Captain Noah and His Magical Ark, was created by W. Carter Merbreier, an ordained Lutheran minister and former Philadelphia police chaplain, and produced by the Philadelphia Council of Churches.
The award was accepted on his behalf by longtime colleague W. Carter Merbreier (Captain Noah and His Magical Ark).
Captain | captain | Captain America | Noah | Captain (United States) | Raiders of the Lost Ark | Captain (land) | Captain (association football) | Noah Webster | Captain Kangaroo | Captain Hook | Captain Cook | Captain (British Army and Royal Marines) | Captain Beefheart | Captain (land and air) | Noah's Ark | Captain (naval) | Captain America: The First Avenger | Ark of the Covenant | Captain N: The Game Master | Captain (nautical) | Group Captain | Captain (U.S. Army) | Captain (OF-2) | Captain (cricket) | Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons | Captain Haddock | Russian Ark | Captain (Royal Navy) | Captain Nemo |