrasiab was killed by Haoma near the Čīčhast (possibly either referring to Lake Hamun in Sistan or some unknown lake in today's Central Asia), and according to Shahnameh he met his death in a cave known as the Hang-e Afrasiab, or the dying place of Afrasiab, on a mountaintop in Azerbaijan.

Gonur Tepe

He also found what appears to be the boiler for the ritual drink soma, which is mentioned in the Rigveda and also in the Avesta as haoma.


In the late 19th century, the highly conservative Zoroastrians of Yazd (Iran) were found to use Ephedra (genus Ephedra), which was locally known as hum or homa and which they exported to the Indian Zoroastrians.

Proto-Slavic borrowings

Common Slavic *xъmelь, common hop (Humulus lupulus)' < Turkic (cf. Chuvash xӑmla, hop-plant < *qumlaγ) < Iranian (cf. Ossetian xumællæg, hop-plant < *xaum-ala-ka, from *xauma, soma/haoma);

see also