Arthur Fiedler | Caspar David Friedrich | Caspar Weinberger | Leslie Fiedler | Caspar Whitney | John Fiedler | Caspar Schoppe | Franz Fiedler | Caspar Hedio | Caspar Bartholin the Elder | Arkady Fiedler | Richard Fiedler | Maureen Fiedler | Karl Caspar | Joshua Fiedler | Johann Caspar Füssli | Johan Caspar von Cicignon | Jay Fiedler | Horst Caspar | Georg Caspar Schürmann | Fred Fiedler | Caspar Wolf | Caspar Schwenckfeld | Caspar Peter Hagerup | Caspar Neher | Caspar John | Caspar de Crayer | Caspar Bartholin the Younger | Caspar Bartholin | Book cover on Dresden's planetarium (graphics: Friedrich Kurt Fiedler |
The book was based exclusively on Peersson's own experience and on the oral narratives by contemporary Russians (Vasily Shuysky, Maria Nagaya and the retinue of False Dmitriy I) and Western witnesses (Caspar Fiedler, Conrad Bussow).