
unusual facts about Cassava

Caribbean Region, Colombia

A popular soup is also prepared with the head of the Sabalo, yuca, plantain, coconut milk, lime and salt.


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Agriculture in Brazil

The natives of Brazil farmed cassava, peanuts, tobacco, sweet potatoes and maize, in addition to extracting the essence from other local plants such as the pequi and the babassu.

Dingras, Ilocos Norte

On October 9, 2007, Dingras, Ilocos Norte, Philippines eyed a "Guinness World Records" certification after baking a kilometer-long "bibingka" (native cake) made from 1,000 kilos of cassava and eaten by 1,000 residents.


Ẹchịcha (also, Achịcha) is a dish native to the Eastern part of Nigeria consisting mainly of dried cassava, mgbụmgbụ, and palm oil.

Economic history of Nicaragua

The rich volcanic soils produced a wide array of products, including beans, peppers, corn, cocoa, and cassava (manioc).

Hans Rudolf Herren

There he built the Biological Control Program and designed and implemented the largest biological pest-management known to date fighting the Cassava Mealybug (Phenacoccus manihoti) and saving an estimated 20 million lives by averting a major food crisis.


Almost all type of fruits, nuts and tubers can be made as kripik, such as kripik singkong (cassava cracker) and kripik pisang (banana cracker), kripik apel (apple cracker) from Malang in East Java, also kripik nangka (jackfruit cracker), kripik salak (snake fruit cracker), kripik durian from Medan, kripik talas (taro cracker), kripik ubi (sweet potato cracker), and kripik sukun (breadfruit cracker).

Lesser cane rat

An important food item is often elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) but this rat is opportunistic and will also feed on crops such as groundnut, maize, sweet potato, cassava and pumpkin.


Ingestion of food prepared from insufficiently processed cassava roots with high linamarin levels has been associated with dietary toxicity, particularly with the upper motor neuron disease known as konzo to the African populations in which it was first described by Trolli and later through the research network initiated by Hans Rosling.

Manombo Sud

The most important crops are cassava and sugarcane, while other important agricultural products are maize and lima beans.


Matapa is a typical Mozambican dish, prepared with young cassava leaves piled with garlic and flour extracted from the tubers, cooked with crab or shrimp.


The main agricultural crops from the area are cassava (mandioca) and Vigna beans (feijāo nhemba).

Oluwakayode Osuntokun

In the late 1960s, he investigated cases of ataxic neuropathy in Epe where residents usually consume a dose of ill processed cassava with little or no supplement.


Like other cassava alcoholic beverages, parakaria is made by dual fermenting cassava (a large starchy root), which involves the use of an amylolytic mold (Rhizopus sp., Mucoraceae, Zygomycota) by chewing it.

Vetiveria nigritana

Under certain forms of consistent cultivation, it was discovered that Vetiveria nigratana was beneficial in increasing maize yields by 49.1% and cassava yields by 3.2% when compared to fields that were not currently using the agricultural practice in Nigeria.

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