
3 unusual facts about Chelsea Manning

Carla Marinucci

She received international attention in April 2011 after posting a video on the internet of Barack Obama saying US Army Private Chelsea Manning (then known as Bradley) "broke the law".

Combined Information Data Network Exchange

In 2010 US Army Private Chelsea Manning (then known as Bradley) was accused by the US government of giving out information from CIDNEI and CIDNEA (CIDNE Iraq and CIDNE Afghanistan) to persons not entitled to receive it, in alleged violation of various US laws (and by inclusion, portions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice).

Enemy of the state

Leaker of U.S. diplomatic cables Chelsea Manning was charged with (but ultimately acquitted of) "communicating with the enemy," implying that U.S. military prosecutors considered WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, to whom Manning leaked the documents, an enemy of the US government.

see also