
unusual facts about Charles Alexander, Duke of Württemberg

Albert Gaspard Grimod

In 1792 Albert married Eleanore, Baroness de Franquemont, (1771-1833) an illegitimate daughter of the reigning Duke of Württemberg by the Italian adventuress Anne Franchi.

Charles Alexander, Duke of Württemberg

Ashley Dukes and Paul Kornfeld also wrote dramatic adaptations of the Feuchtwanger novel.

Charles William Frederick, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach

He left his heir Charles Alexander a total debt of 2.3 million Reichsthaler, and he spent 10% of the state budget on hunting.

Karl August von Hardenberg

Fortunately for Hardenberg, this coincided with the lapsing of the principalities of Ansbach and Bayreuth to Prussia, owing to the resignation of the last margrave, Charles Alexander, in 1791.

Riccardo Broschi

In 1737 he moved to Stuttgart and briefly served at the Stuttgart court (1736-7) for Charles Alexander, Duke of Württemberg, then returned to Naples before joining his brother in Madrid in 1739.

Sheila Murphy

She has or is currently collaborating with poets and artists such as Douglas Barbour, Dan Waber, Scott Glassman, Charles Alexander, mIEKAL aND, Lewis LaCook, Peter Ganick, K.S. Ernst, C. Mehrl Bennett, John M. Bennett, Scott Helmes, Al Ackerman, and David Baratier.

Victor de Fay de La Tour-Maubourg

At Wachau, during the Battle of Leipzig, his corps along with François Étienne de Kellermann's IV Cavalry Corps and the dragoons of the Guard charged the center of Duke of Württemberg.

Wilhelm Friedrich von Gleichen

Wilhelm Friedrich von Gleichen-Rußwurm (1717–1783), Stablemaster of the Margrave of Bayreuth, was a German biologist.

see also