
2 unusual facts about Claude Garamond

Joaquín Ibarra

Ibarra's printing used various foundries of his time, highlighting games Gerónimo Gil, the Smelter Rangel (used by the Gazette, and they really are a game of Garamond), types of Lleida Eudald Pradell with casting Madrid, a game of Garamond, and the celebrated and reviled italic cast which composed the Sallust, abierta open by the academic and writer Murcia Espinosa de los Monteros, who owned a foundry in Madrid.


Design of the roman is based on types by Claude Garamond (c.1480–1561), particularly a specimen printed by the Frankfurt printer Konrad Berner.

Greek ligatures

Important models for this early typesetting practice were the designs of Aldus Manutius in Venice, and those of Claude Garamond in Paris, who created the influential Grecs du roi typeface in 1541.

see also