
unusual facts about Christian tradition

Christian tradition

Similarly the names of the Magi who visited Jesus at his birth are thought to have been invented much later than the events; they are not considered authentic or obligatory, but can be considered a tradition.

see also

Bridal theology

Within the Judeo-Christian tradition, bridal theology, also referred to as mystical marriage, is the New Testament portrayal of communion with Jesus as a marriage, and God's reign as a wedding banquet.

Chapel of St Non

According to Christian tradition, Saint Non (also known as Nonna or Nonnita) was born around AD 475 and was a daughter of Lord Cynyr Ceinfarfog who lived as a nun at Ty Gwyn near Whitesands Bay until she was raped by Prince Sant of Ceredigion.

Christianity in Tamil Nadu

Christian tradition holds that St. Thomas arrived in Kerala from Israel in 52 A.D. preached between 52 A.D. and 72 A.D., when he was believed to be martyred on St. Thomas Mount.

Damascus Straight Street

It is here that the Christian tradition locates the house of Judas, the place where Saul remained for three days without eating or drinking and was baptized at the hands of Ananias (Acts 9:9).

John Vattanky

He interprets it with reason as symbol; the world is a symbol of God - this is the thought of the only real poet theologian in the Christian tradition, St. Ephrem, a fourth-century saint who lived and worked in Nisbis and then in Edessa.

La Matanza de Acentejo

Currently under construction is a scale replica of the interior of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem (the place where according to Christian tradition, was taken the body of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion), the replica will be located in the plaza of El Salvador's municipality.

Nancy J. Duff

She has taught courses on the Decalogue, Biomedical ethics, human sexuality, liturgy and the Christian life, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, James Cone, types of Christian ethics, and vocation in Christian tradition and contemporary life.

Secular theology

John Shelby Spong advocates a nuanced approach to scripture (as opposed to blunt Biblical literalism at the other end of the scale), informed by scholarship and compassion, which he argues can be consistent with both Christian tradition and a contemporary understanding of the universe.


Jochebed or Yocheved, the mother of Moses in Judaeo-Christian tradition