In the 1996 Disney film Muppet Treasure Island, this character was renamed Captain Abraham Smollett (Kermit the Frog) by Brian Henson and the scriptwriters, in which he is rewritten as easy-going and fair in deference to Kermit's amiable character.
Captain Alexander Smollett is the captain of the schooner Hispaniola in Robert Louis Stevenson's novel Treasure Island.
In the 2006 film Pirates of Treasure Island by The Asylum, the character is renamed Captain Smollette and depicted as a Frenchman trading with the then-new United States.
Alexander the Great | Captain | captain | Alexander Pope | Alexander | Alexander Graham Bell | Captain America | Alexander Calder | Alexander Pushkin | Alexander von Humboldt | Alexander I of Russia | Alexander II of Russia | Captain (United States) | Alexander Hamilton | Alexander McQueen | Alexander II | Captain (land) | Pope Alexander III | Jason Alexander | Alexander I | Alexander Korda | Captain (association football) | Alexander McCall Smith | Pope Alexander VI | Captain Kangaroo | Alexander von Humboldt Foundation | Alexander III of Russia | Captain Hook | Captain Cook | Captain (British Army and Royal Marines) |