Oxford ran up a high score before overnight storms created a very sticky wicket and the Cambridge team which included Gubby Allen and Claude Ashton were quickly dismissed in two innings.
Claude Monet | Claude Debussy | Ashton Kutcher | Claude Lorrain | Claude François | Jean-Claude Van Damme | Claude Lévi-Strauss | Claude Royet-Journoud | Susan Ashton | Claude Chabrol | Clark Ashton Smith | Ashton Gate | Frederick Ashton | Jean-Claude Carrière | Claude Vivier | Claude Shannon | Claude Berri | Long Ashton | Jean-Claude Colin | Claude Rains | Claude Bowes-Lyon, 13th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne | Christo and Jeanne-Claude | Jean-Claude Gérard | Claude Lelouch | Claude Jade | Claude Garamond | Claude Bolling | Claude Auchinleck | Catherine Ashton | Jean-Claude Duvalier |