
3 unusual facts about Noah's Ark

Frank Yablans

In 2003, Yablans founded Promenade Pictures, a production company committed to the production of "family-friendly" entertainment, with their most ambitious project the "Epic Stories of the Bible" series of CGI-animated features, inaugurated with The Ten Commandments and Noah's Ark: The New Beginning.

J. Randall Price

In 2009, he drew media attention when fielding an expedition to Turkey to find Noah's Ark.

Noah's Ark

Johan's Ark, a full-scale replica and smaller version of the Ark

All Aboard for Ararat

God returns to Noah Lammock a week later, and, after some literary chit-chat that reveals that God is under the misapprehension that Noah Lammock is the author of The Time Machine The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind, and World Brain, the two discuss the plan for the Ark.

All Star Tennis '99

The featured player on the USA and Europe versions is Michael Chang while in the French version the featured player is Yannick Noah who, has his name above the title as Yannick Noah All Star Tennis '99.

Anne Provoost

In the Shadow of the Ark (2001) is an account of the biblical story of Noah told from the perspective of a teenage girl who was not chosen to survive the deluge.

Babylon's Ark

How he raided bombed palaces and ruined hotels for food and supplies to keep the animals and staff fed, and rescued Lions, Cheetah's and Ostriches from Uday Hussein's palace.

Benjamin Rosenbaum

He currently lives in Basel, Switzerland with his wife Esther and children Aviva and Noah.

Benozzo Gozzoli

There are twenty-four subjects from the Old Testament, from the Invention of Wine by Noah to the Visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon.

Blade on the Feather

The visitation motif plays a central role in The Confidence Course (1965), Shaggy Dog (1968), Angels Are So Few (1970), Joe's Ark (1974), Schmoedipus (1975), Brimstone and Treacle (1976), Rain on the Roof (1980), Track 29 (1987) and Secret Friends (1992).

Brutus of Troy

A variant version of the Historia Britonum makes Brutus the son of Ascanius's son Silvius, and traces his genealogy back to Ham, son of Noah.

Captain Noah and His Magical Ark

Captain Noah and His Magical Ark, was created by W. Carter Merbreier, an ordained Lutheran minister and former Philadelphia police chaplain, and produced by the Philadelphia Council of Churches.

Chester Mystery Plays

In the 20th century, the Noah's Flood play was set operatically by both Benjamin Britten (Noye's Fludde) and Igor Stravinsky (The Flood).


Chowdaheads is an animated television series created by Noah Belson and Eli Roth.

Darryl Stephens

Upon the end of the series, it was announced that there would be a feature film version, Noah's Arc: Jumping the Broom that picks up after the show's second season finale, which Stephens would star, along with Jensen Atwood and remainder of the series cast.

Dean Koontz's Frankenstein

Deucalion is also the Greek mythological equivalent of Noah, and restarted the human race after the flood.

Dwyfan and Dwyfach

Dwyfan and Dwyfach, sometimes also called Dwyvan and Dwyvach, in Welsh mythology, were the equivalents of Noah or Deucalion who take their names from small rivers, as told in a flood legend from the Welsh Triads.

Dylan Minnette

Minnette has since appeared in the movies The Year Without a Santa Claus on NBC, as an unnamed character in Fred Claus, as Todd Lyons in the movie The Clique and as Noah Framm in Snow Buddies.

Edgar James Banks

Edgar Banks also started two movie companies, and climbed Mount Ararat in a search for Noah's Ark.


This is significant since Ptah is a parallel for Noah in that, as the Blacksmith-God of Thebes (Hephaistos-Vulcan), he is the equivalent of the Phoenician Craftsman-God Khousor, which is Ugaritic Kṯr, Kothar, Kothar-wa-Khasis, "The-Very-Skillful-and-Intelligent-One," which is the same character as the Sumero-Akkadian Noahs: Utnapishtim (in the Gilgamesh Epic), Atra-Ḫasīs, and Ziusudra (Khousor = Ptah at Ugarit).

Esme Vanderheusen

Esme attempts to console Fancy over her break-up with Noah — whom she alternately calls Ned, Norman, Moses, and Solomon — but eventually comes to believe that Fancy has unknowingly fallen in love with her aunt's ex, Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald, though Fancy denies Esme's accusations.

Fireproof Recording

Fireproof Recording is currently located in Los Angeles, California, where Lasus has worked with indie artists Marching Band, Anders Parker, Oliver Future, Army Navy, Matt Keating, Kelli Scarr, The Shivers, Noah And The MegaFauna, Emperor X, The Orbans and Son Of Stan.

Gillidh Callum

Gillidh Callum was a figure in Scottish apocryphal folk belief, said to be Noah's bagpiper.

Janko Polić Kamov

Headstrong and temperamental, he called himself Kamov, after Ham (or Kam) from the Old Testament, who saw his father Noah naked but unlike his siblings Shem and Japhet did not cover his nakedness, thus issuing a curse.


Jukeboxer is the moniker of Brooklyn-based musician Noah Wall.


It is said that the forty days and nights of rainfall which covered the face of earth with water in Noah's time ended on Kislev 27 of the Hebrew year 1656 (2105 BCE).

Love's Labours Lost in Space

Farnsworth instructs the crew to recover two of each kind of animal native to the planet for breeding purposes à la Noah's Ark.


Noah's Ark became the centre of village life - local meetings were held there, it provided refreshments for the Midsummer Fair held each year on 'Tally Nob', it was the local headquarters of the Swing Riots of 1830 and it has refreshed many cricket and football teams after their exertions over the years.

Mark L. Prophet

a high priest at the Temple of the Solar Logos in Atlantis; Noah, Ikhnaton, Aesop, Mark the Evangelist, Origen, Sir Launcelot; Bodhidharma, founder of Zen Buddhism; Clovis I, first King of France; Saladin, St. Bonaventure, Louis XIV, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; and Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia.

Noah Brooks

Noah Brooks (October 24, 1830 – August 16, 1903) was a journalist and editor who worked for newspapers in Sacramento, San Francisco, Newark, and New York, and authored a major biography of Abraham Lincoln based on close personal observation.

Noah Haidu

Noah has been associated with artists such as Jeremy Pelt, Jon Irabagon, Duane Eubanks, Winard Harper, Willie Jones, III, Corcoran Holt, Jason Brown, McClenty Hunter, Steve Johns, Marcus McLaurin and Peter Brainin.

Noah Hickey

Noah's famous miss is featured in the football bloopers video "Nick Hancock's Football Hell".

Noah Lawson

Noah and Hayley move into an apartment, dubbed "The Palace" along with Dani Sutherland (Tammin Sursok) and Josh West (Daniel Collopy).

Noah Mayer

Seeking to affirm his relationship with Maddie, Noah convinces her to think about going to Oakdale University in the fall with him, instead of pursuing her dream of attending Wesleyan.

Noah McCullough

Noah's thirst for knowledge and love of books sent him on a lifelong quest to know more about his country and how to be a Republican.

Orpheus Club of Philadelphia

These have included Maude Powell, violinist, who accompanied and played in no less than seven formal concerts between 1886 and 1897; Victor Herbert, cellist (1896); Pablo Casals, cellist (1904); Marcel Tabuteau, oboist: William Kinkaid, flautist: Louise Homer, operatic contralto; David Bisham, baritone (coincidentally a member of the Orpheus Club and a star of the Metropolitan Opera); Noah Swayne and Wilbur Evans, bassos (also members of the Orpheus Club).

Parker Gispert

While in high school, Parker played drums and keyboards in a nu-metal band alongside Hamilton Jordan of Genghis Tron and Noah Britton of The Best Thing Ever.

Peter in Islam

Shia Muslims maintain that every major prophet had a disciple who became the Imam, or leader, after his death: Adam had Seth; Noah had Shem; Abraham had his sons; Moses had Joshua; and Jesus had Peter.

Philo's Works

First come the biographies of the men who antedated the several written laws of the Torah, as Enos, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Prophets and messengers in Islam

Sura Al-A'nam (6:84-86) gives a comprehensive list of Israelite prophets: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Zechariah, John, Jesus, Elias, Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah and Lot (Samuel is called 'A Prophet' elsewhere, but is unnamed).

Saitō Chikudō

He knew the history of Western countries and was using Noah, the history of Babylonia, Alexander the Great, Aristotle, Napoleon and George Washington as poem themes.

Schindler's Ark

The book tells the story of Oskar Schindler, a Nazi Party member who turns into an unlikely hero by saving 1,200 Jews from concentration camps all over Poland and Germany.

After the war, he is commemorated as Righteous among the Nations by the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, but he is never seen as a conventionally virtuous character.

Searches for Noah's Ark

In 1876, James Bryce, historian, statesman, diplomat, explorer, and Professor of Civil Law at Oxford, climbed above the tree line and found a slab of hand-hewn timber, four feet long and five inches thick, which he identified as being from the Ark.


Various sources suggest Shaddad was the son of Ad/Aad (عاد), the son of Utz/Uz/Aus (أوس), the son of Aram (أرام), the son of Shem (سام), the son of Noah (نوح).


Tamiel taught "the children of men all of the wicked strikes of spirits, the strikes of demons, and the strikes of the embryo in the womb so that it may pass away (abortion), and the strikes of the soul, the bites of the serpent, and the strikes which befall through the noontide heat, which is called the son of the serpent named Taba'et (meaning male)" during the days of Noah, not the days of Jared.

Tennis Shoes Adventure Series

Books 8 and 10 involve fourth-century Nephite settings, and book 9 (Tower of Thunder), the early-Biblical time of Abraham and Noah (close to 3000 B.C.)


In 1825 the playwright, diplomat and journalist, Mordecai Manuel Noah - the first Jew born in the United States to reach national prominence - tried to found a Jewish "refuge" at Grand Island in the Niagara River, to be called "Ararat," after Mount Ararat, the Biblical resting place of Noah's Ark.

The Devil and Max Devlin

Gould praised this film in interviews as the finest he ever did (along with the other Disney film The Last Flight of Noah's Ark).

The Log of the Ark

Like many later fictionalisations of the Noah story, from Gary Larson to Julian Barnes, it introduces mythical beasts such as the unicorn into the Ark's passenger list, a device with obvious dramatic potential: we assume that such creatures are unlikely to survive the voyage.

The Ultimate Fighter 3

Noah Inhofer decides to quit the show and return to Yankton, South Dakota after receiving a letter informing him that his girlfriend back home believes he has cheated on her.

Wives aboard Noah's Ark

A cabalistic work that appeared in 1670, known as Comte de Gabalis, considered sacred in Rosicrucianism, maintains that the name of Noah's wife was Vesta.

Zoé's Ark

The organization was brought into the public's awareness with the arrest of six members and 11 others in Abéché, Chad accused of abducting 103 African children.

see also

Bill Justice

He is arguably best known as the animator of the rabbit Thumper from 1942's Bambi and chipmunks Chip 'n Dale. He was the director of 1957's The Truth About Mother Goose, 1959's Noah's Ark, and 1962's A Symposium On Popular Songs, all of which were nominated for Academy Awards as Best Short Subject, Cartoon.

Buonamico Buffalmacco

Interestingly, Vasari does not attribute the famed Pisan frescoes now associated with Buonamico to the painter, but rather, credits him with four frescoes at the Camposanto depicting the beginning of the world through the building of Noah's Ark, which later scholars have instead attributed to Piero di Puccio of Orvieto.

C. pubescens

Cypripedium pubescens, the large yellow lady's slipper, yellow moccasin-flower, nerveroot, Noah's ark, American valerian or Whippoorwill's-shoe, an orchid species native to North America

Kandor Graphics

The Missing Lynx (2008) - Plot: Follows the adventures of a group of animals in their quest to escape from being kidnapped by an unscrupulous hunter, hired by a benevolent millionaire to start a new Noah's ark.

L'arca di Noè

L'arca di Noè (Italian for "Noah's Ark") is an album by the Italian singer-songwriter Franco Battiato.

Mikha'il Na'ima

The mystic Osho had this to say about The Book of Mirdad: "There are millions of books in the world, but The Book of Mirdad stands out far above any book in existence." The book is a parable about a monastery that stood where Noah's ark came to rest after the flood subsided.

Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

The player is Marcus Cromwell, a captain whose father, Richard Cromwell, the first spaceborn human, captained the colony ship Noah's Ark through a wormhole near Mars that was presumed destroyed when the wormhole collapsed.

Nick Brennan

this strip was called "Crazy for Daisy", and, along with Tim Traveller by Vic Neill, won the vote, followed by another strip, Pinky's Crackpot Circus, in 2004, and in 2006, a revival of "Brassneck" and "Noah's Ark".

Noah's Ark Trust

With full-time counsellors and the help of over 60 volunteers who have all completed the Noah's Ark in-house Training Programme, the trust also organises residential weekends at the Malvern Hills Outdoor Centre in West Malvern, which is owned and administered by Worcestershire County Council.