
unusual facts about Claude B. Duval

Claude B. Duval

Duval also had two nephews, his namesake Claude Berwick Duval, II (born 1955), a prominent Houma attorney, and U.S. District Judge Stanwood Richardson Duval, Jr. (born 1942), an appointee of President William Jefferson Blythe "Bill" Clinton, based in New Orleans.

General Duval

Isaac H. Duval, an American general during the American Civil War

Isaac H. Duval

He was a member of the Lopez expedition to Cuba that sought to aid the Cuban national independence movement.

He was a postbellum U.S. Representative from West Virginia in the 41st United States Congress.

Raymond Laborde

Laborde ran with the slate headed by former New Orleans Mayor deLesseps S. Morrison, a ticket which included later state Senator Claude B. Duval of Houma for lieutenant governor and State Representative Jack M. Dyer of Baton Rouge for insurance commissioner.

see also