
52 unusual facts about Church of England

Academic dress of the University of Oxford

A similar garment (in scarlet or black) is worn over a white rochet by bishops in the Church of England e.g. when sitting in the House of Lords.

Alfred Hutchinson Dymond

Originally a Quaker, in 1852, Dymond married Helen Susannah Henderson, an Anglican, and later became active in the Anglican church.

Anglican devotions

In addition to the authorized Prayer Book of the Church of England, most member churches of the Anglican Communion now have their own official versions, which may be used by individual Anglicans for their private devotions.

Anglican Diocese of Southwark

In other ecclesiatical use, although having lost religious orders in the English Reformation, the diocese has the London home of the Archbishop of Canterbury and records centre of the Church of England in the diocese, Lambeth Palace.

Associateship of King's College

This was an ordination qualification in the Church of England and was a three-year, full-time course of studies.

Baron Rothschild

(Benjamin Disraeli, though born into a Jewish family, was a member of the Church of England.)

Bergen Anglican Church

Bergen Anglican Church are a part of the Archdeaconry of Germany and Northern Europe in the Diocese of Gibraltar in Europe, which is part of the province of Canterbury in the Church of England.

Burnett Hillman Streeter

He was ordained in 1899 and was a member of the Archbishop’s Commission on Doctrine in the Church of England (from 1922 to 1937).

Cape Island, Newfoundland and Labrador

According to the 1836 Census, 98 of the 100 inhabitants at Cape Island belonged to the Church of England and two were Roman Catholic.

Carenza Lewis

Educated at the school (since closed) of the Church of England Community of All Hallows, Norfolk, and at the University of Cambridge, in 1985 she joined the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (now part of English Heritage) as a field archaeologist for Wessex.

Cecilia Young

Her father, however, was opposed to their marrying as Arne was a Roman Catholic and did not follow the teachings of the Church of England.

Chaplain-General of Prisons

He is also an ex officio member of the House of Clergy of the General Synod.

Charles Valentine Riley

The son of a Church of England minister, Charles Valentine Riley was born on 19 September 1843 in London’s Chelsea district.

Charles Walder Grinstead

Charles Walder Grinstead was born on 1 December 1860 in East Teignmouth, Devon, England, the son of Charles Grinstead (a Church of England cleric) and his wife Sarah A. (née Stanley).

Christ Church, Philadelphia

Christ Church was founded in 1695 by members of the Church of England, who built a small wooden church on the site by the next year.

Christianity in the United States

Puritans were English Protestants who wished to reform and purify the Church of England in the New World of what they considered to be unacceptable residues of Roman Catholicism.

Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth

The Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth, is a Parish Church in the Church of England.

Deanery synod

In the Church of England and other Anglican churches, a deanery synod is a synod convened by the Rural Dean (or Area Dean) and/or the Joint Lay Chair of the Deanery Synod, who is elected by the elected lay members.

Development of doctrine

Newman used the idea of development of doctrine to defend Catholic teaching from attacks by some Anglicans and other Protestants, who saw certain elements in Catholic teaching as corruptions or innovations.

Edwin Hatch

Hatch attended King Edward's School, Birmingham, where he studied under James Prince Lee, who later became the Bishop of Manchester; it was during this period of his life that he was first noted for his strong mental independence and extreme study habits, as well as when he joined the Church of England (having been raised a nonconformist).


It is widely assumed that Swift was either alluding to the historic War of the Roses or – more likely – parodying through oversimplification the religious discord in England and Scotland brought about by the conflicts between the Roman Catholics (Big Endians) on the one side and the Anglicans and Presbyterians (Little Endians) on the other.

English Churchman

The paper has a reputation for being outspokenly and unashamedly Protestant, Evangelical, Reformed and anti-ecumenical, believing that the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England are good and true and so it does not recognise non-evangelical Churches as being truly Christian because they have erred in doctrine and practice.

English Hymnal

The English Hymnal was published in 1906 for the Church of England under the editorship of Percy Dearmer and Ralph Vaughan Williams.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

In the Church of England, the "Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary" may be observed as a Lesser Festival on 8 December.

Franz Hildebrandt

In spite of his close relationship with Bell, Hildebrandt could not bring himself to join the Church of England, and become a Priest within that church, since that would have required renewed ordination by an Anglican bishop – something that Hildebrandt could not accept since it would have implicitly declared his ordination in Germany as invalid.


Gaiters formed a part of the everyday clerical clothing of bishops and archdeacons of the Church of England until the middle part of the twentieth century.

History of Methodism in Ripley Derbyshire

The Methodists formed a new church in the early 18th century as a break away movement from the established Church (Church of England), mainly by two Anglican ministers, John Wesley, the preacher and his brother, Charles Wesley, the hymn writer.

Horace Lambart, 11th Earl of Cavan

The Venerable Horace Edward Samuel Sneade Lambart, 11th Earl of Cavan TD (25 August 1878 – 9 December 1950) was an Anglo-Irish soldier and Anglican priest.

John Cunningham, 15th Earl of Glencairn

For some time Lord John Cunningham was an officer in the 14th Royal Dragoons, but afterwards entered into Holy Orders of the Church of England.

John Hillyard Cameron

He was a loyal follower of the Church of England and tried to defend its interests, including the revenue from the clergy reserves.

John Poynder

He was eldest son of a tradesman in the city of London; his mother belonged to the evangelical wing of the Church of England.

John Whishaw

While a student he lost a leg, disqualifying him for an intended career in the Church of England.

Marriage certificate

From that date, marriage ceremonies could be performed, and certificates issued either by a clergyman of the Church of England, in a parish church, or by a civil registrar in a civil register office.

Methodist Church of Great Britain

A later development of Whitfield's ministry was the Free Church of England, a result of Whitfield's influence upon the Church of England.

Mission Praise

Mission Praise is a hymn book used in a wide variety of churches, especially in Britain, including the Church of Scotland and the Church of England.

Mount Zion Cemetery, Jerusalem

Since its original beneficiary, the Bishopric of Jerusalem was maintained as a joint venture of the Anglican Church of England and the Evangelical Church in Prussia, a united Protestant Landeskirche of Lutheran and Reformed congregations, until 1886, the Jerusalem Lutheran congregation preserved a right to bury congregants there also after the Jerusalem Bishopric had become a solely Anglican diocese.

North Marston

The North Marston Church of England School is a mixed Church of England primary school.

Old Dean

The estate has a parade of convenience and service shops which are near its centre, a doctor's surgery, three parks, a youth centre and three churches (Church of England St Martin's, Roman Catholic St Peter's & St John's and Newfrontiers' The Beacon Church).

Pendleton District, South Carolina

In the colonial period, the land around the coast was divided into parishes corresponding to the parishes of the Church of England.

Philip Down

Philip Roy Down (born 28 March 1953) is a senior priest in the Church of England and the first and current Archdeacon of Ashford.

Pope Pius V

His response to the Queen Elizabeth I of England assuming governance of the Church of England included support of the imprisoned Mary, Queen of Scots, and her supporters in their attempts to take over England "ex turpissima muliebris libidinis servitute" “from the sordid libidinous slavery to women”.

Prayer of Humble Access

The prayer was an integral part of the early Books of Common Prayer of the Church of England and has continued to be used throughout much of the Anglican Communion.

Raman Bedi

Professor Bedi was an elected member of the General Synod of the Church of England from 1995 to 2005 and chaired the Archbishop's Council (Church of England) Urban and Community Affairs Committee (1996–2001).

Resistance: Fall of Man

Sony and Insomniac Games have since become embattled with the Church of England for using interior shots of Manchester Cathedral to recreate the building within the game, as well as "promoting violence" within the building.

The combat scenes that take place within a virtual representation of Manchester Cathedral in England caused controversy with the leaders of the Church of England.

Saint James, Jamestown

In 1671, the East India Company sent the first of a long sequence of Church of England chaplains.

Seditious libel

A statement is seditious if it "brings into hatred or contempt" either the Queen or her heirs, the government and constitution, either House of Parliament, the administration of justice, if it incites people to attempt to change any matter of Church or State established by law (except by lawful means), or if it promotes discontent among or hostility between British subjects.

Septimus Burt

He was a synodsman, trustee and legal advisor for the Church of England, and a close friend of Archbishop Charles Riley.

Study Bible

The Church of England disputed some of the statements made in the Geneva Bible annotations; this led to the creation of the King James Bible, which was typically printed with a much less extensive apparatus or none at all.

The Parson's Handbook

The Parson's Handbook is a book by Percy Dearmer, first published in 1899, that was fundamental to the development of liturgy in the Church of England and throughout the Anglican Communion.

Tract 90

In Tract 90, Newman engaged in a detailed examination of the 39 Articles, suggesting that the negations of the 39 Articles (a key doctrinal standard for the Church of England) were not directed against the authorized creed of Roman Catholics, but only against popular errors and exaggerations.

Vedanta Resources

In February 2010, the Church of England decided to disinvest from the company on ethical grounds.


The village contains a number of functional buildings, such as Aberford Church of England primary School, affiliated with the St Ricarius parish church adjacent to it.

Archdeacon of Hampstead

The Archdeacon of Hampstead is a senior ecclesiastical officer in the Church of England Diocese of London, named after, and based in and around, the Hampstead area of London.

Awareness ribbon

The purpose of Christian Action on AIDS, an official Church of England charity whose founder/chairman was Barnaby Miln, was to get the worldwide Christian churches involved in the crisis that was AIDS.


Ætla, who lived in the 7th century, is believed to be one in a series of Bishops of Dorchester of the Roman Catholic Church of England during the Anglo-Saxon period.

Bishops in Foreign Countries Act 1841

The Bishops in Foreign Countries Act 1841 (5 Vict., c. 6) is an Act of Parliament passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom to enable the Church of England to create bishops overseas.

Black Rubric

The term Black Rubric is the popular name for the declaration found at the end of the "Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper" in the Prayer Book of the Church of England (BCP) which explains why the communicants should kneel and excludes possible misunderstandings of this action.

Bow, Devon

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries Bow was spiritually divided between the Church of England, the Congregationalists and the Plymouth Brethren.

Chelsea Old Church

The Chelsea Old Church, also known as All Saints, is an Anglican church, on Old Church Street, Chelsea, London SW3, England, near Albert Bridge.

Church of Pakistan

Its most internationally famous clergyman, Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, formerly diocesan bishop of Raiwind in West Punjab, was given sanctuary by Robert Runcie, the then-Archbishop of Canterbury when his life was imperilled; he then taught at Oxford and served as Bishop of Rochester, England.

Church of St John the Baptist, Bristol

The Church of St John the Baptist, Bristol is a former Church of England parish church at the lower end of Broad Street Bristol, England.

Church of St. Mary, Fetcham

Mary's Church, Fetcham, Surrey, England is a Church of England parish church (community) but also refers to its building which dates to the 11th century, that of the Norman Conquest and as such is the settlement's oldest building.

Ecclesiastical Commission

The Ecclesiastical Commission established in 1835 by the Church of England, replacing the Ecclesiastical Revenues Commission.

George Augustus Frederic II

The will granted considerable power to the Superintendent, Alexander MacDonald to appoint councilors, and gave the council full power to institute and change laws, aside from the law establishing the Church of England as the official church.

Greater Churches Group

The Greater Churches Network is a self-help organisation within the Church of England.

Guildford Black Friary

However his asset-stripping breakaway of the Church of England from the established church saw the friary dissolved on 10 October 1538 but the house remained standing until 1606 when it was partly pulled down on the instruction of Sir George More, who carried away the materials by leave of George Austen, possibly for substantial use in building the wing which More added to Loseley Park, Artington.

Henry Tattam

Henry Tattam (28 December 1788 – 8 January 1868, Stanford Rivers, Essex) was a Church of England clergyman and Coptic scholar.

House of St Barnabas

The Chapel is a reminder of the Anglo-Catholic revival in the Church of England spearheaded by men like Newman, Pusey and Keble and the Tracts, 1833-1841, that earned them the name Tractarians.

Hugh M‘Neile

Early in 1822, his preaching in London so impressed the banker and parliamentarian Henry Drummond (1786–1860) that Drummond appointed M‘Neile to the living of the parish of Albury Park, Surrey, from where M‘Neile’s first collection of sermons, Seventeen Sermons, etc.

Injinoo, Queensland

Although self-sufficient, through fishing and gardening, the Community made requests to the then Church of England to establish a mission and school.

John Drane

He has been a personal guest of HM Queen Elizabeth II at her Scottish home, Balmoral Castle, while also being regarded as an important theological resource person for the emerging church in the UK (he is deputy chair of the board of mission shaped ministry, which is part of the Fresh Expressions initiative of the Church of England).

John Gummer

Son of a Church of England minister, Gummer is the brother of Peter Gummer, Baron Chadlington, one of the foremost players in the British PR industry.

Kenneth Kirk

As a result, at the time of the independence of the Anglican Church in India from the Church of England, Kirk was a leader of the Anglo-Catholic party at Lambeth in 1948 that warned the Church from compromising its catholicity by adopting intercommunion too quickly, when not all of the clergy of the United Church of South India would have received episcopal ordination.

Nondenominational Christianity

Denominationalism was accelerated in the aftermath of the Westminster Assembly convened by the English Parliament to formulate a form of religion for the national churches of England and Scotland.

Philip Down

Upon moving to the United Kingdom, Down became an associate Methodist minister and part-time chaplain at Scunthorpe General Hospital until 1989, in which year he was ordained as a deacon and then a priest of the Church of England.

Ramesh Kallidai

Kallidai has worked on various community projects with the Muslim Council of Britain, the Catholic Bishops Conference, Churches Together in England and Wales, the Church of England, Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Office of the Chief Rabbi, the Network of Sikh Organisations, Sikhs in England, National Spiritual Assembly of Baha'is in UK, Network of Buddhist Organisations, Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe and the Jain Samaj Europe.

Religious images in Christian theology

During the period of Archbishop William Laud's conflicts with Puritans within the Church of England, the use of ritual implements prescribed by the Book of Common Prayer was a frequent cause of conflict.

Richard Rubinstein

After converting from Judaism to the Church of England, he married Gay, with whom he had been friends since their childhood, in 1943.

Sarn, Powys

The historic parish church is Holy Trinity, part of the Ridgeway Benefice, in the Clun Forest deanery of the Church of England's Diocese of Hereford.


In the Church of England these Sundays retain their original designations where the Prayer Book Calendar is followed, but in the Common Worship Calendar they have been subsumed into a pre-Lent season of variable length, with anything from zero to five "Sundays before Lent" depending on the date of Easter.

Soke of Peterborough

The Church of England, however, still describes the diocese as consisting of Northamptonshire, Rutland and the Soke of Peterborough (i.e. the part of the city north of the River Nene).

Solemn Declaration of 1893

The Solemn Declaration of 1893 is a statement that was adopted by the first General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada (then called The Church of England in Canada) held in 1893.

St Hilda's Church of England High School

St Hilda's Church of England High School is a Church of England secondary school with a sixth form, located in Croxteth Drive, Sefton Park, Liverpool (post code: L17 3AL).

St John's Anglican Church, Dalby

The Reverend Benjamin Glennie had a plan to establish the (then) Church of England on the Darling Downs through four churches in the larger towns named after the four apostles: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Thomas Lambe

From 1629-1639 he was frequently in trouble with the Archdeacon’s Court in Colchester for preaching outside of the bounds of the Church of England during the time that the Archbishop of Canterbury, William Laud was seeking to impose uniformity upon the churches in England.

Vernon Corea

Vernon Corea was a Christian, he was very involved in the work of the church in the UK - he was a Lay Reader of the Church of England at Emmanuel Church in Wimbledon Village, South-West London and previous to that appointment he was Lay Reader at Christ Church, Gipsy Hill in South-East London.

Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

The statute disestablished the Church of England in Virginia and guaranteed freedom of religion to people of all religious faiths, including Catholics and Jews as well as members of all Protestant denominations.

Welford, Northamptonshire

There is a Church of England parish church, St Mary's, which according to Pevsner dating from c.13th century and with a north aisle and arcade of 1872 by Edmund Francis Law).


In 1736, these two brothers traveled to the Georgia colony in America as missionaries for the Church of England; they left rather disheartened at what they saw.