
unusual facts about Paleo-orthodoxy


Similar approaches can be found in the theology of Marva Dawn, a Lutheran; Alister McGrath, a Church of England Reformed evangelical; Andrew Purves, a Presbyterian; Dr. Timothy George (Baptist),and Christopher Hall, an Episcopalian.

42 cm Gamma Mörser

Ludendorff proposed to attack the massive fort complexes of Verdun and Toul-Nancy in addition to the assault on Belgium, which had been the doctrinaire orthodoxy of the Schlieffen Plan for about 15 years.

A Scientific Theology

In this work McGrath commits himself to an approach that seeks to avoid the use of contemporary views of religion as found in the work of the distinguished Ian Barbour and Arthur Peacocke, keeping instead to a classic Christian theological formulation (i.e., traditional credal Christian orthodoxy), which is a position closer to John Polkinghorne according to McGrath.


The national Synods at Alençon, 1637; at Charenton, 1645; and at Loudun, 1659 (the last synod permitted by the French government), decided against the excommunication of Amyraut but delimited his views in order to avoid further variance with historic Reformed orthodoxy.


After the Council of Trent many Catholic nations, among which Spain, adopted the Inquisition as a means of controlling religious movements and of the re-conversion to Roman orthodoxy of all the dioceses which they administered.

Biblical Hebrew

Paleo-Hebrew text reads שמעון ("Simeon") on front and לחרות ירושלם ("for the freedom of Jerusalem") on back.

Black Sea Region

Though the overwhelming majority is Turkish, the east of the region is also inhabited by the Laz, a people who speak a Georgian dialect and converted to Islam from Georgian Orthodoxy in the late Ottoman period as well as Muslim Georgians, also the Hemsin, Armenian converts to Islam, and Pontic Greeks, who converted to Islam in 17th century.

Breakheart Reservation

Archaeological evidence shows that hunting, camping, and fishing took place along the Saugus River as far back as the Paleo-Indians and continuing through the Archaic and Woodland periods.

Changzhou School of Thought

However, its proponents were less interested in the Han learning, sticking to the Cheng-Zhu orthodoxy as a reliable way to examination success.

Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos

In Nairobi he created another missionary station, stating "the work (of mission) is progressing, Orthodoxy is expanding."

Constantine Coronini

Born in the Gorodishche village, Solikamsky District, in the Perm Orthodox diocese, John Coronini's son, he also a converted to Catholicism from Orthodoxy.

Criticism of Conservative Judaism

Across the spectrum of Orthodoxy, myriads of people meticulously keep Shabbat (the Sabbath), Kashrut (the Dietary Laws), Taharat ha-mishapahah (the Laws of Family Purity) and pray three times a day.

Dai Xu

He holds the rank of Senior Colonel in the People's Liberation Army Navy, he is a supporter of communist orthodoxy and has expressed strong nationalist sentiments.

Dedic Site

The DEDIC or DEDIC/Sugarloaf Site is a paleo-Indian Clovis-era archaeological site in South Deerfield, Massachusetts.

Eastern Romance substratum

In addition to vocabulary items, some other features of Eastern Romance, such as phonological features and elements of grammar (see Balkan sprachbund) may also be from Paleo-Balkan languages.

Exarchate of the Philippines

There are three major centres of Orthodoxy in the Philippines: Sucat, Parañaque in Metro Manila; around Los Baños; and in Bajada, Cataingan, Masbate.

Francis Turretin

Turretin is especially known as a zealous opponent of the theology of the Academy of Saumur (embodied by Moise Amyraut and called Amyraldianism), as an earnest defender of the Calvinistic orthodoxy represented by the Synod of Dort, and as one of the authors of the Helvetic Consensus, which defended the formulation of double predestination from the Synod of Dort and the verbal inspiration of the Bible.

Frank Osmond Carr

Carr's first produced work (with lyricist Adrian Ross) was the burlesque Faddimir, or the Triumph of Orthodoxy at the Vaudeville Theatre in London in 1889, which gained the attention of producer George Edwardes.

Gabriel Alomar i Villalonga

Alomar's poetry is technically rather conservative in form, but in terms of content it does not fit well with the highly orthodox Catholic beliefs of the other poets associated with the school (Antoni Alcover, Costa i Llobera).

Geoff Eley

Eley is particularly well known for his early study, The Peculiarities of German History (first published in German as Mythen deutscher Geschichtsschreibung in 1984), co-authored with David Blackbourn (a fellow Briton, who now teaches at Vanderbilt University), which challenged the orthodoxy in German social history known as the Sonderweg thesis.

Hebrew alphabet

The original old Hebrew script is known as the paleo-Hebrew script (which has been largely preserved, in an altered form, in the Samaritan script), while the present "square" form of the Hebrew alphabet is a stylized form of the Assyrian script.

Herbert Manzoni

His attitudes became the orthodoxy and directly or indirectly led to the demolition of a number of much loved landmarks, such as the old Birmingham Central Library and the original Bull Ring market hall.

Hijri Dede

The poet, as almost all of the other Gurani, was usually quite secretive about his religious beliefs and practices: when asked by outsiders, he would often claim to be Orthodox Sunni or, sometimes, Twelver Shi'a.

Holy minimalism

Examples include Arvo Pärt (an Estonian Orthodox), John Tavener (a British composer who converted to Russian Orthodoxy), Henryk Górecki (a Polish Catholic), Alan Hovhaness (the earliest mystic minimalist), Sofia Gubaidulina, Giya Kancheli, Hans Otte, Pēteris Vasks and Vladimír Godár.

Jedidiah Morse

In 1805 he established The Panoplist for the purpose of illustrating and defending the commonly received orthodoxy of New England, and continued its sole editor for five years.

Judaism and political radicalism

Many young Jews rejected the Orthodoxy of their parents and turned to the great Jewish secular movements of Zionism, socialism, and Bundism a Jewish labor movement founded in Eastern Europe in the 19th century.


In modern Hebrew, the term Judaization is used to describe the cultural life of baalei teshuvah, or "returnees", and refers to a "process through which secular, non-observant, young (and not so young) Israelis who have grown up in Israel within the majority culture, have become practicing Orthodox Jews and have joined the minority subculture of Orthodoxy".

Julius Joseph Overbeck

He immigrated to England in 1863 to become professor of German at the Royal Military Academy, where he also undertook studies of the Church of England and Orthodoxy.


Czesław Miłosz in his book The Captive Mind makes parallels between Kitman and the act of public hypocrisy (that is, publicly professing orthodoxy, while privately believing heterodoxy with the hope of one day being in a position of authority to spread one's hidden ideas) in the name of individual conscience under the Communist régimes of post-war Europe.

Kunlun Mountains

The mountain range formed at the northern edges of the Cimmerian Plate during its collision, in the Late Triassic, with Siberia, which resulted in the closing of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean.

Latvian Orthodox Church

Orthodoxy was planted in Latvia in the 11th century, when it became a mission field of the diocese of Polotsk.

Ligonier Meeting

Five months before, Metropolitan Spyridon Papageorge of Italy gave a speech at the 32nd Biennial Clergy-Laity Conference of the Greek Archdiocese, in which he plainly stated that both he and the Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew, wanted an end to "ethnic ghettoes" which divided Orthodoxy in America.

Manuel Antonio de Rivas

He deviated from orthodoxy by believing, for instance, that heavenly bodies affected human behavior (denying free will), reading banned books, and criticizing the veneration of saints.

Oriental Orthodoxy

Oriental Orthodoxy is a dominant religion in Armenia (94%), the ethnically Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (95%), and in Ethiopia (43%, the total Christian population being 62%), especially in two regions in Ethiopia: Amhara (82%) and Tigray (96%), as well as the chartered city of Addis Ababa (75%).


The scientists reported that the man, dubbed "Inuk", had A+ blood type, genes suggesting he was adapted to cold weather, had brown eyes, brownish skin, dark hair, and would likely bald later in life.

Paleo-Tethys Ocean

A last remnant of Paleo-Tethys Ocean might be an oceanic crust under the Black Sea.

Providence Hall Classical Christian School

Providence Hall's statement of faith is distinctly Reformed and holds to the Westminster Confession of Faith, but the school's faculty and students represent other traditions within orthodox Christianity as well.

Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite

Another widely cited latest date for Dionysius' writing comes in 532, when, in a report on a colloquy held between two groups (orthodox and monophysite) debating the decrees of the Council of Chalcedon, Severus of Antioch and his monophysite supporters cited the Fourth Letter in defence of their view.

Religious Zionists of America

Most rabbis affiliated with Modern Orthodoxy's Rabbinical Council of America (RCA), who are mostly alumni of Yeshiva University's (YU) Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) are active members and leaders in the RZA so that there is a strong correlation of leadership between YU, the RCA, Mizrachi in general, and the RZA.

Samuel Stanhope Smith

An empiricist in his anthropology and a Lamarckian before Lamarck, he sought to mediate between science and religious orthodoxy.

Stephen Dzubay

He had served as an Eastern Catholic priest in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, prior to his reception into Orthodoxy, and had been a schoolmate of St. Alexis Toth in their native land.

The Tissanayagam Family

Maviddapuram was the seat of Hindu Orthodoxy and its temple perhaps one of the oldest and most revered temples of the peninsula.


Tornquist Sea, a paleo-sea between Baltica and Avalonia during early Paleozoic time

Tubuai Rail

The species was named after David Steadman in recognition of his contributions to Pacific paleo-ornithology and the understanding of the radiation of Gallirallus-like rails.

Walter Cradock

In 1633 William Erbery, Vicar of St.Mary's, Cardiff, Cradock his curate there, and William Wroth, were reported to William Laud, and the Court of High Commission turned them out for unorthodox preaching, and on the technical grounds and acid test of orthodoxy, of refusing to read the Book of Sports.


Yuma point, also called an Eden point, a type of Paleo-Indian stone projectile point, first found in Yuma County, Colorado.

see also