
25 unusual facts about Cícero

Abner Cole

Cole presented Smith as a charlatan too uneducated to have written the Book of Mormon himself and supposed that Smith got help from "Walters the Magician" (Luman Walter) who was said to have shown his followers a Latin translation of Cicero and claimed that it was a record of the Native Americans.

Andreas Kinneging

The book is especially esteemed for its central cluster of chapters, which analyze the political and social thought of the Romans, Cicero in particular, in great detail.

Angelo Mai

fragments of Cicero's judicial orations Pro Scauro, Pro Tullio, Pro Flacco, and his In Clodium et Curionem, De aere alieno Milonis, and De rege Alexandrino (1814)

Aulus Cluentius Habitus

The defense was undertaken by Cicero; his extant speech Pro Cluentio, written up after the trial, is regarded as a model of oratory and Latin prose.

Bernhard Rudolf Abeken

Abeken retired in 1863, but nevertheless continued to teach about Sophocles and Cicero till his death in 1866.

Cicero, Illinois

Pace routes 302-Ogden/Stanley, 305-Cicero/River Forest, 315-Austin/Ridgeland, and 322-Cermak, and CTA routes 12-Roosevelt, 18-16th/18th Streets, 21-Cermak, 35-31st/35th Streets, 54-Cicero, 54B-South Cicero, and 60-Blue Island/26th make up Cicero's bus network.

Curt Wittlin

He has become a specialist in the edition of medieval translations in Europe of texts by Cicero, Saint Augustine and John of Wales, among others.

Cycling in Syracuse, New York

During the 1890s cycle races like the Cicero Plank Road Race in Cicero, New York and the Century run of the Century Road Club to Utica and back were very popular forms of entertainment and drew thousands of spectators.

The bicycle paths branched out from the city to the old Onondaga Lake Boulevard, to Cicero and South Bay, along the old Plank Road, the first in the United States to Onondaga Valley and Elmwood.

Dominic Borg

Throughout all of the epistles, Borg makes liberal use of Cicero.

Fier District

Fier is well known for its ancient city, known as "Apollonia", where Cicero, the famous Roman orator had studied for a small period of time.

Florent Ntsiba

He said that he had changed in the years since, going "from Lenin to Cicero".

G-W Invader

Roger Harmon later started Harmon Boats Fiberglas Specialists LLC in Sharpsville and Cicero, Indiana.

Jackie and Roy

Jackie and Roy was a jazz vocal team consisting of husband and wife singer Jackie Cain (born May 22, 1928 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) and singer/pianist Roy Kral (born October 10, 1921 in Cicero, Illinois; died August 2, 2002 in Montclair, New Jersey).

Johan Nicolai Madvig

He devoted much attention to Cicero, and revolutionized the study of his philosophical writings by an edition of De Finibus (1839).

Knut Kleve

Subject for his doctorate studies was the understanding of gods in the school of philosophy called Epicureanism, including the philosophical work De natura deorum by the Roman orator Cicero.

Marcus Horatius Pulvillus

His surname appears as Pulvillus for the first time in Cicero's treatise De Domo Sua.

Media ministries of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

Hope for Life is a half-hour television program from Cicero Seventh-day Adventist Church in Cicero, Indiana.

Michael Leff

The humanistic approach to rhetoric was often distinguished as “Ciceronian Humanism” because Cicero played a dominant role throughout its history and development.


The genus name is likely derived from Cicero's speech Pro Rege Deiotaro (Speech in Behalf of King Deiotarus): Phidippus was a slave who was physician to King Deiotaros.

Powell Library

The entrance of the library is adorned with several mosaics, one of which depicts two men holding a book bearing the phrase, from Cicero's Pro Archia Poeta, "Haec studia adulescentiam alunt, senectutem oblectant".

Samuel Alatri

The latter, though hostile to all progress, could not help being charmed by the oratorical gifts of Alatri, whom he nicknamed "our Cicero," and to whom, on one occasion, he said: "Whenever you have to defend a case of liberty and humanity, come to me."


Version 1.0, released on 15 July 2010, was named after Cicero.

Valerius Flaccus

--a good draft article for this man exists on a user page; please don't delete redlink--> son of the preceding; see also Cicero's speech Pro Flacco

Zachary Pearce

Parker became his patron, to whom Pearce dedicated an edition of the de oratore of Cicero.

Assembly of God Bethlehem Ministry

In 2008, Ministério do Belém was chaired by Pastor José Wellington Bezerra da Costa, who succeeded Pastor Cicero Canuto de Lima, who also had chaired the CGADB.

Christian views on poverty and wealth

He cites Cicero and Seneca as examples of Roman thought about the making of money.

Cícero Herbete de Oliveira Melo

Cícero Herbete de Oliveira Melo, commonly known as Beto (born September 3, 1980 in Itaporanga), is a Brazilian Association Football Striker.

David Cicero

On 2 November 1992, Cicero released a fifth single "Live for Today" with Sylvia Mason-James providing backing vocals.

Decimus Laelius

Cicero's use of the word "respectable" (honestus) instead of "noble" (nobilis) to describe his family background suggests that he was not descended from the consular Laelii.

Filologicheskie Zapiski

The magazine published articles by famous European philologists Max Müller, Ernest Renan, Georg Curtius, August Schleicher, Carl Becker, Karl Heyse, Hippolyte Taine, Louis Léger as well as translations of ancient authors Euripides, Lucian, Horace, Cicero, Virgil.

Gaius Fulcinius

Cicero mentioned Gaius Fulcinius in his ninth Philippic, declaring that the reason Fulcinius was honoured was not that he died in bloodshed, but that he died for the Republic.

Garfield Ridge, Chicago

Garfield Ridge stretches from Pershing Road, just north of the Stevenson Expressway (Interstate 55), to 59th Street from north to south, and from the railroad 1/4 mile east of Cicero Avenue to Harlem Avenue going west, with Archer Avenue as its main artery.

Gnaeus Mallius Maximus

Although it is unclear whether he was convicted at trial and subsequently went into exile, he was placed under an aquae et ignis interdictio by a rogatio of Saturninus; that is, like Cicero later, he was "denied water and fire", a formulaic expression of banishment (see Law of majestas).

Hubert Ashton Holden

In addition to several school editions of portions of Cicero, Thucydides, Xenophon and Plutarch, he published an expurgated text of Aristophanes with a useful onomasticon (re-issued separately, 1902) and larger editions of Cicero's De officiis (revised ed., 1898) and of the Octavius of Minucius Felix (1853).

Humanist minuscule

Berthold Ullman identifies the watershed moment in the development of the new humanistic hand as the youthful Poggio's transcription of Cicero's Epistles to Atticus.

James Tunstall

‘Epistola ad virum eruditum Conyers Middleton,’ (1741) an attack on the life of Cicero by Conyers Middleton that questioned the genuineness of Cicero's letters to Brutus, which Middleton had accepted without reserve.

Josip Vilfan

He was also highly influenced by the social theories of Enlightenment thinkers such as Montesquieu, Lessing, Diderot, as well as by the Scottish enlightenment, Latin classics (mostly Cicero and Seneca), and the constitutional thought of the American founding fathers.

Julius Sterling Morton

 Sterling Morton High School District, located in Berwyn and Cicero, Illinois.

Licinius Macer

He became praetor in 68, but in 66 Cicero succeeded in convicting him of bribery and extortion, upon which Macer committed suicide.


Apicius documents it as a spicy, smoked beef or pork sausage originally from Lucania; according to Cicero and Martial, it was brought by Roman troops or slaves from Lucania.

Marcus Anneius

Anneius appears to have had some pecuniary dealings with the inhabitants of Sardis, and Cicero gave him a letter of introduction to the propraetor Quintus Minucius Thermus, that the latter might assist him in the matter.

Matthew 5:14

Albright and Mann note that Cicero described Rome as light to the world, but that it is unlikely that this verse borrows from him.

Menippus of Stratonikeia

Cicero, who heard him, puts him almost on a level with the Attic orators.

Padre Cícero

Padre Cícero (Crato, March 24, 1844 - Juazeiro do Norte, July 20, 1934) was born Cícero Romão Batista in Ceará, Brazil.

Personal life of Marcus Tullius Cicero

Cicero's son, Marcus Tullius Cicero Minor, during his year as a consul in 30 BC, avenged his father's death somewhat when he announced to the Senate Mark Antony's naval defeat at Actium in 31 BC by Octavian and his capable commander-in-chief Agrippa.


Cicero proposes that the Senate honour Decimus Junius Brutus, Octavian and his troops, and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus.

Pro Milone

Despite its failure to secure an acquittal, the surviving rewrite is considered to be one of Cicero's best works: thought by many to be the magnum opus of his rhetorical repertoire.

Publius Canutius

Canutius is frequently mentioned in Cicero's oration for Aulus Cluentius Habitus, as having been engaged in the prosecution of several of the parties connected with that disgraceful affair.


Gwynn, Aubrey S.J. Roman Education from Cicero to Quintilian. New York: Teachers College Press, 1926.

Robert Estienne

With his title of "royal typographer" Estienne made the Paris establishment famous by his numerous editions of grammatical works and other school-books (among them many of Melanchthon's), and of classical and Patristic authors, as Dio Cassius, Cicero, Sallust, Julius Caesar, Justin, Socrates Scholasticus, and Sozomen.


Sextus Roscius, a Roman accused of parricide who was successfully defended by Cicero

Roy Kral

Roy Kral (October 10, 1921 in Cicero, Illinois – August 2, 2002 in Montclair, New Jersey) was an American jazz pianist and vocalist best known for his partnership with his wife Jackie Cain as the team Jackie and Roy.

Rudy Fratto

In 2005, Fratto was identified in the Chicago Sun-Times as having met with Michael "Mickey" Marcello, the half-brother of reputed mob boss James Marcello, to approve efforts by the Marcellos to take over the video poker in several Chicago suburbs, including Cicero and Berwyn.

Somnium Scipionis

Iain Pears wrote a historical novel called The Dream of Scipio which refers to Cicero's work in various direct and indirect ways.

Tu Reinas

The July 6 arrived and recording gathered about 50 thousand people and a choir of 2,200 voices who followed the caravan across the country to the Events Park of Padre Cícero, the most important venue of Juazeiro do Norte, which for attend the event had to contribute 1 kg of non-perishable food that was distributed by the Mesa Brasil project, the SESC - EC.

William Bellenden

One of the few that survived was placed in the university library at Cambridge, and freely drawn upon by Conyers Middleton, the librarian, in his History of the Life of Cicero.